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Watch Out! Ronnie Milione=Fraud

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Skilled Investigator
I did a search for Ronnie Milone's name in the "search forum" option and didn't find anything. So I decided to post this bit of information that erks me.
It seems that Ronnie has been up to no good like [CHRIS FORUM EDIT—no name calling, please (?)] Bill Knell. Caught by Philip Mantle with help from Frank Warren. This isn't to recent but the word should still be spread....

Faking lab reports is a big no no.

A Simple Back Story
Mr. Mantle while on a visit to a UFO crash site in New Mexico, found several rock anomalies he wanted tested. He later mentioned the rocks to Ronnie in an email. Ronnie told Mr. Mantle that he had a colleague at the Brookhaven National Laboratory who could take a look at them. The rocks where sent to Milione and just a few weeks later the lab reports came back with a confirmation of a Ufo Crash. Mantle published this shocking report to the national news media in the UK which of course spread around the world.....

But Then,
Mantle finds out from Frank Warren that the doctor who allegedly did the tests is denying all he ever took part in it.

To read more go to:

Anomalies in the New Mexico Desert_update


Oh, almost forgot this funny (or is it sad?) bit of info. In an interview with Angelia Joiner, Bill Birnes even condemned the man. Angelia reads a question from the live chat room they're conducting the interview in about Ronnie on UFO Hunters. Bill says, Ronnie was fired in the first season for tamperying with the shows investigations and later goes on a funny Bill rant about the guys false statements on facebook, education background, etc.

The interview was on Paranormal Radio Network:
p.s Birnes behaves himself in this interview.

UFO Paranormal radio network: The Joiner Report Guest UFO Mag UFO Hunters Bill Birlnes
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I caught this clown plagiarizing my Master’s Thesis on UAV communications on a defense think tank website. All I asked from him was acknowledgement and an apology. Thus far, he has failed to live up to his theft but the defense think tank site took down the article and stripped his contributor status.

He definitely has a pattern of indiscretion and should not be trusted.
Back to the future, I just got a phone call from someone with the Ronald Milione Caller ID with threats of legal action and so forth and so on due to some issue involving Bill Birnes.. I told him to put his requests in writing, and blocked his number from my phone system. It's a wacky world out there.
Back to the future, I just got a phone call from someone with the Ronald Milione Caller ID with threats of legal action and so forth and so on due to some issue involving Bill Birnes.. I told him to put his requests in writing, and blocked his number from my phone system. It's a wacky world out there.


Good move Gene, like the style :)
If he calls back give him my number. I'm still trying to get the copies of my thesis he plagiarized off the internet.

Other defense blogs accepted the original 3 part article series on the vulnerability of UAV's to electronic attack that this clown posted as his own on a reputable think tank as his own work. It spread out from there with this piece on dung receiving credit for my hundreds of hours of research and writing.

He wasn't even a good plagiarist. He essentially changed nothing but the format and put his name on MY work.


If he calls back give him my number. I'm still trying to get the copies of my thesis he plagiarized off the internet.

Other defense blogs accepted the original 3 part article series on the vulnerability of UAV's to electronic attack that this clown posted as his own on a reputable think tank as his own work. It spread out from there with this piece on dung receiving credit for my hundreds of hours of research and writing.

He wasn't even a good plagiarist. He essentially changed nothing but the format and put his name on MY work.

son of a bitch! that makes my blood boil.

Plagiarism really pisses me off coming from an academic back ground myself.
In case anyone cares, Milione called me for the second (or was it third?) time tonight. The connection was bad, typical of a Skype hookup with a bad mic, and thus I had difficulty understanding him, though the voice was clearly threatening.

Fortunately my phone provider (VoIP Services by VOIPo if you care) has a feature where you can block the last caller by dialing *27 on the phone keypad.

One hopes I don't hear from him again. I have my own problems to deal with.
I caught this clown plagiarizing my Master’s Thesis on UAV communications on a defense think tank website. All I asked from him was acknowledgement and an apology. Thus far, he has failed to live up to his theft but the defense think tank site took down the article and stripped his contributor status. He definitely has a pattern of indiscretion and should not be trusted.
Um, you caught him plagiarizing what? Is there a link to your thesis? Sounds interesting… What is he doing lurking around a "defense think tank website?"
He claims to be a UAV expert as his 9 - 5 job.

I think I've successfully had it pulled from the internet for now but it shows up again every couple of months. The original "article" was posted it on igda.org (Institute for Defense and Government Agency) but the group responsibly removed the content as soon as I proved it was plagiarism. I took screen shots before it was removed and created a Facebook page with the proof before the content was deleted.

Here is a link to the Facebook page with the proof of his act. Ron Milione is a Plagiarist | Facebook

Here is a link to my Master's thesis, feel free to read both and come to your own conclusion. http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/uas-vuln.pdf

I'd say 10% of his "article" is not my own work, 90% represent a year of research and writing on my part. All I've asked is for an apology and acknowledgement of the plagiarism. If he does that I'll turn the Facebook off as long as he keeps his nose clean.

Hope that's proof enough for you all.
Um, you caught him plagiarizing what? Is there a link to your thesis? Sounds interesting… What is he doing lurking around a "defense think tank website?"

Most links to his act have been disabled but they come back every 4-6 months. I regularly do Google searches and contact hosting websites when I find it posted.
I took screen shots before it was removed and created a Facebook page with the proof before the content was deleted.

That's cool. The best way to reduce this type of thievery is to document it for future reference, and expose the perpetrator. Reputation matters. Social ostracism can be a powerful tool for good. It's work, but helps everyone in the long run.