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Weird Spiral Lights in Norway Sky

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Skilled Investigator
Has this been posted on THe PARACAST forums yet?

This story is all over the web, and I am not sure what to make of it. Super weird stuff.

My first thought was this was a weird hoax, some computer generated photo effect. But, it seems to be a genuine news item.

A russian rocket effect? To me that doesn't fit, it looks more like a projection of some sort.

Alas - The Richard Hoagland explanation (the third down) seems to (at first reading) makes the most sense.

The Secret Sun: Unidentified "Catherine Wheel" over Norway (UPDATED 12/10 2242 EST)

Mystery Sky Spirals in Norway and China | Inter-Intelligence Communications


UFOMystic Blue Spiral Baffles Norwegians



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Although I am retaining an open mind on the sourcing of this unbelievable event, I agree with you Mike, that this smells a lot like it was cooked by HAARP. So much so, in fact that it even makes sense to me that a demonstrative event of the power and capabilty of this weather-controlling antenna array,(amongst other uses, some more sinister), would in fact take place in lieu of, the nobel peace prize event locality, and secondarily poignant to the summit in Copenhagen's theme, as well as it's locality.
I am interested to hear Schuyler weigh in on this.
From: Nick Balaskas <redacted>
To: UFO UpDates - Toronto
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 23:31:02 -0500
Subject: Re: The Norwegian Blue Light Aerial Display

>>>I suggest the Norwegian Blue Light aerial display may originate
>>>with the entity(ies) responsible for crop glyphs. Perhaps the
>>>crop glyphs haven't achieved the credibility level the creating
>>>entity(ies) desired.

>>I'm not entirely sure that your post was intended seriously?

>>Are you suggesting that crop circles are created by Russian


>I don't see it. The out of control [de-stabilized thrust
>vectored] rocket makes perfect sense to me. It reminds me of
>what happens when-for example-a jet engine fails and the
>aircraft enters a flat spin spewing smoke. It creates a flat
>spiral of smoke as seen from directly below on the ground. Were
>this to happen in a rarified atmosphere with low gravity and
>backlit by the Sun you would get pretty much the same thing.

I agree with Don. The blue colour corkscrew shaped exhaust trail
in these videos that extends all the way from the horizon (and
the sea beyond the distant mountain?) can easily be understood
as a rocket launch from a Russian submarine. A few weeks ago
members of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
at York University - in Toronto - had a few unannounced rocket
launches of our own. Notice the corkscrew shaped exhaust
produced by a rocket launched by me in the YouTube video below.

As for the tight white and expanding spiral of light in the sky
(the blue corkscrew shaped exhaust ended at its center), this
can easily be explained if there was a high rate of flow from a
fuel leak (possibly from a rupture of?) near one end of the
upper stage of the rocket. The torque produced would cause the
upper stage to tumble rapidly and create the observed spiral of
light. Once the fuel was all expelled a large dark and growing
hole would be formed in the center of the spiral.

If the fuel leak/release was closer to 90 degrees to one side of
the upper stage or to the other, the large white spiral seen in
the sky would not be round in shape but more like a saucer or a
straight streak of light in the sky and probably not as
noticeable or anywhere as impressive.

>There is nothing unusual about the rocket's antics. It was
>wobbling as it went skyward. It was solid fuel containing fine
>aluminum particles in its chemical mixture which [its exhaust
>by-product] was backlit by the Sun which was over the horizon
>for the observors and showed up a greenish blue which is the
>spectrum your would expect to see from the aluminum particles.

In October 1967 a real UFO crashed off the shore of Nova Scotia
and nearby military bases went on alert. That same night many
people reported seeing, and photographed, similar coloured glows
of light above the southern horizon. Although these strange
lights in the sky were connected to the UFO crash, these were in
fact barium clouds that was released from a sounding rocket from
NASA's busy Wallops Island launch site in Virginia just east of
Washington, D.C. Because of the mistaken connection bewteen the
coloured lights in the early evening sky and the UFO crash that
same evening, researchers dismissed the UFO crash reports as
misidentified sightings of NASA's barium release experiment...

>The Russian controllers aborted the upward tragectory and
>separated the payload which had a chemical fuel engine which
>began to spin about its long axis again and ejected unignited
>chemical fuel that quickly expaned in the low gravity and low
>'air' density environment. Still lit by the Sun-because this
>occurred even higher then the upward spiral-the Norwegians ended
>up with a spectacular back-lit display. Viewing this as it
>happened would not have produced the same visual impression as
>the photos we have seen created by time lapse photography.

Charged particles, such as those found in the partial plasma
created when the barium is released in the upper atmosphere, are
too small to see and do not give off light of their own. It is
only through reflected light from the Sun after it has just set
or through very energetic collisions with different gases in the
rarified upper atmosphere that they become visible and take on
different colours. Since charge particles move in spirals along
magnetic field lines, barium plasmas can also be used to study
the Earth's local magnetic field.

>As for the delay in the Russians admitting to this embarrassing
>launch [this missile has failed on a half dozen occassions] it
>has more to do with an expired [Dec.5] agreement/treatybetween
>the Russians and the Norwegians about declaration of launch in
>the White Sea north of Norway. The two countries are still
>hammering out a new agreement.

List members may be interested to know that in 1995 we came very
close to the start of World War III. This time it started when
Norway launched a rocket of its own for atmospheric research
purposes. When this rocket veered off course towards Russia they
saw it as a nuclear attack on them and were within minutes of
launching their nuclear missiles in retaliation. We cannot put
the lives of 6 billion people at risk over another such incident
between Norway and Russia.

On Thursday night the host of ThatChannel.com's Conspiracy Cafe,
George Freund, and I discussed the Norwegian display in the sky
on live Internet TV (shows are archived for future viewing). If
you are interested in learning more about this Russian rocket
launch just before the President of the U.S. arrived in Norway
to pick up his Nobel "Peace" Prize and see a world first on TV -
the first people to walk on Mars, I suggest you check out
George's Conspiracy Cafe website too.

Nick Balaskas</snip>
Good thing I kept an open mind about the sourcing of this event.
Although my paranoia about HAARP remains unchallenged.
Once again I reserve the right to be wrong.:D
Thanks Dave for that ratifying post.
My question:

If it is a russian missile effect, wouldn't the displaced "exhaust" leave a trail in the atmosphere? I envision the the effect like a long paper-towel tube going upwards toward outer-space.

The only place one might be able to see the decidedly symmetrical effect would be if you were lined up directly with the way the missile traveled. To me, this means you would be looking directly up the long "tube" of the path.

If you were looking at the "side" of the tube-of-travel, wouldn't it look different? I mean, it might look like a long SLINKY toy seen from the side.

Why are all the images on the web showing a direct view of a symmetrical spiral image?

(does my quandary make sense?)

It seems like a projection of some sort.
Even though it turns out that the spiral event was easily explainable, doesn't lessen the impact that it had on the collective consciousness. The fact it also happened the day before 'Barackobamun' received his 'peace' award and in the middle of the meetings of Copenhagen is not coincidental, but I believe synchronistic. It catalyzed and focused the collective's attention onto the moment and the event. Spirals are powerful symbols, and the apparent mundaness of the event, doesn't lessen its power or effect.