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What Do You Think About The Paracast?

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
Gene & I request your help and suggestions toward maximizing our potential as a cutting-edge paranormal talk-radio show. We are compiling a presentation package to take the Paracast to the next level and seek your input and opinion of the show. No, I don't mean "send money" :) We already have a number of reviews of the show but we also welcome YOUR input. We are seeking on-the-record reviews that will be used to present the show to those who are interested in getting behind the show and exposing the Paracast to the widest possible audience. We'd be honored to include YOUR short review of our show and how we are different from other talk radio shows (and podcasts) the cover the so-called "paranormal" realm.

Please post your reviews here, and thank you so much (in advance) for your interest and support of cutting-edge paranormal subject talk-radio programming.
The Paracast doesn't just invite researchers, experiencers, or people involved in all things paranormal to come onto the show and tell a story. Gene and Chris invite people on the show to talk about their research, their experiences, or their particular interest in the paranormal to be talked about, broken down, reviewed and to provide data for the subject. Whether its a story or a long time research project, the show makes sure to bring logic, reason and understanding to all the different areas of the paranormal, so that whoever is listening can take more away from each topic than just what someone "thinks' they know. It gives the listener the information they need to make their decision on what may be relevant to the field and what may need to be left alone, or altered to continue searching for the reasons and meanings behind the paranormal world that so many of us around the world experience in our lives.
I stumbled across 'The Paracast' after already regularly listening to other paranormal radio/internet shows. I was dissatisfied with what I felt was a lack of screening in terms of shows having credible guests who had credible stories or theories about paranormal topics. Shows could have a decent guest one week and then a guest with the wildest of stories and zero facts or research to back up their claims the next; I saw a lack of professional journalistic practice in taking guests to task for outlandish claims with no evidence.

From pretty much the first time I heard the Paracast, I quickly came to think that this is how a show and interviews on these subjects should be carried out.

The hosts were willing and able to ask questions other shows did not and did not give out 'free passes' to guests just because they have some kind of celebrity about them in their field. Some guests have appeared on the show only to find out it certainly is not 'Coast to Coast' and they had difficulty accounting for their claims.
Some guest have appeared once but not again and some guests seem to be willing to avoid the show at all costs, quite possibly because they realise appearing on the Paracast will not just be another opportunity to promote their latest book etc.

Every single host/guest host on the show has had something to bring to the table and has been a pleasure to listen to. Gene has been involved in the UFO field since the 60's and is aware of and often has met most of the notable figures in the field and always has interesting tangents to bring up about the history or current state of the field.
David Biedny was well liked by those of us who liked a host who would just come out and say what we the listeners wanted to someone to ask the guests and he was known for going straight for the jugular - this style could be abrasive but it worked. Most people either loved or loathed David but nobody ignored him.

After David left, a succession of interesting and credible co-hosts ensued and it was a chance for seeing if a new co-host chemistry could be found with someone willing to devote the time and commitment to the show.

Chris O'Brien became the permanent co-host to pretty much universal acceptance and welcome and his fantastic knowledge of both the UFO and non-UFO paranormal fields has been a fantastic addition to the show. Chris, having years (and miles;)) of field research under his belt brought out a credibility to his own input which is pretty much unmatched amongst other hosts of similar shows. Like Gene, Chris is never stuck for something to contribute from his encyclopaedic knowledge of paranormal subjects. Chris also brought new guests to the show to further expand it's covering of niche topics.

The show has absolutely responded to the listeners, bringing back favourite guests and topics, conducting round-table discussions on the biggest topics/events and also securing guests on the suggestion of the listeners.

Both Gene and Chris are active in the Paracast Forums which is an opportunity for not only normal forum discussion but for listeners to give feedback and suggestions.

One of the highest accolades I can give the show is that certain very well known publicity-seeking 'names' in the field avoid appearing at all costs! They are simply afraid they will be asked to back up their claims and no doubt come up short.

Guests with real conviction, field research, novel theories etc have nothing to fear from appearing on the Paracast - only pedlars of fabrication likely to get caught out have any reason not to agree to appear.

It is the gold-standard of paranormal talk radio and it absolutely does separate signal from noise and the listener/potential listener who feels this is what the paranormal field requires more than anything, will undoubtedly find kindred spirits in the hosts and fellow listeners of this top-class paranormal show.

I've been listening for 5 years and counting and I am very choosy about what I spend time listening to, so there must be something about the show that brings me back time and time again.

I found the para cast 2 years ago. I was struck right away by the fact the that the host was willing. To question wild claims and not let a guest run over them. The big turning point to me was an interview with lamant wood. The inerview was concise an informitve.then a 2nd show had the same guest on the host of the show had an agenda and pushed it. By the end of the interview a very shaken wood seemed to be glad it was over. I never fforgot that. And that is why to me the paracast is the gold standard for radio.
The Paracast is a great and incisive show compared to many others. Gene and Chris can be probing in their questioning, but I think there is always room to turn up the skeptical questioning another notch.

A few more skeptical guests would also be a nice change; I thought the recent Expat programme was indeed a breath of fresh air!

Randi is suggested in another thread, or Brian Dunning from Skeptoid.com?

These guys may not be willing to come on. But if they do, how can Gene and Chris make "This is all bollocks and you're wasting everyone's time" be made to last for a full programme? Quite a challenge; but if careful questioning from the hosts allowed such guests to fully lay out their opinions, these programmes would at least give those "wilfully gullible" listeners something to chew on...

And don't let these guest debunk the subject by allowing them to use the "low hanging fruit"!


I stumbled upon this show a few years ago and it is the only podcast I consistently listen too. The hosts are engaging and authentic; the subject matter is diverse and the guests are varied. My only request: More trickster!

Here’s a review where I laid on the idioms with a trowel (which come to think of it, is pretty much an idiom itself. How about that!)

The Paracast with its Hosts, Gene Steinberg and Christopher ‘Brien humbly calls itself “The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio”. I beg to differ. I think “The Platinum Standard of Paranormal Radio” is a more apt proclimation, if not as catchy. Unlike similar programs whose hosts lob softball questions at their guests, the paracasters are all hardball and have been known to employ a few brush back pitches every now and then. And they are ably backed up by their bullpen aces the stalwart paracast listeners and forum members who obviously don’t suffer fools gladly. Potential guests who are faint of heart or shrinking violets need not bother to show and if you do, bring your “A” game, you’ll need it.

Feel free to use my non-forum name if you like

-Wade R.
If you are looking for food for thought, the paracast represents a sumptious buffet, and you just know the chef washed his hands before touching any of the ingredients used
The Paracast is still good. It still holds my attention and I still think it is, as has been said here, one of the better paranormal radio shows. But...

As I said in another post I think you need to add some value to it. A premier service would help but that's going to be a lot of work and effort. Right now we're getting the Paracast for free, as it should be, but what other content can you offer? Other podcasts with more guests. Online LIVE interviews where premier customers can sign on, say through skype, and 'chat live' with the guests? Perhaps an exclusive form, or emailed news letter or such. How 'bout discounts on books from select guests, or subscriptions and the like. I think the Paracast has a lot of potential but it's untapped. It's almost like it's stuck in the old format of the 60's and 70's, but it needs to evolve, I think.

That's my personal opinion, of course.

Jeff, I think this initial post asking for our thoughts might be part of an ongoing process into any new way the show can be brought to a wider audience.

Maybe guests could sign some books to be made available to buy etc. I like some of your suggestions too so perhaps when your post is read a few ideas might germinate into something more?
Gene you're a great host, the best thing you've done is bring Chris on as co-host. Together you guys make a great team. I look forward to every episode with anticipation. It's become my Sunday morning ritual!
I stopped listening to Coast2Coast years ago after discovering your show. I just checked their website, Richard Hoagland is talking about Mars right now. Someone tell Mad Martian!
I would love to hear you guys do a live show with callers. Anything you guys do to head in that direction would be great. I'd also pay for a subscription.

Keep up the great work.
i was listening to other ufo shows and i found them to let the guests claim what they like and not asked any questions regarding there stories even when i could hear things was not right with some guests claims im currently listening to all your past episodes and im really enjoying them and also its nice to hear you debating with the guests instead of giving them a fre ride keep up the good work:)