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Video and Zoomed Pic, Orb?

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Paranormal Novice
Hello, new here and looking to see if someone could maybe provide some insight. So I installed some camera's in my house to record may dog while I'm at work, etc. I checked the cameras when I got home last night and I found this "orb" (or whatever it is) in one of my cameras. At first I was thinking maybe it was just a spider web or dust, but it’s floating up and down and out; and I don't run any A/C and all windows are closed so there's really no air circulating. I also checked and no spider webs or anything in that area, and it comes and goes out of the picture over a 20 minute span. Below is link I took of the video I took with my phone. Sorry, it shows ok on phone but came out sideways on computer it looks like, and I used my phone to record the video from my computer screen since I still need to figure out how to convert the video to a non-proprietary format the video recording software is saving it as. Anyway, so below is a zoomed in pic of whatever it is from the video as well, and does not look like a bug either. I just used the software to pause the image towards the end, then zoomed in, and then used the snipping tool from Windows to save the picture below.

Dropbox - 2015-06-19 13.06.02.jpg

Dropbox - 20150620_231844.mp4
Actually, using the Dropbox link and their embedded video played, it looks like the video came out right side up. Playing it via Windows Media Player on the computer turned it side ways. Please ignore the tires and boxes, etc; been cleaning out some rooms and piling stuff up to take to dump, etc :)