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What tracker is the Paracast Pop-up for ?

Free episodes:

Charlie Prime

Paranormal Adept
While web surfing I run a combination of privacy controls to defeat tracking beacons, invasive cookies, and malicious code execution.

Specifically, which tracker are you asking us to allow with this pop-up warning?

We run very normal Web banners on our sites to help monetize the business. Those ads do not contain tracking beacons, invasive cookies or malicious code execution.

Nobody forces you to read an ad you don't like, and you certainly don't have to click a banner. But if an offer does interest you, we always hope you might follow through to see what it's all about.

You can always selectively disable the blocking feature so ads on our sites aren't blocked. That doesn't stop you from using it elsewhere, and I certainly understand the reasons. Indeed, we interviewed someone from a company who makes an ad blocking browser extension on my tech show last week.
Google AdSense pays.

Google+, Twitter and Facebook are social networking links, to allow our members to easily share content with their friends.

Aside from the first, none of them have anything to do with banner ads, and none of them will deliver malware, questionable cookies or anything else that's nasty to your Mac or PC.