Paranormal Adept
So I watched this video on YouTube with what is said to be a strange sound the poster recorded. I will let you watch the video then I will tell you what I think it could be.
Strange sound indeed but maybe not.
I ran it through SMART a program I use to tune PA systems and a few other programs I use. Now from what I found I believe the audio has been altered and you can see this in the audio spectrum as drop outs and artefacts in the audio itself. Yes this could just be a few PCM errors but to my ears this says cut and paste and loop as there is not enough variation in the track and the drop outs happen at equal time points.
Now if you reverse the audio and speed it up four times the original you get what sounds like an engine. This could be a Subway train, or a jet (sounds more like a jet at this speed) but I think it is a Rocket engine test.
Why do I think it is a rocket engine test? Well location is one and the other is what I was seeing on my analyzers. Most of the energy in the audio appears below 200Hz and peaks well below 100Hz, also there are huge sub harmonics that although you cannot hear them in the recording their effect on the audio at higher cycles is apparent to me as an engineer. There are very few man made engines that can create harmonics that low and this is why I think rocket engine test. However note this is if the audio has not been changed or faked by taking audio of say a train in a tunnel and pitching it say 10 or so octaves lower or slowing it down.
Now the first video may not be fake and I could just be being over suspicious but it would be interesting to see what you all think and to see if any of you out there have been hearing strange sounds.
Strange sound indeed but maybe not.
I ran it through SMART a program I use to tune PA systems and a few other programs I use. Now from what I found I believe the audio has been altered and you can see this in the audio spectrum as drop outs and artefacts in the audio itself. Yes this could just be a few PCM errors but to my ears this says cut and paste and loop as there is not enough variation in the track and the drop outs happen at equal time points.
Now if you reverse the audio and speed it up four times the original you get what sounds like an engine. This could be a Subway train, or a jet (sounds more like a jet at this speed) but I think it is a Rocket engine test.
Why do I think it is a rocket engine test? Well location is one and the other is what I was seeing on my analyzers. Most of the energy in the audio appears below 200Hz and peaks well below 100Hz, also there are huge sub harmonics that although you cannot hear them in the recording their effect on the audio at higher cycles is apparent to me as an engineer. There are very few man made engines that can create harmonics that low and this is why I think rocket engine test. However note this is if the audio has not been changed or faked by taking audio of say a train in a tunnel and pitching it say 10 or so octaves lower or slowing it down.
Now the first video may not be fake and I could just be being over suspicious but it would be interesting to see what you all think and to see if any of you out there have been hearing strange sounds.