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What's Flying Around and Over Dunedoo, NSW?

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Interesting, but so far, there is insufficient information to draw a conclusion. Whether or not the objects represent UAPs or UFOs is ambiguous. The closest to being classed as a UFO that any of the reports come is the one he says paced and circled an aircraft. However that was not included on any of the video I've seen, and vague blurry lights in the dark do not meet the definition of a UFO. It would help if any pilots who have also seen them would report them to NARCAP. Another witness reported a very bright orb about 1/6 size of moon with a short green tail that lit up their backyard and surrounding bush. There was no sound or fragmentation and a minute later a boom/rumble was heard. This sounds a lot like an interceptor with afterburners going supersonic.

Apparently Mariana Flynn, President of UFO Research NSW traveled to Dunedoo and counts herself among the wannesses. She has had the footage taken by the Dunedoo local examined by an investigator who has found that one or two are man-made objects, but exactly what they were was not mentioned. Remote controlled drones have been put forth as a theory. So far, around 2 dozen people have reported similar phenomena in the area.

If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that at least some of the sightings involve RAAF maneuvers. The training airspace for RAAF Williamtown extends over Dunedoo. The Western Airspace is used for air-to-air intercept and some ground attack training with aircraft often flying at very low levels. The whole region has a lot of military activity going on and includes the Salt Ash Weapons Range. So I suspect that a fair number of sightings other than this particular case can also be attributed to military exercises:

Map of RAAF Airspace Overlapping Dunedoo
RAAF Williamtown Airspace 01a.jpg
Perhaps someone should contact the base and ask if the sightings coincide with any excercises ( 1300 333 362 )

Blurry Light in the Dark
Don't know if I've ever seen footage quite like this. The dipping down, then up, then all over. To me it's reminiscent of the New Zealand newsteam footage on the postal run. Very interesting. There are certainly a lot of things that are ruled out anyway.
Interesting, but so far, there is insufficient information to draw a conclusion...If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that at least some of the sightings involve RAAF maneuvers...So I suspect that a fair number of sightings other than this particular case can also be attributed to military exercises.
Good analysis. Reminds me of the San Luis Valley and its proximety to the MTRs on the western end of the La Veta Military Operations Area. One has to wonder what exactly "we" are flying over OP training areas around remote regions of the planet...
Don't know if I've ever seen footage quite like this. The dipping down, then up, then all over. To me it's reminiscent of the New Zealand newsteam footage on the postal run. Very interesting. There are certainly a lot of things that are ruled out anyway.

That's exactly why I went and did a little more digging and posted that particular video. I have to agree that the seemingly radical maneuvers would be hard for a real aircraft to duplicate. However I should also add that I live right across the street from a spot where the RC modelers fly and I've watched them both during the day and during the night. If the light is smaller and closer than we might otherwise assume it to be, these kinds of maneuvers are well within the performance envelope of higher performance RC craft, and certainly RC military drones. But without further evidence we can't be certain. If they are RC craft, then we might have a potential opportunist in "knightoftruth79" there, but it's too early to tell. This one still falls under the category of insufficient information.
Are those fireflies at close range?

I don't remember seeing fireflies myself, and in this video they look more flittery. But perhaps in slo-mo?:

Here's a soundtrack for watching it :D

Jimi H. That's an explanation that could fit that is new to me. Good one. I think the vid showed something really well controlled but that's just a layman's opinion.
Yea, well, I'm not sure at all! :)

The problem is, it's hard to judge on the video if it's real-time and giving us a proper view, or it's just slow motion and shaky out-of-focus shots where you have a lensing effect? E.g. the one that starts at 2:50. It could be 20 miles away, but it also could be 20 inches away.

He said he discovered them on his second night there, so he might not know if he's looking at something everyone else thinks is totally normal, like fireflies. Or he could be deliberately presenting it as more than it is, of course.

But I'd like to see more, so it would be great to get another local source on it!