Kevin Daly
Skilled Investigator
Imagine an isolated community who have somehow avoided being contacted by the rest of humanity, and are therefore outside the mainstream of current human knowledge and global civilisation.
Imagine then that members of such a community over the course of time observe meteors, overflying jets and (for the sake of argument, whether this is or is not what some UFOs are) extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Is it not reasonable that these people would assume that these three very different things:
1) A purely natural phenomenon
2) Technological artefacts created by other members of their own species
3) Technological artefacts created by one or more alien species
....were all manifestations of the same phenomenon, given that they're all "What the Hell was that?"s up in the sky?
I have a sneaky suspicion that we could make open contact with non-human intelligences tomorrow and we would still be finding unexplained phenomena in our skies for centuries to come.
Imagine then that members of such a community over the course of time observe meteors, overflying jets and (for the sake of argument, whether this is or is not what some UFOs are) extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Is it not reasonable that these people would assume that these three very different things:
1) A purely natural phenomenon
2) Technological artefacts created by other members of their own species
3) Technological artefacts created by one or more alien species
....were all manifestations of the same phenomenon, given that they're all "What the Hell was that?"s up in the sky?
I have a sneaky suspicion that we could make open contact with non-human intelligences tomorrow and we would still be finding unexplained phenomena in our skies for centuries to come.