Burnt State
Paranormal Adept
This forum has been an interesting place of competing ideologies, though i think most of the religious believers were chased away, but we still clearly have the voices of the paranormal believer, the skeptic, the conspiracist and everyone inbetween. I'm curious to know who you think is the biggest zealot. Who is the most likely to spew uninformed nonsense based purely on emotion and conviction, selective facts, repeated unconfirmed information or their version of science?
From my vantage point the four areas i've outlined shake down as follows:
a) The skeptical debunker loves to use science and Occam as a hammer, and sometimes will discredit or ignore real information for the sake of a clearly rational worldview where nothing magical ever happens. They rarely admit to their own misgivings and like to protect their own.
b) The faith based religious believer who might ignore any bit of science in favour of their imaginary god as blind faith rules their world and everyone else is going to hell, or something like that.
c) The paranormal/ufo believer believes every odd bright light in the sky comes from outer space, ghosts and evp's are everywhere - you're just not looking/listening carefully enough they say, and yes, demons and angels are entirely real.
d) The conspiracist thinks that 911 was an inside job, humans have nothing to do with global warming and JFK's dog was in cahoots with the driver to shoot him dead. Everywhere there is a chemtrail causing cancer for these folk as their facts get pulled out of thin air.
We've had some very interesting battles here on the forum and any longtime forum reader knows that there have been some threads that have been all out battles of the uninformed, the believers, the skeptics and the exasperated on a variety of topics. But who is the most fanatic of all and most likely to promote a viewpoint based on weak information or pure emotion simply for the sake of proving their point?
From my vantage point the four areas i've outlined shake down as follows:
a) The skeptical debunker loves to use science and Occam as a hammer, and sometimes will discredit or ignore real information for the sake of a clearly rational worldview where nothing magical ever happens. They rarely admit to their own misgivings and like to protect their own.
b) The faith based religious believer who might ignore any bit of science in favour of their imaginary god as blind faith rules their world and everyone else is going to hell, or something like that.
c) The paranormal/ufo believer believes every odd bright light in the sky comes from outer space, ghosts and evp's are everywhere - you're just not looking/listening carefully enough they say, and yes, demons and angels are entirely real.
d) The conspiracist thinks that 911 was an inside job, humans have nothing to do with global warming and JFK's dog was in cahoots with the driver to shoot him dead. Everywhere there is a chemtrail causing cancer for these folk as their facts get pulled out of thin air.
We've had some very interesting battles here on the forum and any longtime forum reader knows that there have been some threads that have been all out battles of the uninformed, the believers, the skeptics and the exasperated on a variety of topics. But who is the most fanatic of all and most likely to promote a viewpoint based on weak information or pure emotion simply for the sake of proving their point?