All the same Ape, hard right as you are.
LOL I'd hardly qualify as "hard right" by the real hard right.. I'm pro-abortion rights, I'm an athiest, I'm for all forms of stem cell research, and I'm neutral on gay marriage (neither expresssly for or against - it's a state's rights isse IMO), I'm pro-alternative fuels, I'm against the Iraq war (mainly for economic reasons though). I'm neither hard right or a neo-con. I'm a blend of several things, which unfortunately for me neither party fully lines up with.
The one thing I am not however, is star-struck with Obama. I'm not anti-Obama, I'm just not that impressed with his slim record or his solutions and general world view. I think a lot of people on the left have it in their heads that Obama is some sort of latter-day JFK. Pure cult of peronality. I just don't see it. If he gets elected though, I will not have a nervous breakdown like many liberals will if McCain gets elected. Life will be business as usual. I remember people at work CRYING when Bush got reelected.. Come on..spare me the melodrama.
Plus Obama taught law (yes, yes, insert "those who can/those who can't" adage here).
You'll get no snide comments about teachers from me. I think teachers are undervalued in our society, but at the same time that doesn't make you qualfied to be a governmental leader. It's a wash. The only thing it does is prove he's well educated and "book" smart, which I'm sure he is. Lincoln had no extenisve formal training and was largely self-taught. Education matters less to me than demonstration of ability and talent and experience when examining leadership qualities.
Surely even you can see she's qualified for jack. She's been governor for ten minutes. And being the mayor of BFN Alaska isn't exactly a huge political advantage.
She's been governer for roughly the same amount of time that Obama has been a senator in Washington if you take into account his campaign. Please explain to me exactly what Obama is qualified for regarding real-world experience, besides "running a presidential campaign" I do not consider being a community organizer or being in the state senate as executive experience.
I'm not pro-Palin, or a Palin apoligist. I just see a lot of what I consider to be ridiculous attacks on her from the left while Obama is given a free pass for the same weaknesses because he is black and a democrat. I would have chosen Romney or Bloomberg if I had been McCain, so it's not like I was thrilled with Palin. I'm just trying to see the whole thing as objectively as I can instead of getting all giddy making fun of people out of ideological motives.
To me, the very best role model for a president is someone who has taken a troubled state and turned it around and made it prosperous as a govenor. Reduced crime, spurred growth, attracted businesses, raised the standard of living etc. Pragmatism and and resourcefulness go a long way in my book. Neither Obama or McCain has demonstrated that to me.