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I can't speak from the standpoint of individuals of various religious persuasions.   But one thing almost all religions seem to have in common is voluntary self-denial of  closely held biological needs or pleasures.   Variations on celibacy,  abstention from certain foods at certain times,  restrictions on dancing,  are some of the most common.  

Statistically meaningful results in studies of extra sensory perception seem stuck in that same hazy margin of  un-collapsed macro superposition that plagues the study of UFOs.  Phenomena repeatedly indicate something meaningful,   but manage to fall just short of criteria  necessary to gain admission to the realm of hard and repeatable science.  My personal impression, anyway. 

Some jaded and frustrated UFO researchers are suggesting we shift our focus away from the UFO itself to concentrate on personal correlations (even seemingly obscure ones) of witnesses in well documented and solid cases.  This is not a suggestion that UFOs are imaginary, but rather that they may be inextricably intertwined with the psyches of individual witnesses in ways we don't begin to understand.  Given the 60 year lack of progress in untangling the nature and origin of the UFO,   this is an avenue that should be further explored.
