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What was the best UFO related series on television?

What was the best UFO related series on television?

  • In Search Of ...(1976-82)

    Votes: 18 40.0%
  • Project U.F.O. (1978–1979)

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • UFO Files (2004)

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • UFOs Over Earth (2008)

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • UFO Hunters (2008-2009)

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Ancient Aliens (2009)

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • One Step Beyond (1959 - 1961)

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Chasing UFOs (2012-)

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • TV has NEVER treated the subject with respect!

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters

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Paranormally Disenchanted
Have I left any out? I guess I should have put Chasing UFOs in there. My favorite, warts and all, has to be UFO Hunters.

What would the ultimate UFO documentary series look like? I think it could use equal dashes from all of the shows in the list and rotate hosts on a weekly basis using notables from the UFO research community presenting cases they choose from their own case files.
I have to say that "UFO Files" and "In Search Of" were the two best, although In Search Of didn't deal strictly with UFO's. It was like an early pre-internet Paracast.
I have to say that "UFO Files" and "In Search Of" were the two best, although In Search Of didn't deal strictly with UFO's. It was like an early pre-internet Paracast.

My thoughts exactly, but the fact that Spock was on In Search Of in every show led me to cast my vote for that show plus it was the only one of the bunch I ever watched.
In search of was brilliant. Leonard Nimoy was brilliant. I think that is what got me reading books at the local library searching for answers. I remember borrowing some books as teenager that would have the librarian slide her glasses down the bridge of her nose to look at me in the most curious and unimpressed manner! I will say one crazy thing slowly but surely all the books I borrowed involving ley lines, occult, ufo research slowly but surely was removed from the library year after year.
Thinking about this for a bit, I disagree that the UFO subject hasn't been treated with a total lack of respect by media.
I think "UFO Files" is a very well done documentary style show. It has some good graphics, and the sensationalism is low key.
I find it to be very respectful in showing and examining cases.
I would have to say that In Search Of was the best because it just present the info and didnt tell you what to think of it.I know it covered so many topics and maybe we need a show again that will cover many topics of the Paranormal and not just ufos.It would be great to have a show that just discusses the information on cases and presents it honestly and with no bias instead of shows telling me it must be this or that or has a bunch of people running around like some Blair Witch wannabe crap!
Surprised I'm the only one that voted for UFOs Over Earth. Yeah, it was only three episodes but those three episodes were pretty darned good. Wondering how many of you actually saw it. I don't think it failed to get extended because of lack of quality. If I remember correctly James Carrion said Discovery wanted it to compete with Monday Night Football, which is absolutely absurd if true. If that's where their heads were at it had no chance no matter how well it was done. I've always kinda' hoped that some other network would recognize how good it was and bring it back but that's unlikely in the extreme since Carrion isn't with MUFON anymore. And I suspect he was a big part of the reason for its quality. One of the better directors MUFON has had imo.

On a side note anyone remember the documentaries UFOs Over Phoenix and UFO Over Illinois? Those were both excellent UFO docs and I think they were made by the same crew. Someone should give that team a series.
According to David Icke; The 80s TV show "V" should be on this list of documentaries. He actualy thinks its truth masquerading as fiction.
Way back during an original airing of In Search Of with Leonard Nimoy, there was an episode where the show cut to an unscheduled insertion of a UFO film clip taken at a archaeological dig in the USA. It only lasted about a minute or so before the screen went to static and the show stayed that way until the end of the hour ( about 10 minutes ). The film showed a small ( about 15 foot wide ) faceted disk come floating in over the horizon and down into the dig site while the film crew was filming the workers. The camera people started following the UFO as it moved in and around people and objects. It was clear and looked totally genuine. I was awestruck. This was back in the 1970s so it would have been a lot harder to fake without a serious budget. I got a copy of the show but that segment is not in the released video. I've tried to get a comment from Nimoy but I've had no luck. The guy probably still has millions of unanswered Star Trek fan letters and only a few people ever get close enough to him to ask any deeper questions. The broadcast was obviously cut off on purpose to censor the footage. I've never been able to get to the bottom of that episode, but Nimoy must know about it. It makes me wonder if he's been sworn to silence or something because I've never seen him mention it since either. Let's hope he includes it in his memoirs.
I have some of the Sightings DVDs and some of them are actually pretty good. If you find them on sale someplace cheap, pick 'em up and add then to your collection.
As far as drama/fiction- Speilberg created a miniseries about ten years ago, for television. I recall that it was centered around a UFO crash- very cool series, and I can't remember the name of it- ?
One of the above programs did a show about a UFO flap in my town (Bucks County, Pa) I enjoyed.. but my favorite was probably "In Search Of"
"... whew tuff question Like trying to pick the prettiest length of pig intestines out of a barrel full of rotting, maggot-filled guts..."

Dang Dude, ...that's like......yuck.
What kind of shows were you watching?

Wasn't that actually a line from "I am the walrus"?
As far as drama/fiction- Speilberg created a miniseries about ten years ago, for television. I recall that it was centered around a UFO crash- very cool series, and I can't remember the name of it- ?
One of the above programs did a show about a UFO flap in my town (Bucks County, Pa) I enjoyed.. but my favorite was probably "In Search Of"

Are you referring to "Taken"?.....That was a crappy mini-soap opera, with ZERO ufology content. I remember seeing the trailers for that show before it came out. They seemed to portray an honest look at the history of UFO's, ...and then they ended up airing that pukey dribble. A few hours of my life I'll never get back.
Are you referring to "Taken"?.....That was a crappy mini-soap opera, with ZERO ufology content. I remember seeing the trailers for that show before it came out. They seemed to portray an honest look at the history of UFO's, ...and then they ended up airing that pukey dribble. A few hours of my life I'll never get back.
Like I said "fiction/drama"
Nothing in that show portrayed any actual history- as I recall, it was centered around a crashed disk- maybe the trailers did lead the viewers to believe such. I only recall the series followed a father and son's career as high ranking military- dealing with the crash... I also recall enjoying it very much at the time(entertainment purposes vs educational)

I think it was UFO's over Earth that did a show on the Bucks County Pa Flap. I really liked how well they investigated and detailed the sightings- trying to digitally recreate exactly what each witness had seen. One gentleman described a large craft, high above his house, at night during a storm. With each flash of lightening, he was able to see 4 seperate disk shaped objects attached to the bottom of the craft, as it slowly drifted away.
Have I left any out? I guess I should have put Chasing UFOs in there. My favorite, warts and all, has to be UFO Hunters.

What would the ultimate UFO documentary series look like? I think it could use equal dashes from all of the shows in the list and rotate hosts on a weekly basis using notables from the UFO research community presenting cases they choose from their own case files.

Sightings., 1992 to 97.
Haha, One Step Beyond was a great show for its' day. Unsolved Mysteries did a nice job when they handled UFO cases. I can't say one stands out over another. It does amuse me how much abuse UFO Hunters took when it was on, yet people fondly remember it now.