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One thing is for sure, the US and Israel were in bed with the Shah, most certainly. I see him as a despot, but rich Iranians of the 70s might have seen him a different way. Iran was no angel then or now.

And nowadays the Iranian govt, or indirectly through its religious "foundations" or whatever they're called, are superstars in the "ceaselessly ferment conflict" category...at least where Israel is concerned. Weapons never buy themselves.

Regardless, *always* looking to an external bogyman is the sign of a small mind, and that's Ahmadinejad. Bush used some of this too, but his paranoia and fear-mongering seems chump-change compared to Ahmadinejad's.

Despite everything I've said, I don't blame Iran for defending its nuclear program...though they're defending it with lies instead of being upfront about it. Israel has the bomb, so from Iran's perspective why can't they have it too? But personally, I think the world is safer with an nuclear-armed Israel than an armed Iran...after all, Israel has had the bomb for a long while now and never used it. I'd like to think no one in the world is stupid enough to set off a nuke again in any situation other than testing.
