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Testament to what is taking place vis-a-vis altering climate is everywhere in people's everyday experiences. (Here in LA we are having normal, pleasant temperatures but laced with humidity which is not the norm for SoCal).

Rick Steves: "After being in Germany as it suffered through an unprecedented 30 days in a row of temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees, and now in the midst of several days of torrential thunder storms, I’m clued into climate change as it affects Europe. Here in Hamburg, in anticipation of storm surges that could push the Elbe River into people's living rooms, you’ll find all-new riverside construction basically on stilts. The city's 60-mile-long embankment is also beefed up. In an effort to make beer out of lemons, the city has gone to great lengths to make the new embankment not an eyesore, but an elevated, parklike people zone."

Hamburg Doesn’t Want a Storm Surge Flood


TEXT: "Published on Aug 20, 2015: After being in Germany as it suffered through an unprecedented 30 days in a row of temperatures between 90 and 100 degrees, and now in the midst of several days of torrential thunder storms, I’m clued into climate change as it affects Europe. Here in Hamburg, in anticipation of storm surges that could push the Elbe River into people's living rooms, you’ll find all-new riverside construction basically on stilts. The city's 60-mile-long embankment is also beefed up. In an effort to make beer out of lemons, the city has gone to great lengths to make the new embankment not an eyesore, but an elevated, parklike people zone."
