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"Why Are They Still Taking Soil Samples?????"

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Skilled Investigator
We need to put this question to rest. Here's why they might be collecting soil, DNA, plants, etc:

1. Science never stops. Hell, WE still collect soil, DNA, and other samples all the time, and we live here. If we haven't stopped learning about mundane objects, why would we expect "aliens" to have learned everything about them?

2. In a related point, why do we assume "aliens" are enlightened beings? They may be as benighted as we are, fumbling through this universe as best they can. We may make zero sense to them, and all their efforts are attempts to make some sort of reasonable connection.. I liken this to our attempts to decipher and recreate dolphin language

2. "Aliens" may find our planet physically hostile. We can't stay at the bottom of the ocean, we can only go there for short periods of time. We collect samples every time, because we can't set up shop and observe things long term. Perhaps grays are constructs "aliens" use to traverse Earth for brief periods of time.

I hear this excuse on the show all the time and it makes me cringe.