Thanks for the welcome. The UFO subject has held my attention for decades. Having a science background and decent critical thinking skills has led me to consider multiple radar-visual data, testimonies from reliable witnesses, military and otherwise, to comprise a body of internally self-consistent data with a high probability of being true---not constituting proof; but strongly pointing to its veracity.
I've listened to about half of the paracasts, and about ten gigabytes of others, usually while enroute. I've read quite a few books, electronic and bound, for decades. I have a modest but informative library ranging from the early days with Keyhoe and other freely available ebooks, articles and papers by folks like James McDonald, to my latest read, X-Descending. I have Hastings, Hill, Hall, Good, Druffel, Kitei, Feindt, Sanderson, Feschino, Sturrock, Walton, Hynek, Haines, Steiger, Torres & Uriarte, Chalker, Vallee, and Jung. Add to that numerous other books found in libraries.
My own copy of Ray Stanford's 'Socorro "Saucer" in a Pentagon Pantry' investigation is on the way.
Don't even get me started on the internet resources.....