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What did I see? Satellite?

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Skilled Investigator
It was a tiny orange light. Looked distant possibly a star but it was moving as fast as I'd picture a passenger plane way up there would move but still too small and not blinking as planes usually do and them it just stopped and stayed there. What would that probably be? I don't follow the if I subject too close so I don't know if this would be a common ufo type or just a common IFO. What's your guess?
It was a tiny orange light. Looked distant possibly a star but it was moving as fast as I'd picture a passenger plane way up there would move but still too small and not blinking as planes usually do

When did you see this: night, evening, what were the lighting conditions?

How far from the horizon - in an arc from horizon, what degrees?

From description cannot assess distance of observer from object - blinking or not blinking may not be relevant depending on distance.

and them it just stopped and stayed there.

If object made a turn and was either traveling away or towards viewer would then appear stationary. How long did you watch it in its 'stationary' mode?

Airport present anywhere in a hundred miles radius? Helicopter pad?

What would that probably be? I don't follow the if I subject too close so I don't know if this would be a common ufo type or just a common IFO. What's your guess?

Impossible to say from your description but does not sound like an anomaly to me.
Oh sorry. Near RSW airport, cape coral fl. SE sky travelling south and downwards I'd say. Nighttime. Hazy sky but I could see a few stars and this small distant object with my not so great eyes. Stationary for a while. I left after a while. Haven't checked since. Five minutes with saw it there stationary, and it had in my estimation of it's height... gosh idk. 1-3 miles? I really couldn't say. Maybe more maybe less
Oh sorry. Near RSW airport, cape coral fl. SE sky travelling south and downwards I'd say. Nighttime. Hazy sky but I could see a few stars and this small distant object with my not so great eyes. Stationary for a while. I left after a while. Haven't checked since. Five minutes with saw it there stationary, and it had in my estimation of it's height... gosh idk. 1-3 miles? I really couldn't say. Maybe more maybe less
In my opinion, this is the critical detail: if you were watching it moving across the sky and definitely saw it stop, then that's something anomalous: either some kind of weird military project or something really exotic. But if you looked away, or even blinked and lost track of it for a moment, then you might've been watching a satellite, and then started staring at a star after losing the faint view of an orbiting satellite.

It's pretty much impossible to gauge the distance of a luminous object in the night sky, so it/they could've been many miles (or in the case of a star, hundreds of light-years or more) away.
Yeah, it wasn't normal. And i don't have a habit of seeing ufos. I have seen in total three now if you include the green fireball. Some people say they're explained and others not.

Then last year on a cloudy night after hurricane Irma I saw a pair reddish dark orange lights, closer, moving SW in the eastern sky moving in unison. They were either separate and closer or a bit further away and part of a much larger single craft. Watched this thing (s)move SW ish for about 1min 30 sec til it went behind some close clouds then lost it. And that was weird too. Alien, secret gov't , whatever,I don't trust the skies anymore
In my opinion, this is the critical detail: if you were watching it moving across the sky and definitely saw it stop, then that's something anomalous: either some kind of weird military project or something really exotic.

From what's being shared one cannot state that it's anomalous - and one definitely cannot make a leap into the weird or exotic. IMO. Too many very mundane possibilities. This is how urban legends get started. :rolleyes: He described it as moving at the speed of a plane - he is near an airport - the plane could have made a turn and if it was (as I mentioned) dead reckoning away or towards observer it would have appeared stationary. Helicopter?

But if you looked away, or even blinked and lost track of it for a moment, then you might've been watching a satellite, and then started staring at a star after losing the faint view of an orbiting satellite.

This makes sense.

It's pretty much impossible to gauge the distance of a luminous object in the night sky, so it/they could've been many miles (or in the case of a star, hundreds of light-years or more) away.

Exactly so. Plus one has to factor in the expertise or lack there-of of the observer - unknown.

Pretty thin evidence to make a call one way or any way at all imo.
Yeah, it wasn't normal. And i don't have a habit of seeing ufos. I have seen in total three now if you include the green fireball. Some people say they're explained and others not.

Why? What about what you saw convinced you it wasn't normal?

Then last year on a cloudy night after hurricane Irma I saw a pair reddish dark orange lights, closer, moving SW in the eastern sky moving in unison. They were either separate and closer or a bit further away and part of a much larger single craft. Watched this thing (s)move SW ish for about 1min 30 sec til it went behind some close clouds then lost it. And that was weird too. Alien, secret gov't , whatever,I don't trust the skies anymore

What about it was weird? I've read your description and find nothing out-of-the-ordinary.

P.S. Yes, I am on the skeptical side of the continuum, but I am still a friendly sort. ;) :cool: