Michael Allen
Paranormal Adept
"[satire]<this whole article>[/satire]...."
--Anonymous Anomalous Tag
“I will always praise my maker
I will always return to my taker
I will never be a faker
I will never be a forsaker. . .”
- KMFDM, “Witness”
[a shameless cross posted article from another forum--of which I am a member and the original author -- since I am always delighted to see people tearing my stuff apart...I figured this would be less shameless than posting a link and comment]
You are about to hear a rather unpopular claim that is nevertheless based on cold hard fact: we are alone in a universe of cold dead rocks devoid of any intelligent life. And while a proof will most certainly be demanded herein, I implore the reader to suspend their reflexive judgment for a short time and review the facts of this issue without bias. The universe, while certainly devoid of intelligent life, is by no means devoid of life. But behind this inquiry and critique of "life" is an assumptive definition, a lingual formula, if you will, that determines qualitatively the direction and magnitude of this discourse. "Life" itself is a delusion; therefore the notion of "intelligent life" falters under the "intelligent" examination of this author. So in order to proceed in dispelling the idea of extra-terrestrial intelligence, we must first examine perceived terrestrial sources--i.e. the same sources that make absurd claims concerning life and intelligences on planets other than our own.
The notion of intelligent life-forms in the universe is not new. Such ideas date back to the earliest canonical scriptures (presumably "revealed") of human beings on this planet. Biblical sources cite heavenly visitors (intelligences) called "angels" descending from on high, intervening in human affairs, interbreeding with humanity, and slaughtering armies, and revealing their might to those privileged enough to carry out their mandates. Examples are numerous:
From Ezekiel and Genesis, we read
[T]he heavens were opened and I saw visions of God...a great cloud and a fire infolding itself and a brightness was about it...The appearance of the wheels and their work was like onto the color of beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel...And as for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes...And when they went, I heard the noise...like the noise of great [thunderous, torrential] waters...
(Ch. 1)
"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God [angels] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . .There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men [had sexual relations with them], that they bare CHILDREN to them, the same became MIGHTY MEN which were of old, men of renown" (Genesis.6:1-4).
So extra-terrestrial or "heavenly" intelligence exist in many of the oldest relics of recorded human discourse, showing that the modern belief in ETVs and ETBEs are merely an insidious re-fabrication of ancient superstitions. The early human ancestors held a very naive world-view--but it is more precise to say they had no world-view at all. Only a rational organism-mechanism can be capable of formulating a "world view" by virtue of their ability to conceive of the world as separate from themselves.
Animals and barbarian life forms (like the early humans) did not have this conception; they had a naive view of the interconnectedness of their own being dissolved in a world populated by spirits, angels, daemons, sprites and jinn. They believed that the world was alive, and that they were a part of the world. This pan-animism-spiritism--i.e. the universe was not only full of intelligent life, but was itself Intelligence. Later, in the 19th and 20th century, scientists discovered intelligence in the mechanical processes of nature, the movement of atoms and molecules, and electrochemical impulses--and realized that all processes in the world could be broken down into a collection of inanimate elements. It is the view of this author that UFO and the associated ETIs are not unique to the 20th century, but are a continuation of a long standing rebellion of barbarism--retreating from established science back into the world of flight and fancy--or a return to the Eden of oceanic life where a human being could live in a harmonious union with the world around. This unity of the human "spririt" with that of nature was laid the foundations of a disastrous movement in America comprised of many who believed that all human beings were supposed to be treated according to the laws of universality; that human beings were sacred; and that the world and its environment was a sacred place set aside for their existence--of course all negated by a proper understanding of chemistry and physics which by the 1900s was well understood to be the mechanism behind all of the chimeras and daemons of the mind.
Science also removed the "sacred aura" from nature, whereby it was found that the Earth wasn't sacred, nor were the individuals that lived therein. In fact, the industrial revolution showed the triumph of both man over machine and machine over man. So much so a man, his family, his possessions and his thoughts could be manufactured like papers, cars, trains and soda bottles. This was clearly humanity's victory over the barbarism of the ancients--i.e. to master the elements of his own being, and his being in the world just enough to allow make himself eventually irrelevant. Great actors of 20th century proved that humans were no more special than the materials processes that allowed them to exist, with a Marxist footing, they launched a campaign of unprecedented war and destruction to illustrate the triumph of man's technology over himself.
No nation involved in WWI and WWII was clean of the Marxist belief that the fundamentals of human interaction and life was rooted in blind material processes--others tried to deny this by creating semi-oceanic and superstitious pan-animistic ideals of "liberty," "freedom," and such, not realizing that the ultimate aims and goals of any living organism was simply a delusion brought about by blind mechanical forces. That the forces behind the ideals of "liberty," "freedom," and "conscience," could be boiled down to fluctuating nerves, electrochemical contractions and pulses and chemical reactions in a rubbery test tube.
As such, the autonomic re-structuring of this discourse is effected by the mindless motions of a universe of particles that are indeed devoid of life. Hydrogen, an element that comprises over 99.99..% of the matter in the universe, is not a "living" organism. Hydrogen does not "survive" in a universe of things; it merely exists as a cold lifeless entity, without thought or consciousness. By this fact alone, we can—prima facie—prove that the universe is 99.99..% devoid of life, if life itself even exists—but "life" itself as we know it is a delusion created by our "phenomenal self model" (Thomas Metzinger), a type of permanence stamped on a machine that constantly changes. If you ask anyone the question, "who are you," they will spit out a sonic fingerprint (which is not even unique). Upon further (and rather excessive) questioning they will tell you the task they are most suited to perform, their "interests" and "pastimes," and perhaps even reluctantly give you a chronology of trivial events from the time they came into existence. But a questioning of external events with relation to this or that "individual" renders only a quantitative perspective of their "self" the "who" that is the subject. Qualitatively the person that is interrogated with respect to their own "self being" will answer nothing concerning their "self" but what their own "self does" or "likes" and "feels" about other externals—and they might even report their entire tedious history of "does," "dids," "likes" and "dislikes," etc. So when a "self" reports concerning its being in the world, it merely reports its own interactions with other beings, so the interrogation of the "self" does not result in the unveiling of the self, but in a muddy description of a lifeless universe of things.
The "self" as such does not exist but as Thomas Metzinger remarks, is merely a "transient computational module" designed to regulate "its" interaction with the environment. This modules does not exist as a concrete “entity,” but as a dynamic self-reflexive process—and I would add that this indeed is a mechanical process. Processes do not possess “intelligence,” and this implies that the self, in its transient reflexivity, has no intelligence. Therefore the Universe has no intelligence, ergo there is no intelligent life in the known universe. And this is the triumph of humanity that should stand as a monument to our success as a species, i.e. that we have taken great strides in our ability to master the mysteries of the universe and reduce them to logical and physical components, and have allowed this mastery to direct our future to a more efficient lifestyle free of worry, concern or delusions concerning the unknown.
--Anonymous Anomalous Tag
“I will always praise my maker
I will always return to my taker
I will never be a faker
I will never be a forsaker. . .”
- KMFDM, “Witness”
[a shameless cross posted article from another forum--of which I am a member and the original author -- since I am always delighted to see people tearing my stuff apart...I figured this would be less shameless than posting a link and comment]
You are about to hear a rather unpopular claim that is nevertheless based on cold hard fact: we are alone in a universe of cold dead rocks devoid of any intelligent life. And while a proof will most certainly be demanded herein, I implore the reader to suspend their reflexive judgment for a short time and review the facts of this issue without bias. The universe, while certainly devoid of intelligent life, is by no means devoid of life. But behind this inquiry and critique of "life" is an assumptive definition, a lingual formula, if you will, that determines qualitatively the direction and magnitude of this discourse. "Life" itself is a delusion; therefore the notion of "intelligent life" falters under the "intelligent" examination of this author. So in order to proceed in dispelling the idea of extra-terrestrial intelligence, we must first examine perceived terrestrial sources--i.e. the same sources that make absurd claims concerning life and intelligences on planets other than our own.
The notion of intelligent life-forms in the universe is not new. Such ideas date back to the earliest canonical scriptures (presumably "revealed") of human beings on this planet. Biblical sources cite heavenly visitors (intelligences) called "angels" descending from on high, intervening in human affairs, interbreeding with humanity, and slaughtering armies, and revealing their might to those privileged enough to carry out their mandates. Examples are numerous:
From Ezekiel and Genesis, we read
[T]he heavens were opened and I saw visions of God...a great cloud and a fire infolding itself and a brightness was about it...The appearance of the wheels and their work was like onto the color of beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel...And as for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes...And when they went, I heard the noise...like the noise of great [thunderous, torrential] waters...
(Ch. 1)
"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God [angels] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . .There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men [had sexual relations with them], that they bare CHILDREN to them, the same became MIGHTY MEN which were of old, men of renown" (Genesis.6:1-4).
So extra-terrestrial or "heavenly" intelligence exist in many of the oldest relics of recorded human discourse, showing that the modern belief in ETVs and ETBEs are merely an insidious re-fabrication of ancient superstitions. The early human ancestors held a very naive world-view--but it is more precise to say they had no world-view at all. Only a rational organism-mechanism can be capable of formulating a "world view" by virtue of their ability to conceive of the world as separate from themselves.
Animals and barbarian life forms (like the early humans) did not have this conception; they had a naive view of the interconnectedness of their own being dissolved in a world populated by spirits, angels, daemons, sprites and jinn. They believed that the world was alive, and that they were a part of the world. This pan-animism-spiritism--i.e. the universe was not only full of intelligent life, but was itself Intelligence. Later, in the 19th and 20th century, scientists discovered intelligence in the mechanical processes of nature, the movement of atoms and molecules, and electrochemical impulses--and realized that all processes in the world could be broken down into a collection of inanimate elements. It is the view of this author that UFO and the associated ETIs are not unique to the 20th century, but are a continuation of a long standing rebellion of barbarism--retreating from established science back into the world of flight and fancy--or a return to the Eden of oceanic life where a human being could live in a harmonious union with the world around. This unity of the human "spririt" with that of nature was laid the foundations of a disastrous movement in America comprised of many who believed that all human beings were supposed to be treated according to the laws of universality; that human beings were sacred; and that the world and its environment was a sacred place set aside for their existence--of course all negated by a proper understanding of chemistry and physics which by the 1900s was well understood to be the mechanism behind all of the chimeras and daemons of the mind.
Science also removed the "sacred aura" from nature, whereby it was found that the Earth wasn't sacred, nor were the individuals that lived therein. In fact, the industrial revolution showed the triumph of both man over machine and machine over man. So much so a man, his family, his possessions and his thoughts could be manufactured like papers, cars, trains and soda bottles. This was clearly humanity's victory over the barbarism of the ancients--i.e. to master the elements of his own being, and his being in the world just enough to allow make himself eventually irrelevant. Great actors of 20th century proved that humans were no more special than the materials processes that allowed them to exist, with a Marxist footing, they launched a campaign of unprecedented war and destruction to illustrate the triumph of man's technology over himself.
No nation involved in WWI and WWII was clean of the Marxist belief that the fundamentals of human interaction and life was rooted in blind material processes--others tried to deny this by creating semi-oceanic and superstitious pan-animistic ideals of "liberty," "freedom," and such, not realizing that the ultimate aims and goals of any living organism was simply a delusion brought about by blind mechanical forces. That the forces behind the ideals of "liberty," "freedom," and "conscience," could be boiled down to fluctuating nerves, electrochemical contractions and pulses and chemical reactions in a rubbery test tube.
As such, the autonomic re-structuring of this discourse is effected by the mindless motions of a universe of particles that are indeed devoid of life. Hydrogen, an element that comprises over 99.99..% of the matter in the universe, is not a "living" organism. Hydrogen does not "survive" in a universe of things; it merely exists as a cold lifeless entity, without thought or consciousness. By this fact alone, we can—prima facie—prove that the universe is 99.99..% devoid of life, if life itself even exists—but "life" itself as we know it is a delusion created by our "phenomenal self model" (Thomas Metzinger), a type of permanence stamped on a machine that constantly changes. If you ask anyone the question, "who are you," they will spit out a sonic fingerprint (which is not even unique). Upon further (and rather excessive) questioning they will tell you the task they are most suited to perform, their "interests" and "pastimes," and perhaps even reluctantly give you a chronology of trivial events from the time they came into existence. But a questioning of external events with relation to this or that "individual" renders only a quantitative perspective of their "self" the "who" that is the subject. Qualitatively the person that is interrogated with respect to their own "self being" will answer nothing concerning their "self" but what their own "self does" or "likes" and "feels" about other externals—and they might even report their entire tedious history of "does," "dids," "likes" and "dislikes," etc. So when a "self" reports concerning its being in the world, it merely reports its own interactions with other beings, so the interrogation of the "self" does not result in the unveiling of the self, but in a muddy description of a lifeless universe of things.
The "self" as such does not exist but as Thomas Metzinger remarks, is merely a "transient computational module" designed to regulate "its" interaction with the environment. This modules does not exist as a concrete “entity,” but as a dynamic self-reflexive process—and I would add that this indeed is a mechanical process. Processes do not possess “intelligence,” and this implies that the self, in its transient reflexivity, has no intelligence. Therefore the Universe has no intelligence, ergo there is no intelligent life in the known universe. And this is the triumph of humanity that should stand as a monument to our success as a species, i.e. that we have taken great strides in our ability to master the mysteries of the universe and reduce them to logical and physical components, and have allowed this mastery to direct our future to a more efficient lifestyle free of worry, concern or delusions concerning the unknown.