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Walter Starke, Aug 9...

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Really!? I perused his website and I can't even imagine how two hours will be enough to flesh out "the answer to everything" (my candidate for the single most pompous tagline in the history of branding). I'm no psychic but this one smells like it's either going to be a complete bloodbath or a walk down Gibberish Lane.
Actually. the Starke interview is not really like anything else we've done in recent memory. We decided to just have a nice chat with a pleasant, interesting man. I'm sure I'll take some heat for not being hard on him, but it's summer, and I'm feeling mellow. :-)

Recently I made a post in the thread about Nancy Talbot,

About how I felt less than satisfied with her objectivity, in this case due to what she had to say about the young man in Holland she is connected with.
One of our forum members, ufojoe I think then quite rightly suggested that I take the time to study her research further with an open mind, Thanks Joe.

I have been doing just that and consequently I still have serious reservations with regard to some of BLT's findings, specifically the apical node elongation thing that is often brought up. I might post what I have found but that's a whole other story.

What I wanted to say here is much like what joe had to say to me. Prompted by
Wickermans, post above. I think we should at least listen to what Walter Starcke has to say before judging him on the look of his website. I have been looking in there for the last few days and in my opinion he makes a lot of sense. Just saying :).

Actually. the Starke interview is not really like anything else we've done in recent memory. We decided to just have a nice chat with a pleasant, interesting man. I'm sure I'll take some heat for not being hard on him, but it's summer, and I'm feeling mellow. :-)


DB getting mellow?

What's next? The Jimmy Buffet live episode of the paracast? (please don't ever play any Jimmy Buffet or I'll be forced to fall asleep on the spot!)

I think we should at least listen to what Walter Starcke has to say before judging him on the look of his website. I have been looking in there for the last few days and in my opinion he makes a lot of sense. Just saying :).


My reaction was certainly not based on the "look" of his website. It's based on the content. Presumably, most websites are designed to be a "best foot forward" marketing and information tool. It is a very good insight into what the author purports to represent. And Mr. Starcke, based on his website, presents a very strange, new agey, pseudo-enlightened view of the world. No doubt he's interesting and I'm always up for hearing an interesting storyteller spin his yarns or a "philosopher" wax eloquent on life. But I also like to learn something. In this case, I will expect the worst and hope for the best. And I do that not just because I'm rash, which I can be, but because I read HIS website. Hoisting on own petards and all that.