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Who thinks Greer and Boylan should move to NJ and get married?

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Skilled Investigator
I think they would make an adorable couple! I wish I had the photoshop skills, I'd love to make a wedding photo of them.
I wanted to draw a laugh because it seems that these two guys seem to be the Real conspiracy.

Source after source after source derives from them. In law, the general rule of thumb is to "follow the money" in ufology I would say "follow the information" and it seems at times that all roads in ufology lead to greer and boylan.

If even 1 debunker manages disprove 1 of each of their claims as being flamboyantly false, would this not lend itself to the idea that they could be full of fecal matter? If not one then how many? 2? 4? 10?

How many times must Chicken Little yell, before the crowd turns their heads at their wayward claims?

It seems that following the information means following the money... so I guess Ufology isn't so different from Law after all.
Oh, just found this thread.

Yes, yes, and absolutely yes on your point! I am in complete agreement.

It is extremely fair to judge a persons credibility on the veracity of their claims. If just one statement proves to be false, than you simply have no other choice, but to throw the entire testimony out as being unreliable.

You make an interesting analogy about following the information. I would expand upon it a little. Perhaps a better way to phrase that, is "Follow the disinformation".

Greer is quite a dichotomy, isn't he? On the one hand, we have C-Seti, and on the other hand, we have The Disclosure Project.

With C-Seti, we can only learn of Greers' "truths" by meeting him out in the desert with $2500 and a non-disclosure agreement (irony intended...), and by following his protocols, and his techniques, and his "journey", for lack of a better word. Everyone hold hands, close your eyes, stay open, meditate, breath, now pull out your flashlights and look up at the sky...

But with The Disclosure Project, on May 9th, 2001, before the Washington National Press Club and indeed, in front of the entire world, you have a coming together of key witnesses, key testimony, signed Affidavits, disclosure by what appears to be credible military and government witnesses, in a live, public venue, stating essentially under oath before the entire world, that the ET reality is true.

Now this is not Greer's testimony, mind you. This is the testimony of:

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut
Monsignor Corrado Balducci, Vatican theologian
FAA Division Chief John Callahan, ex-Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA, Washington DC [1]
Sgt. Chuck Sorrells, US Air Force (ret.)
Mr. Michael W. Smith, US Air Force
Commander Graham Bethune, US Navy (retired)
Mr. Enrique Kolbeck, Senior Air Traffic Controller
Dr. Richard Haines, NASA research scientist [2][3]
Mr. Franklin Carter, US Navy
Mr. Dan Willis, US Navy
Mr. Neil Daniels, United Airlines Airline Pilot, ex-Air Force
Sgt. Robert Blazina (retired)
Lieutenant Frederick Marshall Fox, US Navy (retired)
Captain Massimo Poggi, senior 747 captain for Alitalia
Lieutenant Bob Walker, US Army
Mr. Don Bockelman, US Army
Lt. Colonel Dwynne Arneson, US Air Force (retired)
Professor Robert Jacobs, Lt. US Air Force
Colonel Ross Dedrickson, US Air Force (ret.)/AEC
Harry Allen Jordan, US Navy
Mr. James Kopf, US Navy/ National Security Agency
Lieutenant Colonel Joe Wojtecki, Strategic Air Command and Tactical Air Command
Staff Sergeant Stoney Campbell, US Air Force
Astronaut Gordon Cooper
Brigadier General Steven Lovekin, Esq., White House Army Signaling Agency [4]
Merle Shane McDow, US Navy Atlantic Command
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown (retired), US Air Force
Dr. Carol Rosin, manager, Fairchild Industries
"Dr. B.", scientist and engineer who has worked on top-secret projects
Lance Corporal John Weygandt, Marine Corp
Mr. Nick Pope, British Ministry Of Defense
Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, five-star Admiral and the former Head of the British Ministry of Defense
Security Officer Larry Warren, US Air Force
Captain Lori Rehfeldt, British Royal Air Force
Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army
Major-General Vasily Alexeyev, Space Communications Center, Russia
Master Sergeant Dan Morris, USAF (Retired)/ NRO Operative
Mr. Don Phillips, Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF, and CIA Contractor
Captain Bill Uhouse, US Marine Corps (ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel John Williams, Air Force rescue helicopter pilot

And each of their testimony can be evaluated based on their own merits.

So, in that regard, if you follow the "information", it does actually lead to Greer. IT can be reliable, even though Greer may not be.

The whole thing is complicated. Even though some of us may no longer consider Greer to be a key player in Ufology, we cannot refute that his prior contributions will likely stand the test of time.

Greer: A dichotomy.

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