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Welcome Michael Grosso

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J. Randall Murphy
7171Michael Grosso has taught humanities and philosophy at Marymount Manhattan College, City University of New York, and New Jersey City University. He is affiliated with the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, is on the Board of Directors of the American Philosophical Practitioner’s Association, and is a past editor of the journal for that association. His published books include The Final Choice: Playing the Survival Game (1985); Frontiers of the Soul: Exploring Psychic Evolution (1992), The Millennium Myth: Love and Death at the End of Time (1995), Soulmaking: Uncommon Paths to Self-Understanding (1997), and Experiencing the Next World Now (2004).

The show will be recorded Thursday Feb 20, 2019 between 10:00am and Noon MST. Post your questions and comments for discussion below

Website: Consciousness Unbound
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Well, this turned out rather different from what we expected. Randall and I will explain why during the final segments of this episode.

Stay tuned…
Did you ask him why his book is so expensive?
He bailed before the last 2 segments were completed, apparently due to a miscommunication regarding the time required, and then later complained about the way the interview was conducted and wouldn't come back on. It seems he expected full unquestioning latitude to promote himself and his stuff. However, he's not lecturing to students here, so we're not obligated to blindly nod in agreement with everything.

The Paracast is about discussing the issues that guests are involved in, not simply promote their views and products. If he wants that then he should buy an infomercial. Otherwise all views are open to fair-minded comment and analysis in the interest of exploring the topic. I imagine there will be more said when we complete the last 2 segments and ATP on Saturday. So there's still time to post additional comments for Gene and I.
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Speaking of synchronicity, Randall, before listening to the podcast this morning, I was thinking about how many of your guests reference New Jersey. Your guest then mentioned the state, which made me chuckle, then Jersey City, which I am all too familiar with, then told the story of the gentleman being lifted into the air during one of his classes. I thought, "Wow, I've seen that done too a long time ago," but didn't remember where. Then it finally hit me when Gene was talking about mispronouncing Grosso's name. I was a student in his paranormal class more than 40 years ago. I remember him being a cool guy (back then, seems a little bitter now) who got me interested in the subject. I thought for a moment that he would mention me because I was experimenting with astral projection back then and when I mentioned it during one class three or four of my fellow students said they had recently seen me in the strangest places. When they tried to get my attention or talk to me, I just wandered off. I had no memory of ever being in any of those places. Based on what you guys have said, I don't suppose he'll be back on the show. Too bad. I have some questions for him, including a story he told about waking up and seeing a frightening-looking woman hovering inches over his body and staring him straight in the face.
Speaking of synchronicity ... I was a student in his paranormal class more than 40 years ago. I remember him being a cool guy (back then, seems a little bitter now) who got me interested in the subject. I thought for a moment that he would mention me because I was experimenting with astral projection back then ... I don't suppose he'll be back on the show. Too bad. I have some questions for him, including a story he told about waking up and seeing a frightening-looking woman hovering inches over his body and staring him straight in the face.
It's cool you had some personal experience with Grosso, and wish there hadn't been the miscommunication on time, or the dissatisfaction with the interviewing style. However I plan on sending him a personal email inviting him to come back to fill in any of the gaps he felt were missing in whatever way he wants during a future show.