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Voices of the Past

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I'd heard about some about these guys, but it was very interesting to hear their personalties through their voices. Quite a treat. The audio quality was surprisingly good, too.
Most of it was digitized from first-generation analog recordings. Bob Zanotti did the heavy lifting, and I did some hiss reduction and a few other tweaks.
Jack told that story a number of times. He was even channeling Long John Nebel in his slow, intense delivery of the story. From talking to Jack a few times about this episode, he seemed convinced that something strange did happen to Brodie. Remember that this is what got Jack interested in pursuing UFO and occult studies. He wasn't a young man then, however, and it's unfortunate Jack is no longer around to share his experiences and his cutting sense of humor.
That was history, you guys were way ahead of your time. It must be a strange feeling looking back on sixty years with very little change. I feel like we're practically discussing the same stuff now. Thanks.
I was reading one of the ebooks that Mr. Beckley put out. He of the "conspiracy journal." :p I noticed he talked about his old friend Gene Steinberg and it made me think. Gene and others have been at this a long time. Kudos for that cause it makes my head hurt sometime and I'm a general browser of this stuff. I bet Gene could write his own book just on these forums alone. Much less the radio and other history of this stuff. :cool:
Thank you for the episode guys. I have Jim's autobiography and am a big fan of his work. Gene you haven't just lived this history, but are "living history" and should share more of these memories with your audience. I also want to mention the follow-up interview with Nancy Talbot and her boy-guru. That was a difficult dance that Gene had to do to get the information he did from an unfriendly source and I thank you for that, as well.
Yes, Gene - I concur about you being living history regarding the UFO topic. I would say that your expertise in the field is in knowing everyone else in the field and their contribution.

I don't think I've heard you every say that you were unaware of 'X' (insert name) and like Jim Moseley, I think you no doubt have a wealth of interesting knowledge about people in the UFO field that may be lost if you don't get it down on paper or over the airwaves. I've read that if you were to write anything else it would be more of 'Attack of the Rockoids' firstly, so may I politely suggest you do just that so you can go on and write your memoirs of the UFO field?

I can pretty much guarantee that every Paracast listener would love to read any such thing you were to write.
Here's hoping, although I realise that as always, it is finding the time for such things.

Anyway, we sure appreciate your long involvement in the field and your breadth of knowledge.
While it's exciting to think sometimes we'll get something of a glimpse at what is behind E.T.'s curtain, I find that these historical episodes provide this excellent context, that somehow has more heft to it than the fleeting glimpses in the here and now of pseudo scienctific speculative Ufology. In listening to the Paracast, over it's lengthy broadcast history, there has been an actual chronicle of who what when & where. The why remains a mystery, as always. Gene's actual involvement with these people for over half a century is what has formed the core of this show & what it does best: we all now know which doors have been tried, opened, which rooms are empty & which remain shut.

The enduring constant seems to be imagination fueled by the desire to know the unknowable. All these past fumblings seem to me to be quite similar to current fumblings & speculations. Maybe all there ever will be is the dialogue, the disembodied radio voices late at night? These in turn fuel my imagination & keeps great company as I walk the dog past the neighborhood haunted house in the middle of the night, the cold comfort of warm words. That which you are seeking is causing you to seek, my Buddhist guru reminds me.

Thanks for all of that.
@Burnt State - Well said, good post mate. I happen to believe in the idea that we are slowly being acclimatised to the reality of other intelligent life in the universe and some of that life visiting this planet.
IF ufo's are a reality (as in non-human made flying craft) then this slow acclimatisation answers many nagging questions that exist in the field of ufology. If I were in the position I believe some governments were in some decades ago, namely that they had to decide what to tell the public about 'flying saucers', I think I may have opted for not telling the public overnight - certainly not at the height of the cold-war. However, I would have kept the momentum up and probably have disclosed by now. I see no real benefit in dragging out such a process for too long as any gains made will be lost by losing the momentum IMO.
I think you no doubt have a wealth of interesting knowledge about people in the UFO field that may be lost if you don't get it down on paper or over the airwaves. I've read that if you were to write anything else it would be more of 'Attack of the Rockoids' firstly, so may I politely suggest you do just that so you can go on and write your memoirs of the UFO field?

I can pretty much guarantee that every Paracast listener would love to read any such thing you were to write.
Here's hoping, although I realise that as always, it is finding the time for such things.

Anyway, we sure appreciate your long involvement in the field and your breadth of knowledge.

I really appreciate the radio history that we are getting in this field as it is often thorough, & every now & then we get some classic, eclectic personalities who are easily the Mystic Barber's equal, if not further out in orbit. We also get the best of contemporary commentary which leaves the listener wanting at least another hour with some guests.

But I also would love to read a history that is more of an interwoven narrative that could connect all these constellations of UFO historical events & personalities that are being mapped out in places like the Paracast & the Clark Encyclopedias. Gene is certainly poised well to write such a (his)story.

P.S. Including some radio/podcast transcripts at various points might be a great way to speed up the completion of such a work. Just a thought.