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@ Ward

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Paranormal Adept
Dude. At the end of one of Don's shows you said in the phone-in a list, a top five paranormal book list. Can you give that info up again. I am really interested. I just got operation Trojan Horse from the library (Mothman prophecies was the only other Keel I read, and loved).
no problem nameless, i did say a top five list once on Dons show
the top five i mentioned at the time just in case you did want to know them, in no particular order

John A. Keel The Mothman Prophecies

Colm Kelleher & George Knapp Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah

Barry Taff Aliens Above, Ghosts Below: Explorations of the Unkown

Nick Cook The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology

Jacques Vallee Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults
WARNING: Wall-o-Text to follow.

Here are some notes I took on Messengers of Deception. These are all direct quotes from the book unless otherwise indicated by brackets.

Notes on the book:
Vallee, Jacques. Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults. Berkeley, CA: And/Or, 1979. Print.

Prologue, pg.11
[French Air Force Intelligence Officer] …if we let people believe that those things are out there, and we have no explanation for them, the whole structure is in trouble. People will transfer their fear and their trust to a different place.

Prologue, pg. 19
I think that UFOs represent an objective reality that we can study only by revolutionizing existing disciplines. Confronting the irrational means promoting pioneer research in physics and biology. We also need to begin a kind of research that will take UFO data as empirical observations and try to use them to initiate an interaction with the phenomenon itself. And we should do this now before the new myth is created, before the myth of extraterrestrial revelation replaces belief in the rational acquisition of knowledge.

Prologue, p.21
Let me summarize my conclusions thus far. UFOs are real. They are an application of psychotronic
technology; that is, they are physical devices used to affect human consciousness. They may not be from
outer space ;they may, in fact, be terrestrial-based manipulating devices. Their purpose may be to achieve
social changes on this planet. Their methods are those of deception: systematic manipulation of witnesses
and contactees; covert use of various sects and cults; control of the channels through which the alleged
“space messages” can make an impact on the public.

Chap. 1: The case against spacecraft, pg. 46
... demonstrates that the “abduction” experience is a constant that hypnosis can trigger in almost everybody. This demonstration that contactee experiences can be induced comes from a professor of English at California State University in Long Beach, Al Lawson. … eight subjects finally selected were hypnotized by a clinical hypnotist, Dr. William C. McCall. ...The results of the experiments were shattering. …”All of the imaginary subjects described many details which are identical to ones found in the literature. These patterns range from the obvious (saucer shaped) to rare and even obscure though well-established details of high strangeness. (See Lawson, “What can we learn from hypnosis of imaginary abductees’?”)

Chap. 1: The case against spacecraft, pg. 46
The link between the images of the UFO world and those of human folklore resides in the psyche. The “technology” of the UFOs is not designed to carry little men from on physical planet to another. It is designed, much more simply, to trigger the already existing imagery we are all carrying in our brains. It is the imagery of the Magonia, of intelligent beams of light, of dialogues with strange creatures.

Chap. 2: The Bandwagon, pg. 52
The controversy is more lively than ever as increasing numbers for young scientists of the “UFO generation” wonder about the reality of UFOs and eagerly look for an answer.
I have long pondered that same question. The answer I have formed is a disturbing one. It can be expressed very simply: it doesn’t matter any more whether flying saucers are real or not. It still matters to me, of course, as an individual scientist. … I am speaking of their social impact.

Chap. 3: The Deception, [first mention of Major Murphy] pg. 66 - 69
[This section was quoted in length in Hunting the Skinwalker. Who is Major Murphy?]
I replied with something to the effect that problem was only scientific in the way it was approached, but he would have none of that, and he began lecturing me. First, he said, science had certain rules. For example, it has to assume that the phenomenon it is observing is natural in origin rather than artificial and possibly biased. Now, the UFO phenomenon could be controlled by alien beings, “If it is, “ add the Major, “then the study of it doesn’t belong in science. It belongs in Intelligence. “Meaning counterespionage. That, he pointed out, was his domain.

p. 102
..the way to a man’s belief is through confusion and absurdity.
The absurdity of many UFO stories and of many religious visions is not a superficial logical mistake. It may be the key to their function. According to Major Murphy, the confusion in the UFO mystery may have been put there deliberately to achieve certain results. One of these results has been to keep scientists away. The other is to create the conditions for a new form of social control, a change in Man’s perception of his place in the universe.

p. 103
A catalogue of contactee themes, compiled from interviews I have conducted, includes the following.
Intellectual abdication. The widespread belief that human beings are incapable of solving their own problems, and that extraterrestrial intervention is imperative to save us “in spite of ourselves.” The danger in such a philosophy is that it makes its believers dependant on outside forces and decoupage's personal responsibility: why should we worry about the problems around us, if the Gods from Outer Space are about to solve them?
Racist philosophy. The pernicious suggestion that some of us on the Earth are of extraterrestrial descent and therefore constitute a “higher race.” The dangers inherent in this belief should be obvious to anybody who hasn’t forgotten the genocides of World War II, executed on he premise that some races were somehow “purer” or better than others. (Let us not in passing that Adamski’s Venusian, the Stranger of the Canigou seen by Bordas, and many other alleged extraterrestrials were all tall Aryan types with long blond hair.)
Technical Impotence. The statement that the birth of civilization on this planet resulted not from the genius and ability of mankind, but from repeated assistance by higher beings. Archaeologists and anthropologists are constantly aware of the marvelous skill with which the “Ancient Engineers” (to use L. Sprague de Camp’s phrase) developed the tools of civilization on all continents. No appeal to superior posers is necessary to explain the achievements of early culture. The belief expressed by the contactees reveals a tragic lack of trust on their part in human ability.
Social utopia. Fantastic economic theories, including the belief that a “world economy” can be created overnight, and that democracy should be abolished in favor of utopian systems, usually dictatorial in their outlook.

Here is another organization which attempts to “program”us.
The small group appears to provide the inspiration for the SCCF and for the French contactees. Are the also behind some UFO incidents? Or are they simply another element of confusion?

p. 145
We should look for an answer in the direction the phenomenon itself indicates: it has human elements; yet is alien to us. It is physical in appearance; yet it also behaves like a projection from the unconscious. I suggest that it represents a technology, like the television set, that manipulates the perceptions of the human mind. ...Whatever the technology, it is the effect that is interesting. The new man Vorilhon, like other contactees, is out to change the world.

The Manipulators... I have given this name to the agents who cause the UFO contacts and engineer their effects. Everything no centers on their role, their identity, their designs. Who could they be? Alien beings coming from the end of of the galaxy? Psychic entities from the “other side”? Automata controlled by some nonhuman consciousness? Holographic nightmares? But under out nose: could they imply be human? Could they be masters of deception so skillful that they can counterfeit an invasion from space?

p. 147
…”General James Doolittle was sent to Sweden by the United States in 1946, apparently under cover of the Shell Corporation. In fact, he was to investigate the ‘ghost rockets’ with the Swedish authorities. Whatever came of that?”...
...This was a year before Kenneth Arnold, mind you, several years before the creation of Project Bluebook. …”One area where you must realize a lot of research had already been done in great secrecy by 1946 concerned mind control and the effects of electromagnetic radiation (what we now call ELF, or Extremely Low Frequency) on the human body.”

I don’t think we should expect salvation from the sky.
I believe there is a very real UFO problem. I have also come to believe that it is being manipulated for political ends. And the data suggest that the manipulators may be human beings with a plan for social control. Such plans have been made before, and have succeeded. History shows that having a cosmic mythology as part of such a plan is not always necessary. But it certainly helps.

p. 188
What we do know at this point seems shattering enough in is awful simplicity; the unpredictable UFO phenomenon and its more disgusting extensions at ground level are sending some definit messages, and a lot of people have been listening.
The truth about the manipulation of the UFO phenomenon may turn out to be that it has been a grotesque hoax, perpetrated on thousands of unsuspecting witnesses, in order to use the minds and emotions of the contactees as a means for influencing social beliefs and behavior. If so, who has decided in what direction this behavior should be bent?

p. 195 What else could they be?
If they are not spacecraft, what else could UFOs be? What explanation can account for the physical effects, for the impact on society, and for the surprisingly “human” element of much of their behavior? How can we explain that the phenomenon makes itself obvious to rural populations but avoids overt contact, choosing instead to deliver is message in a series of high strangeness incidents, such as the Cuban and Iranian aerial chases quoted at the beginning of Chapter 10?
The theory that suggests itself ...Rather than a form of transportation invented by the denizens of some far-away world, the UFOs could be stratagem devised by a human group to promote its own goals.
Wall-o-Text part II.

p. 196 First Hypothesis: The Martian Conspiracy
The code name “Martians” …used by British Intelligence during WWII ...referred to the spy industry that had been created to keep the Allied command informed on the moves and intentions of the Wehrmacht.
...documented ...in Anthony Browns’ book, A Bodyguard of Lies. ...a remark made by Churchill at the Teheran Conference to Roosevelt and Stalin: “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”

p. 197
The work of he “Martians’ and their colleagues during the war included the manipulation of friend and foe alike to further the goals of global strategy. They were not concerned with the day-to-day operation of the war. Their only purpose was strategic deception.

p. 198
Inflatable rubber tanks, tracks left in the desert sand, simulation of the sounds of an entire armada maneuvering in dense fog, electronic countermeasures that enabled a single cargo plane to appear to be an attacking bomber fleet, …

p. 199
The fragments in question provided the first proof of the existence of a new German secret weapon, the V2. What other weapons were at the prototype stage in the German arsenal? Could some of these have been used later, in Sweden and elsewhere, to support an even more ambitious stratagem: the simulation of an outer-space invasion, the goal of which might have been to prevent a third World War by turning the thoughts of mankind toward an extraterrestrial goal, lending credibility to the notion of an impending invasion from space? [Note: This was the plot of the original Outer Limits episode Architects of Fear starring Robert Culp as an alien/human hybrid] [Could one of those prototypes been the Bell?
...A writer named Bernard Newman actually described such a scenario in his 1948 novel The Flying Saucer. ...The same idea comes up in Leonard Lewin’s Report from Iron Mountain, an ingenious hoax purporting to be a secret report on the possibility and desirability of peace, in which “an established and recognized extraterrestrial menace” is listed among the possible “substitute institutions for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war.”

Could someone be faking an extraterrestrial threat? The idea seems preposterous indeed. Is it less believable than the idea General George Patton commanding an imaginary Army Corps armed with inflatable tanks and cardboard barracks? … If Britain, the Unit edes , and the Soviet Union could jointly plan and carry them out such worldwide deception in the early forties, could not the same mechanisms be at work now? Only a fraction of the deception techniques has been revealed. The institutions created to carry them out are still in existence with their privileged communications channels, their hidden sources of procurement and capital, their recruiting procedures.The answer to the question, “Could such an international group fake,
use, or manipulate UFO activity?” has to be YES.

p.204 2nd Hypothesis: The Esoteric Intervention
[The overlapping of Occult or Paranormal Phenomena with UFOs and Occult or Esoteric groups pursuing research such as in Nazi Occult research.]

The basis for all “esoteric” teachings is that ordinary reality is an illusion. [See Lynn Thorndike, History of Magic and Experimental Science.]

Such a group could operate internationally, independently of local governments. It could enlist the resources of leading corporations. It could try to manipulate public opinion for its own ends. It could not control science m but it could certainly influence it. And it could produce many o the effects UFOs seems capable of manifesting. The persons controlling such a “psychotronic” technology might even have already achieved contact with other forms of consciousness, and might know the real nature of UFOs, or they might try to convince others that they do.

Control-System Hypothesis - [entire section]
We have now introduced two new elements into the study of the UFO phenomenon. The first element concerns political exploitation: we suspect strongly that one or several groups, of unknown political belief, are no influencing the “contactees” and the civilian research organizations for their own ends. The second element deals with manipulation of the phenomenon itself by fabrication of UFO reports and of related stories, including such terrorist elements as livestock mutilations.
Should we be surprised to find these result? I don’t think so. Human beings and their organization use whatever they find in their environment to further their own designs, and we can see from historical analogies that sch deliberate efforts have often been hidden behind irrational trapping. Discontinuity is the rule in times of stressful change. The UFO phenomenon is a precursor of a major discontinuity.
Discussing the two hypotheses I presented above, I have shown that neither of them fully accounted for the facts. I still feel that the UFO phenomenon represents a manifestation of a reality that transcends our current understanding of physics. It is not the phenomenon itself, but the belief it has created, which is manipulated by human groups with their own objectives. I continue to be impressed by one fact I mentioned in my earlier book Passport to Magonia: such sightings have been made in earlier times; similar effects have been described; even the UFO “occupants” appear identical to the denizens of medieval Magnoia. This suggests a reality of mind, beyond whatever technology is activating UFO energy. I continue to regard this phenomenon as a manifestation of a reality that is larger and more complex that a simple visit by interplanetary travelers: the reality of Magona.
I believe there is a system around us that transcends time ans it transcends space. I remain confident that human knowledge is capable of understanding this larger reality. I suspect that some humans have already understood it, an are showing their hand in several aspects of the UFO encounters. The system I am speaking of may well be able to locate itself in outer space, ans some of my readers well be quick in pointing out. Indeed it may, but is manifestations are not spacecraft in the ordinary “nuts and bolts” sense. The UFOs are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see in effect here is not an alien invasion. It is a control system which acts on humans and uses human However, we still need to discover the source of this manifestation. An episode that occurred while I was writing this book opened my eyes to some new possibilities about this source.

p. 217 The Six Social Consequences [The details of each consequence can be found in the book]
It remains for us to summarize the social effects that the belief in UFOs is likely to create-whether such physical objects exist or not. We have seen six major effects throughout this investigation. …
1. The belief in UFOs widens the gap between the public and scientific institutions.
2. The contactee propaganda undermines the image of human beings as masters of their own destiny.
3. Increased attention given to UFO activity promotes the concept of political unification of the planet.
4. Contactee organizations may become the basis of a new “high demand” religion.
5. Irrational motivations based on faith are spreading hand in hand with belief in extraterrestrial intervention.
6. Contactee philosophies often include belief in higher races and in totalitarian systems that would eliminate democracy.

I'm guilty as charged. I think the Messengers of Deception gets misrepresented by a lot of folks or they got something totally different from it than I did. I took those notes the last time I read the book to serve as my poor man's Cliff's notes version. I think Vallee is clearly saying that humans are the Messengers of Deception and not the UFO phenomenon itself.

Also, I have to say all the typos are mine and not from the book of course.
No problem with the spelling issues. But use your browser's spell check, if your browser has that feature. Thanks.

I dumped this straight out of a file I created some time ago and didn't really want to spend anytime proof reading or correcting it. The mistakes are more along the lines of garbled sentences. You get what you pay for in this instance.

Pearls before swine! I wander through a desert of insufferable ingratitude and indifference.

Oh wait, you were calling Angel a super-nerd! I am wandering for obvious reasons it would seem.

More plausible most of the UFO sighting are top secret man made technology than any so called ET ?

I think Vallee is saying that some group of humans apparently not known to the world governments or the military may be using "...an application of psychotronic
technology; that is, they are physical devices used to affect human consciousness." toward their own political ends.
I don't know about the history of it. I mean there are reports and sightings of u.f.o's way before there was an established "military." At least before the modern one. At least before the American one. But, whatever the genesis of the phenomenon(and I doubt it's any one thing) I do think it's possible that dark secret and black projects are being executed by people and organizations of earthly origins. OMG, don't lump me in with the Alex Jones conspiracy crowd over that last statement.