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When did the M.I.B stop appearing?

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Paranormal Novice
During your last show w/ Greg Bishop, one part got me thinking. When did the Men in Black phenomenon stop? Does it have any connection as to when the (U.S) Govt stopped investigating U.F.O's?
A very interesting question, I've wondered about that too. The MIB seem to have went the way of the overall/flight suit wearing occupants. Taking out the factor that there was real flesh and blood military investigators (as well as fevered imaginations )floating around, many reports seem to take place during the paranoia filled days of the cold war when there seemingly was spies and spooks behind every corner. If the phenomena does indeed mirror the societal conditions of the time this could have been another aspect.
I have the suit ,hat and raybans.

So at least one appears around here from time to time

My party trick to is fire off my neuraliser at parties and tell them they never saw a UFO there were no aliens..........

The confusion this generates is priceless
Perhaps the M.I.B. tactics have evolved in the same way that other law enforcement agency tactics have? More specifically, perhaps instead of threatening those who report to law enforcement and the FBI/CIA their UFO-related experiences are being killed off by the M.I.B. rather than simply warned or threatened? That would explain why the sightings have suddenly disappeared, because no one is surviving to report them.

And I recognize that a response such as this is more appropriate in the "Conspiracy Theories" threads, but it seems appropriate under the circumstances here.
What do you mean they stopped? When did that happen? MIB experiences are as old as the phenomenon itself. Best ask Redfern as it's his favourite topic. But I'm pretty sure he would describe it as ongoing.
I do remember a video from a hotel surveillance camera that showed a couple of men dressed in black enter the hotel lobby but I don't know why that was ever a thing. From what I remember they neither skulked...been waiting to use that word...around nor tailed anyone or did any other "MIBy" things other than enter a hotel. Other then that I've heard way more about black eyed children than MIB sightings.
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It seems like these things do have the habit of becoming fads, and memes online in our digital age. They are more rumors than stories, but I'm sure the MIB still has some legs to it.
Looking at the MIB, They usually appear if their is "strong" evidence seen of aliens a "witness" caught, or something serious is about to get out, I haven't heard so far anything that would get their attention or those witnesses are already caught or "neutralized"(ha) . Odd though they only appear for extraterrestrial and UFO related phenomena, not if you experience a Djinn or other intra-dimensional beings. If I can summon up a actual demon for example, Id actually get a kick if the government or MIB knock at my door at all.
Speaking of Redfern and MiB's- Last night I watched part of an hour long TV show called "Monsters and Mysteries in America" with the episode focused on the MIB. After the first few min's the program focused on the Maury Island incident, often going to Redfern for his take on the subject. Anyway, kind of turned me off as I thought that particular incident to be a hoax- but none the less Redfern seemed knowledgeable on the particulars of the MiB phenom. I really enjoyed when the program went on to interview Stan Gordon and his MiB experiences.. such as the Men showing up at the scene of an encounter and collecting evidence from a witness while telling the witness they were part of Stan Gordon's team sent to collect said evidence.. all this before Stan himself was able to get to the scene himself. One particular witness being a housewife unfamiliar with MiB, and being the early 70's and many years before Hollywood got hold of the idea.
Another incident Gordon mentioned- a ufo witness, a farmer, who went out with his rifle to see what landed in his field, then took a couple shots at a humanoid figure. Some time after the incident, Stan had phoned the farmer to ask him if he was interested in a hypnotic regression to see if he could tap into any missed details, when the farmer asked Stan why the need for a 2nd hypnosis session. Apparently some MiB's had already talked the farmer into such a session. I can't say if the Men had again posed as part of Gordon's team, as I had fallen asleep and missed the last part of the program. I'll have to revisit the 2nd half of the program tonight.
Interesting. I acknowledge that even in their heyday the MIB phenomena was not a regular occurrence they seemed quite sporadic but even so, quibbling aside, if reported incidents are truly down from a historical high...not that this could be determined...you could argue that even the MIB participants are being more aloof and in truth could be more numerous than ever but it takes hypnotic regression to be remembered.
Maybe, tactics have changed with technology. Why knock at the door of a witness to intimidate, when intimidation can now be done via the internet, drone technology- heck, even targeting the witnesses Sirius radio while they are driving to send a message may be possible and enough to keep anyone quiet.
Ok when did it stop what year really had a farmer grilled in83. Cattle mutilation we fed them the night before next day they were dead and cut up in a real weird way. They belonged to a friend who was sick now dead so we were feeding them.
During your last show w/ Greg Bishop, one part got me thinking. When did the Men in Black phenomenon stop? Does it have any connection as to when the (U.S) Govt stopped investigating U.F.O's?

What about that intriguing piece of video that came from a hotel lobby, purporting to show two MIB's that came in looking for an employee? It was discussed in this forum and if I remember correctly, the general consensus was that if it was a hoax, it was exceedingly well executed.

My point being, perhaps this was a real case of the MIB, and if so, well it didn't stop!
Have there ever been MIB style occurrences in mythology/pre U.S history? Is it possible this is a modern interpretation on an old archetype?
Thanks for all the replies, a lot to think about.
Is it possible this is a modern interpretation on an old archetype?

Wasn't it Keel who pointed out...or maybe try to make a connection...between the MIB (who tended to show up in threes) and the biblical three wise men ? I know Mr. Keel tended to throw a lot of things out there but I never heard anyone else try to make something out of this, although this is not an area which i know a lot about.
Have there ever been MIB style occurrences in mythology/pre U.S history? Is it possible this is a modern interpretation on an old archetype?
Thanks for all the replies, a lot to think about.
You might find this piece of recovered Internet lore (read: ancient digital text) to be of interest.
The Men in Black and their Magical Origins - Sub-Figura vel Liber

While it may be tempting to associate MIB with dark mythological figures and threatening monstrous beings, the real heart of the structure of the MIB is more specific and focussed. You can use this to perhaps mesasure the validity of an MIB encounter or to better understand the psychology of the percriver.

The usual situation: once an individual has gained access to some form of forbidden knowledge through witness or discovery, soon after, odd beings, usually dressed in black, show up to warn off the individual from pursuing their knowledge inquiries and their distribution of the knowledge. Now whether you are probing deep alchemical processes, secret brotherhoods, forbidden science, ufo's or the mafia, some strange stranger dressed in black is going to show up at your door to threaten, intimidate and dissuade you from your pursuits. There always appears to be guardians of secret knowledge that play this role.

When you consider Keel's discussion of the MIB materializing in his room or Philip K. Dick's ongoing relationship with VALIS, as brought up in the article above, you can see the paranoid and psychological aspects of the MIB. But this does not take away from legitimate encounters as reported by UFO witnesses world wide. Something inexplicable, or not fully understood, is taking place to safeguard knowledge. There is no myth at work but definitely debatable human/inhuman agents, plus paranoid fears, that have developed this phenomenon across time. Secret knowledge always accumulates such layers.

Vallée's quote that intros the article sets the stage:

"Throughout medieval times, a major current of thought distinct from official religion existed, culminating in the works of the alchemists and hermetics.

Among such groups were to be found some of the early modern scientists and men remarkable for the strength of their independent thinking and their adventurous life, such as Paracelsus.

The nature of the beings who mysteriously appeared, dressed in shiny garments or covered with dark hair, and with whom communication was so hard to establish intrigued these men intensely."

- Jacques Vallee

Passport to Magonia