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Which show????

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Greg M

Skilled Investigator
I really can't decide which show I like best as there is a point of interest in each show - or atleast some one having a melt down ( guest or David).
The saddest one was 'remembering Mack tonnie.......that show asked more questions than it answered. One of my favourite was when the puppy thief was blown out of the water - and I was surprised yet very impressedwith how honest and frank the discussion was when a follow up was done.
I really like the new guest hosts ( I enjoy Paul K , lack of accident and realized it as my own Ontarioan accent --- it is so easy to understand).
Though all the new guest hosts have given be something to smile about - they just aren't Dave ( is any one going to pull a 'Dave' on someone.
I think I have finally heard almost every show, and have realized how they have impacted my life and how important it is to be able to discribe shape, sound, how to size it up and of course the who, what , where , when method. Listening to people being asked those questions, opened my eyes and has retrained the way I "view" things and those are skills that we can practice any where and the importances of making notes. But some of the political side bars are things I enjoy best, along with the free range humor ( its free range, because you never know where it will go).
How is David doing, and is Gene on his last nerve with the radio stations yet?
This show has taught me to question, re think, and re-ask the simplest question (which can be tvery important - ie, did you go to the bathroom (it is those vague questions that can make or break anyones story). You hae woken up a sleepy mind gent, thanks alot
I've described the show as being like a college course in ufology and the paranormal. Nobody claims to have all the answers, but these shows ask the right questions.

I've a few favourites, the Dr Richard Haines interview is high up the list.
The guy who wrote "The God Theory" Bernard Haisch is one of the best I've heard. I'd recommend it to anyone (it's archived) for a listen that goes beyond the old reductionist model of the cosmos.
I really can't decide which show I like best as there is a point of interest in each show - or atleast some one having a melt down

I wish that it is --I-- who could be picked (on) to try and make melt down on the show. Granted, I'm not a big-time somebody Ufologist since I'm not (-as-) cheap and easy as that. (Or in the same way.) But I doubledog dare towhomeitmayconcern, to try and make me melt down on a --show--. Granted, I've melted down in a post, but in person, I'm terminally nice and gentle, like moisturizing soap, (albeit to my own detriment, [and not as cleanly] unlike said nice product.)
I wish that it is --I-- who could be picked (on) to try and make melt down on the show. Granted, I'm not a big-time somebody Ufologist since I'm not (-as-) cheap and easy as that. (Or in the same way.) But I doubledog dare towhomeitmayconcern, to try and make me melt down on a --show--. Granted, I've melted down in a post, but in person, I'm terminally nice and gentle, like moisturizing soap, (albeit to my own detriment, [and not as cleanly] unlike said nice product.)
Boy oh boy that sounds like a challenge.....they need to take you up on that, it could be very interesting.....but I am sure you are not like some of the wing nuts that have melted down on the show. It should be fairly easy to not melt down and turn the tables on those that are trying to make you crack under the strain. One just needs to take a page out of a social workers hand books and say " I hear you saying ----------, please explain what you mean by that"
As a Social Worker I gotta say...You two are 'thilly" :p

---------- Post added at 11:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ----------

One Social Worker ask another "what time is it?" The one with the watch says "I'm sorry, my watch is broken." That's o.k. We talked about it..that's what's important. :-)
You two are silly! (Or uh, thilly). Thank you Greg M. I am truly not a wingnut, cuz those types hold a hard core TrueBelief in something that requires faith more or less. However, I am not referring to the religious, for a goodpart, meaning non zealous fundamentalists. Moreso, those guys who are like, "The E.T. Aliens ARE here, and if only the evil military industrial complex would let them land, then we could all have full Disclosure, and be given that "free zero point energy".
The guy who wrote "The God Theory" Bernard Haisch is one of the best I've heard. I'd recommend it to anyone (it's archived) for a listen that goes beyond the old reductionist model of the cosmos.

Its an amazing world really with people full of different opinions and ideas. You see I would rate the Haisch episode as one of the worst ones I've ever heard. I thought he talked such a lot of craptrap I thought my head would fall off (it teetered quite close to it, believe me). It almost was as bad as a Walter Bosley story (oh dear I might get it in the arse for that one ... hehe).

Best one though ... couldn't really say to tell you the truth. I might have to go through the archives and have a butchers ... but the Haisch episode is definitely up there for me with the mad dentist and the mad Frenchman episodes :D.

Carry onnnn ...

ps oh and saucerwench ... I could pick on you but you know I know all your terrible little secrets and I could take you down in a second mwahh haa haa haaa ... but of course you know that I would never do so ... so well ... thats no fun then really :cool: