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Why California has to enforce a vaccination law

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Is There a Kinder, Gentler Way to Get Anti-Vaxxers to See the Light? | L.A. Weekly

So a couple of weeks back Jerry Brown signed SB 277 creating one of the toughest "forced vaccination" laws in the country

California Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Tough SB 277 Vaccination Law | L.A. Weekly

basically because people where taking the personal-belief exemption to the limit creating largish pockets of non-vacinnated children and hence increasing the odds of mini-epidemics. As to be expected Santa Monica was one of the larger pockets.
Once you start forcing the populace to get shots you are heading down a slippery slope. If the government makes a law that every family must be chipped what are you going to do? I grew up in a time where you could choose if you wanted a vaccination and I am still here. Fight this if you can.
Note: This Bill is for forced immunizations for CHILDREN , I neglected to mention that in my initial post.

To be honest Dave i have mixed feelings about this. I have rather libertarian values and believe in state's rights and resent the state forcing us to do anything But it came to this because of the number of people that are now scared off from immunizations because of all the stories about autism being the result. In this, everyone seems to know someone who knows someone that has a child that has acquired autuism, which does seem to be on the uprise, but i'm not so sure about it's causes.

Autism has raised the stakes. i'm sure there has always been a segment of the population that has chosen the non-vaccination route but those numbers are increasing as thus increasing the chances of small epidemics which in the end can be costly to the oublic as a whole. It's a whole cyclical dog chasing his tail thing...that's probably a bad anology.

The thing is many people who choose to not vaccinate their kids use their religious beliefs. While i have not looked deeply into this aspect the truth is i don't think there are any religious institutions that prohibit these. I know some religions forbid the body being desecrated by being cut open and scientology is famous for their stand on medication for emotional and psycological problems... maybe in order to sell their own way of becoming healthy mentally...i don't think any religion trully prohibits vaccinations. I know self proclaimed orthodox jews that have and haven't (for religious reasons) had their kids vaccinated. it shows that people may not really aware of what their faith requires or maybe they are just using it as a crutch.

At any rate, while i do believe in free choice for adults with mature immune systems...for the record i haven't gotten a flu shot in 10 years nor gotten the flu in 25+ years...at the same time i think it's not too much to ask to have children whose immune systems are easily compromised to be vaccinated especially when there isn't much behind the religion claims and/or fear of autism. For the record i am childless so i am not personally affected in this matter.
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Let's remember the Golden Rule. Them's that have the Gold makes the Rules. Politicians do what they are told. I haven't seen too many politicians looking out for the little guy, you and me. The donors who give money for elections and reelections get to make the rules. Politicians who want power and money take their marching orders from the rich and powerful.

What I object to is the idea of making the sheeple get in line for forces shots. Once those who are really in power see this, it's much easier for crap like implanted chips to take place. You don't need to look too deeply to see our personal rights are being eroded. To me this kind of stuff is just a first step to get everyone in line.

Remember what Benjamin Franklin said: those give up their freedom for security deserve neither.