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Why so many ad breaks?

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Just out of interest why are there so many commercial breaks on the Paracast? I understand the concept of selling ads to help pay for overheads but I figured that because the Paracast isnt affiliated with an actual radio network it wouldnt have to adhere to such strict rules as far as ad breaks go.

Also sometimes theres a break and instead of a commercial the long drawn out "Paracast" audio piece plays and the actions picks up again..

Just curious is all.
We have breaks approximately every fifteen minutes, which is far far less than on any commercial station I know about. We want them as infrequent as possible, but we still have to cover our Internet and dedicated server expenses.

We are nowhere near being able to take a salary, so no bagels and cream cheese for us yet.
Ahh ok. Thats cool, I understand the need for sponsorship. You mentioned that there was a chance of getting broadcast on a commercial radio station... is that still in the works?
Gene Steinberg said:
We have breaks approximately every fifteen minutes, which is far far less than on any commercial station I know about. We want them as infrequent as possible, but we still have to cover our Internet and dedicated server expenses.

We are nowhere near being able to take a salary, so no bagels and cream cheese for us yet.

Plus, the breaks give David time to catch his breath on some episodes!:)
GSB said:
Ahh ok. Thats cool, I understand the need for sponsorship. You mentioned that there was a chance of getting broadcast on a commercial radio station... is that still in the works?

Yes, most definitely.
I'm hoping that Gene will look into FlyTunes ASAP. It's designed for the iPhone & iPod Touch but mobile devices also. If they can get on there for free and connect with the 3G iPhone for it's streaming audio that would reach a new audience for sure! I've used it quite a few times on molasses speed EDGE and WIFI on my 1st generation iPhone and on my MacBook and it rocks! :D You can sign up for free and or choose not to sign up and give it a try.

Curious? http://flytunes.fm/FlyTunesIPHONE.aspx
Who does the 'You've entered the Paracast, with your hosts'... etc at the introduction, and who does the rest of the 'You're in the Paracast'...etc...You know the ones with the Pitch shifted voices & filter layers?

Goody said:
Who does the 'You've entered the Paracast, with your hosts'... etc at the introduction, and who does the rest of the 'You're in the Paracast'...etc...You know the ones with the Pitch shifted voices & filter layers?


I think it David B doing the intro. And it sounds like someones kid doing the other stuff.
Goody said:
Who does the 'You've entered the Paracast, with your hosts'... etc at the introduction, and who does the rest of the 'You're in the Paracast'...etc...You know the ones with the Pitch shifted voices & filter layers?


Sounds like David with a pitch shift on intro. Dunno who the kid is. My guess is David's GF's kid. Just a guess.
For myself, I need those breaks! I exercise while I listen to the show and believe me at my age and weight it is a real struggle. I need those breaks to take a breather and some sips of water and then get back up there and keep going. The show helps time pass more pleasantly and the subjects are so interesting that it helps me keep up my program. And since I cover the timer with a towel so I don't get demoralized the commercials help me know how far I've gotten and that I'll make it thru another day of working out.
Soooo...okay, that's one reason I adore the Paracast!
Yes, we need time for you folks to recover. :)

Seriously, if the show came to terrestrial radio, they'd impose 15 minutes of commercial time on us for each hour (it used to be as high as 20). That's how the industry works, although we'd hope they'd give us the big bucks to go with the aggravation.
If someone could design software that recognized commercial breaks and edited them out they would make a fortune. Like "Lets have a cliffhanger" could be a cue to edit a commercial break.

Anyway I don't watch television if it not on my DVR. It's AMAZING how much time is devoted to commercials. If you skip them you find an hour program only takes about 40 minutes to watch. Guess I'll just continue to hit that FF button just long enough to manually edit out Birnes.

I don't suppose the advertisers would be content putting ALL their ads at the end or beginning of the show huh??
So Gene, David, can you fill us in on who does the voice parts I referred to earlier?

& in my opinion, it is quite possible that a child does not do the other voice piece as it's easy to replicate a childs voice; if it is however, than that is pretty neat :).

Gene Steinberg said:
Seriously, if the show came to terrestrial radio, they'd impose 15 minutes of commercial time on us for each hour

Gene, I thought you were on one terrestrial station in Las Vegas or something. Did that change?
Yes, because we learned they had not signed up with any rating service, so we were confined to test pattern status in terms of being able to use our audience as part of our ad sales program. Sigh.
Gene Steinberg said:
Then you'd have just two places to skip, and the purpose of the ads is to be heard, so the media company can make money.

Gene, I understand that, just sort of a sarcastic jest. I know the advertisers need to be throughout the program. And if someone actually did design some software to edit out commercials and everyone was using it, then the advertisers would pull out. You just can't have a program without them, a neccessary evil I suppose. Then again they make the program happen, so I have no problem dealing with them. I do have a FF button.