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We Fricken WON! I think...

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And now, in case you all needed a smile .....

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd August 30, 2011

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre with a human representative-contactee of the extraterrestrial governance council known as the Andromeda Council it has been revealed that the war of liberation against a 4th dimensional Orion grey and Draco reptilian alliance has been won by the forces of the Andromeda Council as of the 3rd quarter of 2011. The attempted the occupation of Earth, our moon and Mars by this grey-Reptilian alliance is over. The defeated grey-reptilian forces have been sent via stargate into the far reaches of our universe.

With all my LOVE ........ DECKER

---------- Post added at 09:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

Jesus, and to think this really kept me up at night .....

Nanu[hello] nanu[hello] mork calling orkan, come in orken.

Cant understand how our alien saviors left the stargate unlocked in the first place, lizard shit all over the freakin universe now.
well that explains the nukes that caused last weeks earth quakes

A frightening foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that over the past nearly 36 hours the vast intercontinental military tunnel complex constructed by the United States Air force over the past nearly 45 years was hit with two powerful nuclear explosions at its main terminuses in Colorado and Virginia used nearly exclusively by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

the comments section reflects this

Jermaine ChavisThere exist strong evidence that the so called "earthquakes" that occurred in Virginia on Tue. Aug, 23 2011 was underground nuclear explosions, because the P-waves was missing in the seismic wave recording data. So, if they was destroying the Orion Grey & Draco Reptilian underground bases, then this could be the end result of that attack.
Im listening to the video now, i have a bet with myself i wont last 10 mins, before my head explodes from excessive woo
That was the best laugh I've had all day. Thanks Don!! I always KNEW Alfred was the real deal..ehem..cough..splutter

Either way, how the heck this crazy old fruit can keep a straight face while on that video is anyone's guess. Comedy GOLD I tells ya !!
What i find incomprehensible is that the AC have supposedly revoked or suspended the prime directive, have taken active steps to "help" mankind by going to war on our behalf and stuffing the lizzies through a stargate/wormhole dropping them on the universal equivilent of a desert island cajillions of light years from anywhere, but despite japan being first stop on their disclosure concert tour, havent done diddley about fukishima.......

And if this was done without our permission and they blew up 2 draco underground bases, will they pay for or otherwise repair the washington monument ?

They are also planning to remove 5000 hybrids, dont we get a say in that ? they are half human after all.

At least like the goodchild fiasco we get dates, once they pass, this BS can be framed and hung on the wall of shame
Of course he does, its on the internets, so it must be true


But here is where it unravels

The planned geographic areas of the planet Earth that will be visited, in order of priority, are the following:

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
1. Japan 2. USA 3. Canada 4. Mexico 5. Brazil

6. Argentina 7. UK 8. France 9. Germany 10. Italy

11. European Union 12. Russia 13. China 14. South Korea

15. Indonesia 16. India 17. Turkey 18. Saudi Arabia

19. South Africa 20. Australia

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
note[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]: due to the severity of the damage from the earthquakes & radiation leakage, contact with Japan will be pushed forward into the future at least 6 months. Therefore, contact with the USA will now happen first, in terms of priority.

The author has had to retroactively strike japan off the list as place of first contact, but..... the AC are able to time travel according to him

Tolec states he was first contacted in 1993 by his principal Andromedan contact who took him on three time travel journeys via Andromedan space craft

What they have been recently discussing is the tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects everybody. [Ed. Note - The 139 star system membership is the definition of the Galactic Council as given by Tolec]
“Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future. They have traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to further track it down to Earth, Earth’s moon and Mars - those three places.

So how do time travelling aliens not know that japan was not going to be a suitable 1st spot for their world tour ?

Their not knowing about this disaster is inconsistant with their reported ability to travel back and forwards in time.
The scary part of this whole charade is that there are people out there who probably believe this, of course including Mr.Webre. I'm really thinking of pulling off an elaborate contactee of the Council of Light story and trying to get in touch with Mr. Exobatshitinsane, but that would probably do more harm then good in the end. In the meantime, I just shake my head.