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USA Government investigation of UFOlogy

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Paranormal Adept
I just listened to the Paracast from 5/9/10 with Nick Redfern and Jim Moseley discussing Contactees. In the discussion, Nick mentions the FBI files on contactees George Adamski, George Van Tassel, and Frank Stranges. Jim tells of how Charles Samwick joining a civillian saucer group to monitor communist influence. Those stories reminded me about the bits here and there I've read about government investigation and infiltration of the early UFO field. As with much about UFOs, very hard to sort out the speculation, paranoia, exaggeration and fantasy.

I'd like to hear a Paracast delving into the truth of the matter. I'd like to see a roundtable show on Government's investigation of UFOlogists with Redfern and Moseley again, along with Richard Dolan, Jerry Clark and whoever else could shed some light on this.
Don't forget Greg Bishop. He's well versed in the contactees and their stories.

Good idea, but your suggestion makes me think my topic request wasn't clear. Contactees are just a small part of the story. I'm interested in the involvement, investigation and infiltration of the early UFO organizations and investigators by the Government.

It's interesting to me that Major Donald Kehoe and Dr. Leon Davidson, both former Government employees, blamed the USA for concealing UFO information and involvement. It's quite possible that the Government's curiosity about UFO's lead them to take a look at the early Saucer field, and merely by examining it, they left it changed. Sinister or not, I think it went much further than that.