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This initial research was conceived , developed, and conducted thru Princeton U. PhD Robert Jahn, plasma physicist and former Professor of Aerospace Science, and Dean of the School of Engineering at Princeton University, headed the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab, or “PEAR” project. During his aerospace career, Dr. Jahn developed propulsion systems in which are used in spacecraft to date. Initiated in 79', in 07' the “PEAR” project shuttered research, due to insufficient funding. Included, is a short clip in which describes the R&D along with findings.


This type of research is one reason why some are extremely interested in consciousness, and the role possibly played in the emergence of phenomena.


Here is something which some may consider noteworthy :


While there is a noticeable positive bias, it is not easy to see its significance. Yet the odds against chance of this mean shift over a database this size are about a trillion to one.                              


                                         Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research





The interview below was conducted with noted consciousness researcher, Dr. Michael Persinger. Dr. Persingner claims to have discovered a telepathy link in lab experiments.12/16/09


                     89. “God Helmet” Inventor, Dr. Michael Persinger Discovers Telepathy Link in Lab Experiments | Skeptiko - Science at the Tipping Point
