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Fair enough indeed...however, through mutual respect and common decorum we can have an exchange without devolving into crass behavior and subversive inuindo.

I will try and make this short.  I am not a company man per say so I will explain it as it was explained to me.

First, the corporate structure you are referring to is a "B" corporation which deals primarily for public bennefit.  Very few of these exist because of the additional requirement and oversight required to demonstrate some sort of "public good" a company is alligned to.  The DPO was an effort to allow anyone and everyone to join the fight.  As you probably know, an IPO is usually limited to a select few and angel investment could jeopardize our abilite to remain focused on the research.

Second, the purpose is not to "make money", instead the company is trying to "raise money" so it can conduct the research and modeling to bring the various applications forward to a mature state.

Third, the motivations of my colleagues are question you should ask them...preferably in a sincere and non-accusatory manner.  These folks have taken great risk to be part of this endeavor, and for better or worse, they are entitled to their positions and opinions like the rest of us on this forum.  Honest inquiry is always more preferable over hostile interrogation.  I don't blame anyone for not responding to a potential ambush...I am only doing it this time because i have faith in several members of this discussion board that we (collectively) are trying to have fruitful discussion about a serious topic.  Otherwise, I would gladly be gone and avoid the backbiting and accusatory tone.

Lastly, I frankly don't care who supports my efforts and who doesn't.  I knew when I made the decision to leave that I would catch the arrows from all sides.  I accept it.  What I DO care about are the many individuals who are trying to learn more about this incredible mystery of our universe and instead are being led down roads fraught with personal egos, agendas, and bias.  Even worse, I have been deliberately misquoted and then that is used to perpetuate mistrust and anti-government propaganda among the discussion boards.

Please let me expoubd on this for just a moment:  From intellectual arrogance to scientific tyrany, I am completely stunned by manner in which I have witnessed a response in recent months.  In some cases, the very same scientists who made an early (and successful) career studying non-observables such as black holes (which by deffinition can only be observed through indirect measurements) are the same scientists who are ridiculing their own methodologies that we are trying to use to study the elusuve phenomena.  On the opposite side of the argument, you have well respected researchers who now feel their efforts are in jeopardy and their funding sources may be in danger so they have decided to launch a full frontal assault by making false accusations we are pursuing FLIR fuzz and exhaust plumes...

As for addressing people's questions...I have made every effort to directly answer many of them both in the media and in upcoming events.  In several cases I have been advised NOT to engage but I have chosen to do so in order that the myths can be dispelled once and for all.  In most cases, at personal expense.  As much as i would like to attend certain forums and engage with you directly, unfortunately mother nature has a vote and I can't push off my surgery any longer.

As with my other posts, I am sure several will nevertheless interpret my response as disingenuous or obfuscation.  I assure you it is not.  Hopefully in the near future it will become evident that i have made a boy scout attempt at trying to remain fair, honest, and reachable.
