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We Need Someone w/ Sales Skills to Step Forward and Help the Show!

Free episodes:

Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
Gene and I have attempted to land a salesperson to assist us in taking the show to the next level. So far, the couple of people who have expressed an interest have not worked out. We need a commission salesperson to land advertising accounts and help us generate cash! fwiw: It's now been 2 1/2 years and I cannot continue putting in the amount of quality time it takes to be more up2speed than our guests while not be getting paid for my efforts. There are some weeks when I have to spend many hours reading guest's books and doing the additional research that is necessary to co-host the show and not getting paid is getting old. We really could use someone's quality sales help, so if you (or somebody you know) is willing to step up, help out and get paid for your efforts, please let us know.... something has to happen soon to generate $$$ for the show or ... (you're welcome Gene)
You can feel his frustration, which I echo. We need to survive financially and make this a paying proposition to cover our bills.

You listeners can make it happen for us by helping us sell ads for both shows and the sites.
I remember seeing something the other day about you guys not getting paid for the ads we have to suffer through.

Why are they there if you guys don't get paid for them? My only consolation has been that they are providing financially for the show.
It's more complicated than that. We don't receive money for network ads. It's the price of distribution. Run the ads, get the show on the network. However, we have 9 minutes for our own paid ads during an episode, for which we keep the money. Problem is that we don't have the sales staff to help us sell those availabilities. There is some money coming in, but far from enough to cover the needs of your hard-working host and co-host.
So long as you're able to deal with potential worldwide clientele, I see no problem in your location. Most initial contacts will be done with email, and I suppose you could use Skype or another service for cheap phone calls to potential clients. Please open a private conversation with me and tell me what you can offer.
On GCN's site, but it is updated rarely and doesn't always include current additions.

Write me privately (open a conversation) and I can discuss it with you, OK?