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When someone says they've seen a UFO isn't that proof enough?

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Slim Shady

Skilled Investigator
I would class myself as a open minded skeptic on this issue , i personally do believe 99.9% percent of the UFO incidents, i believe they are fact a UFO. Now my question is , why should anyone deny there claims that a person has seen a UFO ?
A UFO is a unidentified flying obect ,so if a person does see a "Obect in the Sky they can't Identify" why the hell should anyone say your lying ?

As for claiming the object is from outer space etc i personally believe if they did came from a super advanced alien race that can travel to the ends of the universe wouldn't they atleast have more attractive / creative , even mind boggling spacecraft compared to a flying wing ....UFO-Arizona-lights-USA-today-1997.jpg

My conclusion is all UFO's are all of Human origin , mostly Military test aircraft/prototypes , this is the only logical answer till a UFO such as SkylineTrailer-thumb-550x310-44827.jpg either invades us or comes in peace .
But people have seen things like this in the sky, a couple incidences right off the top of my head were a mile or larger across. And you're saying people constructed them?
The largest aircraft carriers are just over 1000 feet long, super tankers max out at 1500 feet.
Yet, people can build flying structures a mile or more in size?
Or make craft capable of 90 degree turns at supersonic speeds? Without turning the pilots to jelly?
Without making any noise? Without causing a supersonic shockwave that would shatter every window for miles?

Where, and how, can I sign up for this?
I would be the official crew "ass-wiper", or boot licker, or whatever it would take just to serve on one of those!
Wide broad strokes will take you to a cosy place where you can imagine a static universe where you are alone, supreme and all flying craft originate from this majestic planet.
However, focused strokes targeting troubling documented events with multiple competent witnesses draws an entirely different picture.

I don't think you can really discuss the UFO subject in broad terms... The conclusions vary from case to case: put all the unsolved high quality cases together and a much more honest and compelling image emerges. Focusing on the 2% cases that you'd have trouble putting a 'made on planet earth' label is the way to go.

This ain't a religion folks, its an investigation lol
One can't, I have no doubt there are highly classified craft crossing our skies, there are still a lot unaccounted for. Not increasing nor decreasing, but there is something else 'out there'.

What one makes of it, is a another story.