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We are in contact but they are not entirely Alien...

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Skilled Investigator
Think of 3D printers. You download a program which, in turn you feed to a 3D printer. The information you download travels at the speed of light. The 3D printer and material used to 'print' the 3D model can be any where in the world - or if you have the necessary equipment - on another planet. You'd just need to transmit the data at the speed of light to the receiving equipment.

Now, imagine you are an intelligent life form, not far advanced from where we are now. You want to send someone to a distant planet in another galaxy but haven't mastered how to exceed light speed, or even coming close to it.

Imagine you are a carbon based life form, much like us.

How do you solve this problem? You have discovered a distant planet, habitable for life much like your own - or even many planets for that matter. Much like we are starting to develop similar science now for exo planets where we study the light and gas emitted by far off worlds, to determine the atmosphere and so on. Now to put one of your own kind, or something very similar to your own kind, you simply need to transmit the data via a laser signal, or some other form of transmitting communication at light speed. So long as there are carbon life forms much like your own, by transmitting the data, you can adjust and evolve existing life to the same level of intelligence as your own. It won't be an exact physical copy or an exact emotional copy, but intelligence wise, it brings a distant life form to your own level.

These 'modified' life forms, will then have the sufficient intelligence to communicate back to you. You will then know if you have been successful, you can therefore colonize other distant worlds, suitable for your own needs, without ever leaving your home planet.
I think aliens this technologically advanced would employ the same Error Correction Protocols for Data Transmission that we currently employ.

I enjoy the Babylonian sacred text narrative where aliens genetically modified apes to make human slaves.

In my opinion, Mark Passio gives the best recounting of that narrative. Here is his recent lecture to the Philadelphia UFO group...

Think of 3D printers. You download a program which, in turn you feed to a 3D printer. The information you download travels at the speed of light. The 3D printer and material used to 'print' the 3D model can be any where in the world - or if you have the necessary equipment - on another planet. You'd just need to transmit the data at the speed of light to the receiving equipment.

Now, imagine you are an intelligent life form, not far advanced from where we are now. You want to send someone to a distant planet in another galaxy but haven't mastered how to exceed light speed, or even coming close to it.

Imagine you are a carbon based life form, much like us.

How do you solve this problem? You have discovered a distant planet, habitable for life much like your own - or even many planets for that matter. Much like we are starting to develop similar science now for exo planets where we study the light and gas emitted by far off worlds, to determine the atmosphere and so on. Now to put one of your own kind, or something very similar to your own kind, you simply need to transmit the data via a laser signal, or some other form of transmitting communication at light speed. So long as there are carbon life forms much like your own, by transmitting the data, you can adjust and evolve existing life to the same level of intelligence as your own. It won't be an exact physical copy or an exact emotional copy, but intelligence wise, it brings a distant life form to your own level.

These 'modified' life forms, will then have the sufficient intelligence to communicate back to you. You will then know if you have been successful, you can therefore colonize other distant worlds, suitable for your own needs, without ever leaving your home planet.
A fascinating idea, but when 3D printing, be it making plastic guns or laying down some organic material to print a steak, there is still an organizing method i.e. printer that is converting the data signal that includes the design plan to affect & process raw material into the organized structure that is produced relatively quickly.

In your method of spooky "printing" at a distance what will organize the raw materials? Or is this some form of long term evolutionary "printing" where amino acids are organized through some type of chemical construction and then let history do its work? You might have to wait for some millennia before a signal is sent back.
There are roughly 1'400 stars within a 50 light year radius of our solar system. Thus far about 70 exo planets identified within this same 50 light year radius with many more.

What is different between us and the rest of life on earth? Intelligence? Consciousness?

What compels us to look towards the heavens - to search? From the earliest times of our being, from earliest records found that our ancestors left, the stars and the heavens are depicted in drawings, in monuments, it seems as soon as we had the ability to do so we looked out - fascinated at the heavens.

Now consider the program signal, its transmission is perhaps helped along its way by the natural light, visible or invisible to our naked eye by the light emitted by that of a star. Just by looking up into the heavens and seeing that light, in turn receiving the signal our intelligence and consciousness is advanced? All it takes is for the signal to reach a suitable 'printer' or 'carrier'. With the necessary physical abilities to create, ie: suitable hands, sensory abilities such as eyes, ears, mouths to communicate.

Or perhaps even this. Long ago a different race to our own was able to receive this signal faster, it was able to evolve more like its creator faster, to avoid conflict with us it hid itself away, ever hear of the reports of UFO's vanishing into the sea?
...Some seeds scattered to the wind will land on bare rock and die, others will find good soil and flourish...
There are one intriguing elements to this discussion where our brain and imagination becomes the organizer of a datastream from afar. But there's also a couple of things...in terms of long term planning that seed scatterer will be needing to wait a good long chunk of millennia for any response from the fruit of its labors.

There's also that other common meme where our own, naturally evolved intelligent, creative skills, are displaced by an alien god or creative intentions of higher beings. In this paradigm our own ingenuity and reasoning, our ability to respond, copy and create patterns are discounted in favour of some other being touching the ape child and proclaiming, "now you have a soul; you belong to me." While this is a possible scenario I tend to favour our own good grit & determination for getting us to where we stand right now, nuclear bombs and all.

As for parallel, ultraterrestrial elves, mermaids and other breakaway civilizations, I think that there's a better shot of them actually existing than us & them being seeded here on this abundant petri dish. I don't think that any consciousness here on earth needs a helping hand from outside sources to make big tech happen. If anything, the whole UFO contact experience seems to be entirely predicated upon earthly facts and concepts with hardly any 'alien' ideas ever being offered. And in those rare cases where there appears to be an alien intelligence at work, well those cases we should spend much more time considering than the usual patterened airship, saucer or ghost rocket.
There are one intriguing elements to this discussion where our brain and imagination becomes the organizer of a datastream from afar. But there's also a couple of things...in terms of long term planning that seed scatterer will be needing to wait a good long chunk of millennia for any response from the fruit of its labors.

There's also that other common meme where our own, naturally evolved intelligent, creative skills, are displaced by an alien god or creative intentions of higher beings. In this paradigm our own ingenuity and reasoning, our ability to respond, copy and create patterns are discounted in favour of some other being touching the ape child and proclaiming, "now you have a soul; you belong to me." While this is a possible scenario I tend to favour our own good grit & determination for getting us to where we stand right now, nuclear bombs and all.

As for parallel, ultraterrestrial elves, mermaids and other breakaway civilizations, I think that there's a better shot of them actually existing than us & them being seeded here on this abundant petri dish. I don't think that any consciousness here on earth needs a helping hand from outside sources to make big tech happen. If anything, the whole UFO contact experience seems to be entirely predicated upon earthly facts and concepts with hardly any 'alien' ideas ever being offered. And in those rare cases where there appears to be an alien intelligence at work, well those cases we should spend much more time considering than the usual patterened airship, saucer or ghost rocket.

Well only if the seeder comprehends time in the same sense as we do, its all good if you exist for millennia.
Well only if the seeder comprehends time in the same sense as we do, its all good if you exist for millennia.
While my brain accepts the potential for life forms to endure far beyond our usual timelines I find that some of these extended possibilities of the sower scattering their seeds across the galaxy and beyond to come very close to god talk.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious or missing an analogy. What creates or places the decoding and 3D printer at the receiving end initially, in order to make the process of replication or "upgrading" physically possible ?
Are we hypothesizing an ability of the biological brain to alter an organism's DNA based on the visual reception of coded light signals from the sky?
Well for example, the star of Bethlehem appears and before you know it you've put on your best clothes, you've gathered all the frankincense in the house and suddenly you are going on a pilgrimage to meet your maker, along with the other sheep & shepherds; and, your appendix becomes superfluous on the journey, or something like that.
Think of 3D printers. You download a program which, in turn you feed to a 3D printer. The information you download travels at the speed of light. The 3D printer and material used to 'print' the 3D model can be any where in the world - or if you have the necessary equipment - on another planet. You'd just need to transmit the data at the speed of light to the receiving equipment.

Now, imagine you are an intelligent life form, not far advanced from where we are now. You want to send someone to a distant planet in another galaxy but haven't mastered how to exceed light speed, or even coming close to it.

Imagine you are a carbon based life form, much like us.

How do you solve this problem? You have discovered a distant planet, habitable for life much like your own - or even many planets for that matter. Much like we are starting to develop similar science now for exo planets where we study the light and gas emitted by far off worlds, to determine the atmosphere and so on. Now to put one of your own kind, or something very similar to your own kind, you simply need to transmit the data via a laser signal, or some other form of transmitting communication at light speed. So long as there are carbon life forms much like your own, by transmitting the data, you can adjust and evolve existing life to the same level of intelligence as your own. It won't be an exact physical copy or an exact emotional copy, but intelligence wise, it brings a distant life form to your own level.

These 'modified' life forms, will then have the sufficient intelligence to communicate back to you. You will then know if you have been successful, you can therefore colonize other distant worlds, suitable for your own needs, without ever leaving your home planet.

This was explored as topic by one of the Grandmaster of Sci-Fi writers by the name of Clifford Simak. His book ' Way Station' explored just this, sending a data signal and having the living creature re-created on the other end ( at least 50 years ago). In the book, there were series of these across the galaxy and they were called way stations.
A fascinating idea, but when 3D printing, be it making plastic guns or laying down some organic material to print a steak, there is still an organizing method i.e. printer that is converting the data signal that includes the design plan to affect & process raw material into the organized structure that is produced relatively quickly.

In your method of spooky "printing" at a distance what will organize the raw materials? Or is this some form of long term evolutionary "printing" where amino acids are organized through some type of chemical construction and then let history do its work? You might have to wait for some millennia before a signal is sent back.

See my reply to Junius, in the book Way Station, Clifford Simaks device used a 'tank' of organic materials to create the copy that was sent through. Conversely when the living being left the way station to go somewhere else they stepped into a device and the material was broken down in this 'vat'. It was a relatively well done book and asked a lot of questions, mostly the moral ones.

In general mankind has always accelerated technology in advance of morals, the tech end could be imagined with current technology and where it will go (even the most forward thinking person could not have foreseen smart phones as small computers processing information and communicating).

It could have been imagined and probably was but it was the scientists and engineers who came up with what was needed to accomplish it. The story is told that the first cellphones that were created as flip phones was due to Star Trek and the engineers at Motorola wanting to create something that seemed futuristic. I don’t know if that’s true but it’s a good story.

The moral end will have to catch up. Questions about, if you were making a copy of something living, is it the same as the thing you made it from? Especially if you destroy the original?
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious or missing an analogy. What creates or places the decoding and 3D printer at the receiving end initially, in order to make the process of replication or "upgrading" physically possible ?
Are we hypothesizing an ability of the biological brain to alter an organism's DNA based on the visual reception of coded light signals from the sky?

I am imagining it could be either. The 'Printer' could be any carbon based life form with a DNA structure. On receipt of the information the DNA may develop into a more advanced state, copying the information transmitted to it. Or, perhaps like a wireless transmission. The information or 'program' is transferred to the brain in order for it to develop. The ultimate process is consciousness / self awareness. I think that consciousness itself is a dimension. The more advanced consciousness becomes the more we are perhaps able to communicate - by the mind with others with the same state of consciousness - regardless of where they may be in the universe. Perhaps that is the ultimate way we will 'communicate' with other advanced life forms 'aliens' from other worlds. When we reach that state we may also discard self destructive / warlike tendencies. A kind of built in safety check to ensure by the stage we are able to communicate in this way we won't seek aggression or destructiveness...
I know I'm going to get alot of 'flak' for the next comment but indulge me if you can:

The great Pyramids of Giza. I'm not talking about 'ancient aliens'. But as many will know a small shaft runs from the outside of the great Pyramid into the central 'burial' chamber. I don't think this chamber was ever designed as a final resting place for a Pharaoh or for the 'soul' to be transferred into the stars.

Instead, I think the Pharaoh or any other wishing to seek enlightenment and wisdom would place themselves into the chamber and the small channel, along with the design of the Pyramid would perhaps act as an 'intensifier' to receive the information from the source system...
I know I'm going to get alot of 'flak' for the next comment but indulge me if you can:

The great Pyramids of Giza. I'm not talking about 'ancient aliens'. But as many will know a small shaft runs from the outside of the great Pyramid into the central 'burial' chamber. I don't think this chamber was ever designed as a final resting place for a Pharaoh or for the 'soul' to be transferred into the stars.

Instead, I think the Pharaoh or any other wishing to seek enlightenment and wisdom would place themselves into the chamber and the small channel, along with the design of the Pyramid would perhaps act as an 'intensifier' to receive the information from the source system...

I can agree with you that the Great Pyramid was not ever meant to be a tomb.
Not going to give you flak for the rest as well hey who knows really, but as far as ET is concerned I am still not convinced that they (if they are really coming here) are not bio mechanical drones much like we send probes to other worlds.
3D printing I give you a 10/10 for original thinking on this one. :)
Thank you. Yes, why build a huge spacecraft able to sustain life, ie: Pilots and passengers in order to colonize other worlds? If we found a planet with the very similar conditions of our own, why not just send a smaller craft containing the '3D' type printer. In other words the necessary 'in vitro' components to create a clone or clones of the explorers?

Now consider this:

I'm free wheeling here a bit, but again, indulge me...

Lets imagine that Roswell happened, a craft containing basic life forms 'cloned' or 'created' by the 3D printer type device on board crashed in the New Mexico desert. The ET's on board were found to be not so bright or clever or even perhaps able to effectively communicate with us. The answer? Because they had not 'matured' enough to a sufficient level to. I've mentioned on another thread if any one has considered comparing cattle branding signs with symbols seen on UFO's? Is there a comparison? If so could these symbols be a kind of 'idiots guide' for lower intelligence E.T's to identify what particular cattle they need to harvest particular organs - more basic DNA or unique DNA for their OWN development?

On a similar vein, could some of the alleged 'abductions', not to be a case of studying us, but again - taking small samples from us for their own development to advance their own physical or mental state towards that of their original host?

Don't you think the UFO craft seem to be more intelligent and advanced that the ET's? Is this why no real contact has been made yet? Not because WE are not ready but because the ET's are not ready?

It seems easier to send things long distances for them to assemble at the receiving end, a kind of 'flat pack' delivery if you like...
I know that NASA have already looked at 3D printers for long distance missions to places such as Mars, essentially used to create any spare parts that may be needed whilst there. My argument perhaps takes this concept a step further?
I know that NASA have already looked at 3D printers for long distance missions to places such as Mars, essentially used to create any spare parts that may be needed whilst there. My argument perhaps takes this concept a step further?

If you could create the duplicates with memories then they would be distinct individuals. You could colonize the nearby star systems this way and hopefully when someone figures out how invent the so called warp drive or equivalent there would be colonies across the nearby star systems waiting for us to catch up..
Nice thought