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Who wants to see ET???

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The feeling I get from watching it is that we are looking at CGI. The motion of the eyelids is so slow and smooth in contrast to the old film/damaged tape look that appears to be an overlay. I'm just giving my initial impressions and I don't claim to be a video analysis expert or to have employed some analysis technique.

And what are we looking at in that last "how to drive" segment? I can't make it out.

My thinking is that a genuine ET or other paranormal type footage would have a definite wild animal feel and or an extreme outré quality that I don't get from this. This is a standard grey alien behaving himself for the camera. I guess it could be real but my impression is that it isn't.
YO! you all.

Just a joke ... I came across this, geeze now I forget ... but is was somehow connected to the Serpo crapola. At anyrate some guys have more time on their hands than is good for em'.

I always wondered what makes people create hoaxes. I mean some of them are quite elaborate, requiring a considerable amount of talent, time, effort and money. The UMMO hoax, for example, simply boggles the mind with its scope..

What are they trying to accomplish? Why waste so much to try to put one over on everyone? Is it just for shits and giggles? If that's all they are after, taking a crap in a paper bag, setting it on fire and leaving it on someone's doorstep will give anyone all the shits and giggles they will ever need, surely. I guess for some folks, even the humiliation that comes with being an exposed hoaxer or liar fills their need for attention.

But with some of the hoaxes, I can't help but feel there is something more going on. More than a group of folks with too much time on their hands. More than simple pathology. The desire for us to believe is way past looking for suckers to snicker about or a quick buck. They are so epic as to actually create mythos that dig into society like ticks and stay there. Even after these hoaxes are exposed, the "belief level" doesn't drop all the way back to baseline. It stays ratcheted up a notch as if to prime us for the next one.

I find this phenomenon every bit as fascinating as the paranormal kind. Maybe it's even a little bit paranormal itself.
What's ironic is that if a genuine pic of an ET were posted on the net, we wouldn't know it for all the freaking hoaxes.
At anyrate some guys have more time on their hands than is good for em'.


I hope the economy starts to turn around.

Think of how much bullshit we won't have to deal with once the people are working again.

I think history will look back at the internet and in terms of content, this era will look like a golfball squeezing through a hose; an unsightly bulge of content that need not ever have existed...

Why are people calling this a hoax? It's a viral video that I think looks pretty cool. It has over 200 000 views, so it's served it's purpose.
It's not real, but it's cool none the less. I also like that he added the "film" filter to make it look more realistic. It's a good way to hide lower budget CGI.

I don't think it's from the movie Super 8 though.
Just a joke ... I came across this, geeze now I forget ... but is was somehow connected to the Serpo crapola. At anyrate some guys have more time on their hands than is good for em'.

I honestly think that most if not all such things are the products of film and art students. Things like this go into portfolios but are also used to impress chicks, scare little cousins, and find an audience on youTube. I think film students/producers have been proven to be the source of the famous "Olivers Castle crop circle ufo"video, the "Alien Autopsy" film, the "Jerusalem UFO" vids, and well you just about name it.

Here are some other examples of well done (some more than others) short alien films:

and last but not least

Why are people calling this a hoax? It's a viral video that I think looks pretty cool. It has over 200 000 views, so it's served it's purpose.
It's not real, but it's cool none the less. I also like that he added the "film" filter to make it look more realistic. It's a good way to hide lower budget CGI.

I don't think it's from the movie Super 8 though.

Yeah, im not sure myself why ppl are saying that other than this


Similar brown footage, and clicking on the clips

Though the clips dont seem to play