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US Marines Throw a Puppy Off A Cliff!

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I was saying boo-urns
I recently came across the video of a US Marine throwing a puppy off a cliff. I have so many emotions flowing through me right now so please bear with me as I am sure to rant like normal.


First though let me tell you about my best friend. His name is a Bruno and he is a 5 year-old English Bulldog. Bruno is the most loving and loyal dog I have ever seen, let alone one that spent his time with me. Brave yet calm. He is very intelligent with a deeper vocabulary then most human beings. Never barks unless need and never destroys anything that he understands is not his own. We have two Main Coon cats as well that he gets along with great. He is the ultimate dog, loving yet brave. He is what I would personify a wonderful person. He is and will remain by best friend.

Upon seeing the disgusting actions by 3 US Marines of throwing a puppy, a fucking puppy, off a cliff makes me question just how sane society is. How fucking sick are people? How far have we strayed? Have we evolved at all from apes in the jungle? I just don’t know. Technology is an example of a few people, like the most brilliant man in my view we have ever had in Nikola Tesla. Does that though show progress as a species?

Even as a man who strongly is anti-war in regards to the current military occupation in the Middle East I respect the troops. I respect the concept of loving your country. I breathe the same air as people who support this concept. I know a military and even war are at times a necessary evil in general. I speak out quite loudly about the private military industrial complex that often takes advantage of our military. The primary reasons to the occupational and balkanization of these countries lies in the hands of these companies. My rebel against Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel, Parsons, DynCorp, SAIC, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, and the slew of other contractors I did not mention but am aware of their treachery towards not only the American people, but our own military. The single most degenerative thing we have as a society is the military industrial complex.

How disillusioned are some of the troops though? This isolated incident does not represent the overwhelming majority of soldiers who are not at all like this. Many of them are brave men and women who are nationalistic. I can respect that. Has the continued warfare of many tours caused some soldiers to act in this manner? What are the physical impacts of perpetual warfare? Is this a breeding ground of sociopath and psychopathic behavior?

Let me say this, and be blunt and vulgar doing so. I hope all of those involved meet the same fate as that puppy. To be clear, I hope they die a sad death. People like this have a small degree of separation of serial killers. They are mentally ill people capable of killing innocent human beings. The serve no purpose in our society. On a personal level they are gutless pussies who I think are cowards. Regards if they meet the same fate as I wish on them is that they are cowards. Killing a puppy like that is how Bundy, Gacy, and other murders starter. Like them, these men have no continence for what they do, they are lost souls and have shown a lack of human soul knowing more then this short clip that they are evil people. Many they burn in hell.
I don't disagree...the fucker should get his ass handed to him. I hope this is sent to every major news network on the planet and the asshole gets whats coming.
there is some discussion at MTimes that the sound is dubbed.
that the pup was dead and that some yahoos filmed the sequence and dubbed the noise in to create the illusion.........
i dunno, its sickening to watch either way

but it takes all kinds
i hope the following link is a soothing contrast to the above affront on our very humanity if true
I haven't watched the video. I couldn't bear to. People who purposely hurt animals are twisted, and just as capable, in my eyes, of perpetrating cruelty against humans. I hope this footage has been tampered with, and those Marines were simply disposing of an already dead dog. Otherwise, they're a disgrace to the Marines, and should be turfed out with a dishonourable discharge, or the equivalent thereof.
I have seen videos on youtube of US soldiers opening fire on random cars driving down the road, just unloading clips at civilians who were going about their lives. The soldiers were laughing and having a good time. I just did a youtube search for them but it seems the videos, or most of them, have been removed. Big surprise there.

Aren't you proud to be a human? Aren't we the coolest? Hey, we're neat.
cottonzway said:
How disillusioned are some of the troops though? This isolated incident does not represent the overwhelming majority of soldiers who are not at all like this. Many of them are brave men and women who are nationalistic. I can respect that. Has the continued warfare of many tours caused some soldiers to act in this manner? What are the physical impacts of perpetual warfare? Is this a breeding ground of sociopath and psychopathic behavior?

War has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Head over to one of a million animal welfare sites and read about countless horrible things done to animals - much of it far, far worse than what that soldier did - perpetrated by average people all over the world day in and day out. Animal cruelty has been around as long as man has been here. There are sick, emotionally disturbed individuals in all strata of society.

I'm not defending what that asshole psycho did (if it's true) but I would be willing to bet that plenty of multi-tour soliders in Iraq have saved and helped animals in distress. Except that it's not on video and doesn't fit into the "America = US soldier = evil" paradigm that places like Utube and Digg promulgate.
Damndirtyape is spot on, ask any animal welfare officer in any city in any part of the world..... incidents like that and worse happen all to often.
we had a recent case of a clown at a party toss a live pup into a 44 gallon drum fire in front of stunned onlookers.

the uniforms are incidental , and as the link i posted shows some animals have been treated with tenderness and care by ppl in uniform.

its all relative
That man....I mean monster, is vile. I recently watched the Google video called Earthlings. It has left me so angry to see how some people treat animals. I am so loosing my faith in human kind. :(
Members in the UK (or at least with access to Sky News) may have seen the headline item yesterday about the young woman who was apparently drugged and gang raped with her young children nearby while the gang filmed the incident and later posted it to You Tube.

To be honest, I'm no longer surprised by this sort of thing, partly perhaps because I've worked for some time in a profession which deals frequently with similar incidents. What does surprise me - and to some degree frustrates and saddens in equal measure - is that the public outcry invariably seems to be directed at the delivery mechanism (You Tube, the Internet, etc.) rather than the perpetrators themselves.

Although I have no doubt that web sites or TV shows do tend to encourage some degree of copycat behaviour I also think that these new methods of broadcasting tell us something quite frightening about our society. Without going into detail, my working experience over the past few years now makes me think that enjoyment of another's suffering (man, woman, child, animal) is far more widespread than we ever would have believed previously. Has society changed in that time or are we simply uncovering something that was already there? I don't know, but I've come to appreciate kindness and compassion more in recent times, perhaps because I see it as a rarer commodity than I once did.

Bloody hell, I've depressed myself now!
Not that there was an excuse for that video because even if it was a "joke" is was a poor one, but I have two problems with it as a video. First, the puppy seemed to already be dead. I could be wrong but it certainly was not obviously alive. The yipping sound was pretty obviously one of the soldiers, not the animal. Second, it was obviously posted to rile people up. The description said the video showed the soldier's face (true) and said his name but I didn't hear it. I wonder what the 30 seconds before and after would reveal if seen. It is possible that they were trying to make light of an unpleasant situation. It is possible that they are just dickweeds. We really don't know.

If it offends you (and real or not I certainly hope it does), stop passing it on (doesn't do much good to anyone and will eventually inspire someone to actually do something like that) and do something for the homeless animals in your area. I have two dogs and a cat, all from the "used pet store," as I like to call the pounds. My great Dane was rescued from an abusive owner at 9 months; I got her at about one year and have had her since '99. She is probably the sweetest dog I have ever had and cost me all of $20. Given her rough start, I am frankly surprised she is still with us and walking.
I'm feeling a little better about people today. I have a nice story about a marine who has compassion for a dog that I thought I would share with you.

<a href="http://www.itchmo.com/dog-walks-70-miles-through-desert-to-find-marine-4726">News for cats and dogs - Dog Walks 70 Miles Through Desert To Find Marine</a>
Michael L. said:
Not that there was an excuse for that video because even if it was a "joke" is was a poor one, but I have two problems with it as a video. First, the puppy seemed to already be dead. I could be wrong but it certainly was not obviously alive. The yipping sound was pretty obviously one of the soldiers, not the animal. Second, it was obviously posted to rile people up. The description said the video showed the soldier's face (true) and said his name but I didn't hear it. I wonder what the 30 seconds before and after would reveal if seen. It is possible that they were trying to make light of an unpleasant situation. It is possible that they are just dickweeds. We really don't know.

If it offends you (and real or not I certainly hope it does), stop passing it on (doesn't do much good to anyone and will eventually inspire someone to actually do something like that) and do something for the homeless animals in your area. I have two dogs and a cat, all from the "used pet store," as I like to call the pounds. My great Dane was rescued from an abusive owner at 9 months; I got her at about one year and have had her since '99. She is probably the sweetest dog I have ever had and cost me all of $20. Given her rough start, I am frankly surprised she is still with us and walking.

Grab a puppy by its scruff and it will not move much. Moreover, the yelping sound is not "pretty obviously" the soldier's voice. It doesn't sound anything at all like a person imitating a puppy. It sounds like a yelping puppy and the volume even decreases as the puppy gets farther away.

What the hell is the meaning of this standard you keep using, anyway? "Pretty obviously" this and that. According to whom? Only you.
the person in the video was recognised and is under investigation
he claims the animal was already dead when they found it.

either way his actions are now under scrutiny