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when silences go arkward (Palin)

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Well, she's the only one of the three (McCain, Obama, Biden) that has ANY executive experience running something besides a campaign.

Obama's experience? Community organizer. McCain and Biden? Decades in Washington spending our money and making laws. Palin's? State Govenor and town mayor.

As govenor, she is accountable to people beyond simply pandering for votes and entertaining lobbyists like Senators. She signs payrolls and oversees the state budget and daily operations of the entire state. No, Alaska isn't New York or California in size, but it's still more than anything the other guys in the race have done. She deals with the state legislature in an executive role similar to how a VP or President would deal with Congress in Washington. I would stack her real-world experience up against Obama any day (not that she's running against him, shes only the VP candidate)

An ivy league education doesnt mean shit IMO. Bush has an MBA from Harvard and look where that got us. There are a thousand ivy league guys in Washington and on Wallstreet and look what a wonderful job they have done at running things.
I could post some footage of Obama saying in one breath that he wants to pull troops out of Iraq and in the next breath saying he will keep troops in Iraq but its late and I'm tired.

Also what does Biden have to say for Himself ? Do they keep him locked up in a wardrobe covered up in a Blanket do they just wheel him out on cue ?

I know what the Republicans are standing for.

The Democrats could be all for growing Marijuana on the Dark side of the Moon for all I know. a little bit like the UK Conservative Party. (Lazy Fearfull Politicians)
>> Also what does Biden have to say for Himself ? Do they keep him locked up in a wardrobe covered up in a Blanket do they just wheel him out on cue ?

Biden is a gaffe machine. Every time he speaks he sticks his foot in his mouth and speaks his mind, which may be endearing and refreshing to us, but it creates headaches for Obama. For example, this past day or so he criticised Obama's own ads against McCain.

Yea, to be honest I don't trust any of them to do what is right and to do it with integrity or honesty. In today's politics, almost by definition, in order to rise to the top you have to be lacking in key ethical standards.

At the end of the day Palin is no better or worse than any of them. They are all professional politicians first and foremost.
USA politicians aren't worth paying attention to. Yet, people do. I would ask why, but I'm convinced the answer would be something I will not resonate with.

But..... oh fuk it I got tired of explainin it long ago.

An ivy league education doesnt mean shit IMO. Bush has an MBA from Harvard and look where that got us. There are a thousand ivy league guys in Washington and on Wallstreet and look what a wonderful job they have done at running things.

True but at least Obama earned his while Bush's daddy bought his. Credit where it's due. Plus Obama taught law (yes, yes, insert "those who can/those who can't" adage here).

All the same Ape, hard right as you are, I find your defence of Palin well... indefensible. Surely even you can see she's qualified for jack. She's been governor for ten minutes. And being the mayor of BFN Alaska isn't exactly a huge political advantage. I guarantee the chairman of the board of the avaerage high school is responsible for more people (and a bigger budget).

She's a purely political choice, a desperate hail mary attempt to grab disgruntled Hillary supporters who are so blinded by dogmatic thinking that they will vote for a woman, ANY woman, regardless of affiliation or platform.
All the same Ape, hard right as you are.

LOL I'd hardly qualify as "hard right" by the real hard right.. I'm pro-abortion rights, I'm an athiest, I'm for all forms of stem cell research, and I'm neutral on gay marriage (neither expresssly for or against - it's a state's rights isse IMO), I'm pro-alternative fuels, I'm against the Iraq war (mainly for economic reasons though). I'm neither hard right or a neo-con. I'm a blend of several things, which unfortunately for me neither party fully lines up with.

The one thing I am not however, is star-struck with Obama. I'm not anti-Obama, I'm just not that impressed with his slim record or his solutions and general world view. I think a lot of people on the left have it in their heads that Obama is some sort of latter-day JFK. Pure cult of peronality. I just don't see it. If he gets elected though, I will not have a nervous breakdown like many liberals will if McCain gets elected. Life will be business as usual. I remember people at work CRYING when Bush got reelected.. Come on..spare me the melodrama.

Plus Obama taught law (yes, yes, insert "those who can/those who can't" adage here).

You'll get no snide comments about teachers from me. I think teachers are undervalued in our society, but at the same time that doesn't make you qualfied to be a governmental leader. It's a wash. The only thing it does is prove he's well educated and "book" smart, which I'm sure he is. Lincoln had no extenisve formal training and was largely self-taught. Education matters less to me than demonstration of ability and talent and experience when examining leadership qualities.

Surely even you can see she's qualified for jack. She's been governor for ten minutes. And being the mayor of BFN Alaska isn't exactly a huge political advantage.

She's been governer for roughly the same amount of time that Obama has been a senator in Washington if you take into account his campaign. Please explain to me exactly what Obama is qualified for regarding real-world experience, besides "running a presidential campaign" I do not consider being a community organizer or being in the state senate as executive experience.

I'm not pro-Palin, or a Palin apoligist. I just see a lot of what I consider to be ridiculous attacks on her from the left while Obama is given a free pass for the same weaknesses because he is black and a democrat. I would have chosen Romney or Bloomberg if I had been McCain, so it's not like I was thrilled with Palin. I'm just trying to see the whole thing as objectively as I can instead of getting all giddy making fun of people out of ideological motives.

To me, the very best role model for a president is someone who has taken a troubled state and turned it around and made it prosperous as a govenor. Reduced crime, spurred growth, attracted businesses, raised the standard of living etc. Pragmatism and and resourcefulness go a long way in my book. Neither Obama or McCain has demonstrated that to me.
I'm neither hard right or a neo-con. I'm a blend of several things, which unfortunately for me neither party fully lines up with.

Center right then? You're a libertarian, aren't you? I get confused...

If he gets elected though, I will not have a nervous breakdown like many liberals will if McCain gets elected.

I'd be more concerned with McCain having some kind of breakdown...

Lincoln had no extenisve formal training and was largely self-taught. Education matters less to me than demonstration of ability and talent and experience when examining leadership qualities.

Lincoln was President in vastly simpler times. This veneration of former Presidents perplexes me. Yes, they were great men in their day but that's all, they'd choke and die in the modern political arena.

Also this anti-intellectualism concerns me. I'm not saying everyone who goes to university is a genius (See W) but the idea that some hick from the stix with a solid "gut" is somehow better equipped to lead than someone with a dedicated education is absurd. Experience is one thing but "talent" be damned, I'll take "book learning" over talent any day.

I do not consider being a community organizer or being in the state senate as executive experience.

Then I have no response because I consider those more than enough to outweigh Palin's resume. As a community organizer, Obama probably had to deal with more people than Palin did as Mayor. As a senator he's much more familiar with how Washington works and can therefore effect change more readily (theoretically).

I just see a lot of what I consider to be ridiculous attacks on her from the left while Obama is given a free pass for the same weaknesses because he is black and a democrat.

I don't know that they're all that ridiculous. They sequester this woman away from the press and when someone is even the least bit critical of her politics (not her family, not her religion, her politics.. you know the thing that should matter for someone in her position) the McCain campaign cries "Sexist!" and runs away to sequester her yet again. It's very bait-and-switch.

It's curious that the dynamic of this election seems to have become very much about Obama vs Palin...
Palin represents the worst elements of the American nightmare...

Hypocrite, anti-choice, fundamentalist, creationist, absent parent, ignorant, opportunist, isolationist, provincial, mindless twit. She's not qualified to run a Lionel train set, much less a country.

I'm embarrassed to be American.

Palin represents the worst elements of the American nightmare...

Hypocrite, anti-choice, fundamentalist, creationist, absent parent, ignorant, opportunist, isolationist, provincial, mindless twit. She's not qualified to run a Lionel train set, much less a country.

I'm embarrassed to be American.


Sounds like all of em to me David.

I would like to know. Any of you actually expect something other than a turd bag? If so, give me your drugs please. Thank you.
YouTube - CBS Sarah Palin interview

I kinda feel sorry for you guys in the States... but it sure is entertaining watching from the outside!

I wonder how Bassett views the whole thing. Surely the possibility of 'disclosure' with McCain/Palin admin isnt very likely.

I feel sorry for the world if she ever became president.That is how big that problem is.:eek:

How would she even understand ufology when she cant even understand her own history. (Man is only on this earth six thousand years) yet i believe scientist's, found ruins of a old city in India dateing around eight thousand years. The women is pure nonsence.
I used to like a as a MILF i mean, but when i heard her views it really scared me..jeez, whats with her and witchcraft>>>>>
I kinda feel sorry for you guys in the States... but it sure is entertaining watching from the outside!

I wonder how Bassett views the whole thing. Surely the possibility of 'disclosure' with McCain/Palin admin isnt very likely.

Yep definitely a car crash in slow motion. Almost fascinating watching the death throes of the American Empire ... :D

Still regarding what you said about Steven Bassett and disclosure. I doubt that disclosure would ever come out of a McCain/Palin administration simply because I doubt that "aliens" are even a miniscule part of Palin's world view: God made the Earth and all that in six days and rested on the seventh, dontchya know.

It doesn't really look like he had any time to play around with greys, or nordics or lizards or praying mantis types ... or even Jo Ann Richards ant-mantis hybrid thingies (antmantises, anyone ??? :D)

So ... maybe next time?? 2012 ???? Ooooo ... now there's an interesting date :eek:

p.s. as for Palin. Anyone who has a squarer jaw than Arnold Schwartzenegger is not to be trusted ... even if she wears an expensive pants suit.
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I don't think science could ever design a tube of K-Y big enough to make the American people go along with Paulson's "Give us $700,000,000,000...and don't ask what we do with or the Boogey Man is going to get you." scheme. The attempt by evil bankers to consolidate all of the world's money and property ownings into a central, consolidated entity is doomed to fail.
I doubt that "aliens" are even a miniscule part of Palin's world view: God made the Earth and all that in six days and rested on the seventh, dontchya know.

It doesn't really look like he had any time to play around with greys, or nordics or lizards or praying mantis types ... or even Jo Ann Richards ant-mantis hybrid thingies (antmantises, anyone ??? :D)

I'm listening to that Jo Ann Richards interview as I type this. I can't get the image out of my head now of Sarah Palin in one of those alien orgies getting every orifice, some of them freshly created with cauterizing lasers, stuffed with little reptillian grey hemipenes.