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Why so much confusion with Kenneth Arnold?

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Creepy Green Light

Paranormal Adept
I saw this earlier, but I have to agree...
I wish I knew what he saw. By his own accounts, there is too much confusion. Here is what he is saying one of the craft looked like;http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ufo_briefingdocument/images/KArnold.jpg

But then he also draws this diagram; http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-I6tGcr71KuQ/VZgM5X3SvRI/AAAAAAAABhs/DmEt2qIuqQE/s1600/Arnold+Drawing.jpg

Then the cover of his book depicts this; http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1362758543l/17564713.jpg

But then says this "They were silvery and shiny and seemed to be shaped like a pie plate…What startled me most at this point was…that I could not find any tails on them.”

So what DID they look like?
Do you care to elaborate? Thanks :)

We are now in that infamous hall of cracked mirrors that constitutes the sociological and political side of the UFO.

During the years of 1947 to 1948, the Air Force did little to conceal its interest in the UFO phenomenon and were seemingly concerned about national security implications.

Project Sign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Government investigators reportedly took an interest in the Arnold case. Arnold and his story became, either incidentally or by design, entangled with the largely discredited Maury Island incident. UFO investigative events in Arnold's life began to look a little like deliberate disinformation. Perhaps it was.

Many here will be much better familiar with particulars. The late Phil Coppens, who has in the past appeared on The Paracast, devoted some effort to untangling the Arnold/Maury Island mess. As we have come to expect in this field, lines between verifiable fact and fiction become blurry, while the overall strangeness of the story is less easily dismissed.

The strangest UFO encounter… or a hoax?

An excellent history of governmental interaction/handling of the UFO phenomenon is work done by Thomas Tulien. I think he would make a superb Paracast guest. Although he keeps a relatively low profile and I am unaware of his having done interviews.

History of the United States Air Force UFO Programs | Sign Oral History Project
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We are now in that infamous hall of cracked mirrors that constitutes the sociological and political side of the UFO.

During the years of 1947 to 1948, the Air Force did little to conceal its interest in the UFO phenomenon and were seemingly concerned about national security implications.

Project Sign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Government investigators reportedly took an interest in the Arnold case. Arnold and his story became, either incidentally or by design, entangled with the largely discredited Maury Island incident. UFO investigative events in Arnold's life began to look a little like deliberate disinformation. Perhaps it was.

Many here will be much better familiar with particulars. The late Phil Coppens, who has in the past appeared on The Paracast, devoted some effort to untangling the Arnold/Maury Island mess. As we have come to expect in this field, lines between verifiable fact and fiction become blurry, while the overall strangeness of the story is less easily dismissed.

The strangest UFO encounter… or a hoax?

An excellent history of governmental interaction/handling of the UFO phenomenon is work done by Thomas Tulien. I think he would make a superb Paracast guest. Although he keeps a relatively low profile and I am unaware of his having done interviews.

History of the United States Air Force UFO Programs | Sign Oral History Project
Thanks for sharing all that. Pretty interesting stuff. And as time goes on - the further from the truth in these matters we get.
That's a terrific piece of work.

Clearly this singular event doesn't prove that UFOs are spaceships. The totality of unexplained events is employed for that, although that's still not enough to confirm the theory.
The realization of a spiritual attack, was a historical evident review of CHRIST versus SATAN 1000 as the balance.

Satan, the alchemy of the natural Earth was converted by ancient occult practices, using the Pyramid as the activation signal to cause the conversion activation of a UFO nuclear orbital reaction in the atmosphere. The conversion signal forms an irradiated Earth stone interaction to change natural atomic/nuclear fusion of stone to allow for the unnatural levitation of stone.

The pyramid aligned to Temples, whose schematics as a design demonstrate a similar plan to the inside of a transmitter/transreceiver, demonstrates that the ancient occultist knew how to alter the natural fusion of stone.....make it lighter so that they could levitate huge blocks in buidling. Yet obviously did not consider the cause and effects of altering natural nuclear/atomic fusion...which Earth stone belonged to. Earth and natural life therefore got attacked by the UFO converting signal interaction that began to nuke life, and cause a multitude of effects by a changed atmospheric to ground state interaction.

The bible called a book of Revelations reviewed and considered due to altering the Christ Heavenly Spirit. Christ by occult review was the consideration of the generation of the Holy Ox....oxygen generation/regeneration the only reason for life survival in an atmosphere being irradiated.

The ancient occult practice murdered the CHRIST, called the JESUS, PHI review, via the PHIlosophy of the stone...secret building practices...only known to occultists. The occultists using the Giza/stonehenge Temple system was an ancient science and technology that ancient civilization used. It then attacked them giving them the advice that occultism/science was an evil act that destroyed life by attack/irradiation.

Hence when the spirit of CHRIST was murdered, the evidence stated....brain chemicals changed, causing euphoric mind conditions that also lead into mental health disorders/hearing/seeing spirits by changed brain chemicals. Changed chemicals alters both sound/brain/mind interactions. This is why the psyche attacked is a disorder only caused in the interaction and easily and readily scoffed at until you become a victim yourself.

We are meant to live as a family, a family of spiritual life aware of our own families suffering due to past life irradiation/causes by the human choice.

We are meant to live and learn about our past mistakes about spirit and change suffering from existing only due to self awareness. The suffering of our family was a spiritual review that was called JESUS....where humanity (as in modern day attacks) gained stigmata, brain chemical changes, self combustion and irradiation, unnatural bleeding from the cells, human madness due to irradiation. Prickling of the brain or crown of thorns the evidence that the brain was being attacked causing unnatural cell bleeding.

All forms of phenomena, such as levitating belonged to the condition of being irradiated, therefore in the atmospheric changes, the ancient review of PHI already factored that an inherited human condition would be prophecized due to ancient CHRIST losses to happen in the Year 33AD, belonging also to a natural disaster activation via the loss of stone fusion or nuclear orbital signals. It certainly happened just as prophecized....for the Hebrew community already being spiritually attacked/irradiated tried to inform the occultists that occult practice was destroying life, it changed natural stone fusion that corrrelated to spiritual attack/cell change and also natural disaster activation in the same act.

As usual the evidence states, occultists or owners of the civilization and all statuses refused the wisdom advice, ignored the advice, murdered the advisors of the Christ Revelations until they themselves were personally attacked/irradiated. This is why the Shroud of Turin states a much later attack on the spiritual life as a Christ review/spiritual murder of life, which was then supported by the Roman Empire as a Christ truth, due to self evidence. Stone distintegrates also causing holes or sink holes, hence buildings would suffer structural disintegration, and also sink into the ground, which the Rome ancient review demonstrates did happen.

Therefore it is obvious that ancient life was irradiated and attacked, changed from a natural spiritual and cell life due to occult practices.

The same occult practices of converting nuclear or holy dust were allowed to be reapplied only due to the occultists winning the Holy War, as a series of Wars fought between the holy and unholy brotherhoods for or against occultism. Occultists won, and occultism repracticed.

The signals for nuclear orbital atomic signals as constants are real to the manifestation of the signal itself....and converting natural light radiation that supports stone having a metallic body bonding of iron.....demonstrates that in the nuclear manifesting signal unnatural metal bodies are formed in our upper atmosphere by the radiation particles from out of space infiltrating the atmosphere....particles streaming in the space body dust to Earth from the ancient attack to Earth.

Changing Earth's natural radiating atmosphere and reducing its mass, allows a different radiation particle reaction to occur in our atmosphere, which previously was not allowed due to atmospheric mass as a spiritual heavenly body of defence (Christ act). UFO is involved in the conversion signal activation or the manifestation of a changed ion bond/metal bond belonging to Earth fusion to allow stone to be converted into a liquid fuel. As atmospheric mass has reduced, and the carbonized effect study proven atmospheric gas burning, the UFO manifestation is destroying our life.

Natural Earth stone life is a state of cooled/evolved fusion involving natural chemical interactions, and the state of fusion itself now artificial to the life of Stone and Planet Earth's existence.

This is the only reason why metallic UFOs formed, and it then denatures all natural metal bonds by issuing its radio signal as a manifested false signal. The wavelength for conversion formed in the atmosphere then interacts with natural organic iron bonds and also the metallic bonds of a fused Earth stone. This is the only reason why blood leeches unnaturally from the organic cell, and the evidence of a metallic implant forming beneath the skin due to the irradiation itself.

As the advice of occultism states, a UFO signal was witnessed outside of the 911 buildings, and the metallic bonds of the building for some reason seemed to be weakened without any reason of advice or applied interference as a cause and effect review.

As mind contact and mind disturbance is already a studied model, known by the occultists via all forms of brain/mind/spiritual/channel interactions between the mind controller and mind controlled, is it any wonder that the 911 situation is also advised to be involved in the UFO signal manifestation and also mind choice or decision as a held signal relay?

Why else would a building gaining the UFO signal interaction also obviously gain metallic bond weakening?

What is occultism, but a changed radio wavelength via the condition of radiation light sound/wavelength conversion and then its forecast/transmission.

How does a human contact/over ride another's mind choice if not by their own negative spiritual interaction.......irradiation?

As a human being, a spiritual lived life as a healer and observer of spiritual interaction, my own life was attacked when I made public on the internet my own spiritual review/interactions and changed mind channeled advice (hearing of scientific data) and history. I knew that I became a victim of illegal research and also experimental ground studies of the human life/cell/spirit as a new God/Christ occultist review. I know what it is like to be irradiated for your brain burns, lips, eyes, tongues, hearing changes and then you vomit and have diaorreah.

After I wrote many documents and witness reports on Robert Bairds site regarding historical evidence of the UFO activation via the Ark hit of an ancient Temple explosion relating to the use of Ark of the covenant and the Ra or Eye of Ra, my mother had her eye attacked, became nauseous and could not eat or see properly. She ended up in hospital and all forms of medical testing has provided no clue to her condition. I know that her condition was caused by a purposeful attack by a satellite streamed radiation light sound signal due to my reporting of the data and occult evidence.

Occultism is science, and always has been science done and performed by evil minded self possessed human beings who never consider the cause and effect or changes to the natural life.......only because they want to be known as a great inventor and admired personally in public.

Occultism has been practiced several times historically on Earth, and is involved in archaelogical evidence of stone melt, changes to the Nature of life and also nuclear attacks as past life evidence. Occultism is evil, because science is evil and science changes the natural evolved state that supports natural organic life and its existence on Earth. It is personally owned by our occult brother, gained as self advice by his own consciousness and then used against his natural family involving his own purposes and choices.

Looking at this image has deeply irritated me ever since I was a child.

It doesn't make any perspective sense.

It's like one of the those 'impossible object' type things (google it).

I'm sure there was (and still is) much, much more going on behind the scenes and being subconsciously communicated with this and the 'impossible object' message is quite deliberate.
Everything old is always new again in Ufology. It's one of its biggest problems. But this is an iconic case happening in the great year of Perception Managment. Arnold has all that weird stuff unfold afterwards in the hoax case that he investigated. Everything appears to be under some kind of control from this point onwards.

We covered a few other elements previously here with this thread that begins with the Horten premise: Arnold Sighting - Mistaken Identification????

It's good to try to collect all the material together for future searching and investigation lest we chase our tails too often. For is not the entire history of Ufology nothing but a dog's exercise?

Canine UFO just prior to lift off. Trace evidence left behind was rather smelly.
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No doubt there is something nuts and bolts to this UFO subject. Also elements of hidden hands which seeks to effect eyewitness. Hell a lot of shit was ongoing during that time in history and easy to throw out many cases as just hoax's. Going on all the great researchers over the years who used footnotes and boots on ground in muddy fields of cattle mutilations , missing time, car, planes and ships oddities not armchair research this just another part of human history warts and all. The Kenneth Arnold episode just one and no doubt others were put aside for maybe good reason. Top secret aircraft and devices has to play a element part in the mythology of case which could be hoaxes not all which have carry through time and the lack of waves of incidents and true sightings could be humans maybe getting close to wherever it is ?
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Everything old is always new again in Ufology. It's one of its biggest problems. But this is an iconic case happening in the great year of Perception Managment. Arnold has all that weird stuff unfold afterwards in the hoax case that he investigated. Everything appears to be under some kind of control from this point onwards.

We covered a few other elements previously here with this thread that begins with the Horten premise: Arnold Sighting - Mistaken Identification????

It's good to try to collect all the material together for future searching and investigation lest we chase our tails too often. For is not the entire history of Ufology nothing but a dog's exercise?

Canine UFO just prior to lift off. Trace evidence left behind was rather smelly.
Thanks for posting that link Burnt. Very interesting.
The realization of a spiritual attack, was a historical evident review of CHRIST versus SATAN 1000 as the balance.

Satan, the alchemy of the natural Earth was converted by ancient occult practices, using the Pyramid as the activation signal to cause the conversion activation of a UFO nuclear orbital reaction in the atmosphere. The conversion signal forms an irradiated Earth stone interaction to change natural atomic/nuclear fusion of stone to allow for the unnatural levitation of stone.

The pyramid aligned to Temples, whose schematics as a design demonstrate a similar plan to the inside of a transmitter/transreceiver, demonstrates that the ancient occultist knew how to alter the natural fusion of stone.....make it lighter so that they could levitate huge blocks in buidling. Yet obviously did not consider the cause and effects of altering natural nuclear/atomic fusion...which Earth stone belonged to. Earth and natural life therefore got attacked by the UFO converting signal interaction that began to nuke life, and cause a multitude of effects by a changed atmospheric to ground state interaction.

The bible called a book of Revelations reviewed and considered due to altering the Christ Heavenly Spirit. Christ by occult review was the consideration of the generation of the Holy Ox....oxygen generation/regeneration the only reason for life survival in an atmosphere being irradiated.

The ancient occult practice murdered the CHRIST, called the JESUS, PHI review, via the PHIlosophy of the stone...secret building practices...only known to occultists. The occultists using the Giza/stonehenge Temple system was an ancient science and technology that ancient civilization used. It then attacked them giving them the advice that occultism/science was an evil act that destroyed life by attack/irradiation.

Hence when the spirit of CHRIST was murdered, the evidence stated....brain chemicals changed, causing euphoric mind conditions that also lead into mental health disorders/hearing/seeing spirits by changed brain chemicals. Changed chemicals alters both sound/brain/mind interactions. This is why the psyche attacked is a disorder only caused in the interaction and easily and readily scoffed at until you become a victim yourself.

We are meant to live as a family, a family of spiritual life aware of our own families suffering due to past life irradiation/causes by the human choice.

We are meant to live and learn about our past mistakes about spirit and change suffering from existing only due to self awareness. The suffering of our family was a spiritual review that was called JESUS....where humanity (as in modern day attacks) gained stigmata, brain chemical changes, self combustion and irradiation, unnatural bleeding from the cells, human madness due to irradiation. Prickling of the brain or crown of thorns the evidence that the brain was being attacked causing unnatural cell bleeding.

All forms of phenomena, such as levitating belonged to the condition of being irradiated, therefore in the atmospheric changes, the ancient review of PHI already factored that an inherited human condition would be prophecized due to ancient CHRIST losses to happen in the Year 33AD, belonging also to a natural disaster activation via the loss of stone fusion or nuclear orbital signals. It certainly happened just as prophecized....for the Hebrew community already being spiritually attacked/irradiated tried to inform the occultists that occult practice was destroying life, it changed natural stone fusion that corrrelated to spiritual attack/cell change and also natural disaster activation in the same act.

As usual the evidence states, occultists or owners of the civilization and all statuses refused the wisdom advice, ignored the advice, murdered the advisors of the Christ Revelations until they themselves were personally attacked/irradiated. This is why the Shroud of Turin states a much later attack on the spiritual life as a Christ review/spiritual murder of life, which was then supported by the Roman Empire as a Christ truth, due to self evidence. Stone distintegrates also causing holes or sink holes, hence buildings would suffer structural disintegration, and also sink into the ground, which the Rome ancient review demonstrates did happen.

Therefore it is obvious that ancient life was irradiated and attacked, changed from a natural spiritual and cell life due to occult practices.

The same occult practices of converting nuclear or holy dust were allowed to be reapplied only due to the occultists winning the Holy War, as a series of Wars fought between the holy and unholy brotherhoods for or against occultism. Occultists won, and occultism repracticed.

The signals for nuclear orbital atomic signals as constants are real to the manifestation of the signal itself....and converting natural light radiation that supports stone having a metallic body bonding of iron.....demonstrates that in the nuclear manifesting signal unnatural metal bodies are formed in our upper atmosphere by the radiation particles from out of space infiltrating the atmosphere....particles streaming in the space body dust to Earth from the ancient attack to Earth.

Changing Earth's natural radiating atmosphere and reducing its mass, allows a different radiation particle reaction to occur in our atmosphere, which previously was not allowed due to atmospheric mass as a spiritual heavenly body of defence (Christ act). UFO is involved in the conversion signal activation or the manifestation of a changed ion bond/metal bond belonging to Earth fusion to allow stone to be converted into a liquid fuel. As atmospheric mass has reduced, and the carbonized effect study proven atmospheric gas burning, the UFO manifestation is destroying our life.

Natural Earth stone life is a state of cooled/evolved fusion involving natural chemical interactions, and the state of fusion itself now artificial to the life of Stone and Planet Earth's existence.

This is the only reason why metallic UFOs formed, and it then denatures all natural metal bonds by issuing its radio signal as a manifested false signal. The wavelength for conversion formed in the atmosphere then interacts with natural organic iron bonds and also the metallic bonds of a fused Earth stone. This is the only reason why blood leeches unnaturally from the organic cell, and the evidence of a metallic implant forming beneath the skin due to the irradiation itself.

As the advice of occultism states, a UFO signal was witnessed outside of the 911 buildings, and the metallic bonds of the building for some reason seemed to be weakened without any reason of advice or applied interference as a cause and effect review.

As mind contact and mind disturbance is already a studied model, known by the occultists via all forms of brain/mind/spiritual/channel interactions between the mind controller and mind controlled, is it any wonder that the 911 situation is also advised to be involved in the UFO signal manifestation and also mind choice or decision as a held signal relay?

Why else would a building gaining the UFO signal interaction also obviously gain metallic bond weakening?

What is occultism, but a changed radio wavelength via the condition of radiation light sound/wavelength conversion and then its forecast/transmission.

How does a human contact/over ride another's mind choice if not by their own negative spiritual interaction.......irradiation?

As a human being, a spiritual lived life as a healer and observer of spiritual interaction, my own life was attacked when I made public on the internet my own spiritual review/interactions and changed mind channeled advice (hearing of scientific data) and history. I knew that I became a victim of illegal research and also experimental ground studies of the human life/cell/spirit as a new God/Christ occultist review. I know what it is like to be irradiated for your brain burns, lips, eyes, tongues, hearing changes and then you vomit and have diaorreah.

After I wrote many documents and witness reports on Robert Bairds site regarding historical evidence of the UFO activation via the Ark hit of an ancient Temple explosion relating to the use of Ark of the covenant and the Ra or Eye of Ra, my mother had her eye attacked, became nauseous and could not eat or see properly. She ended up in hospital and all forms of medical testing has provided no clue to her condition. I know that her condition was caused by a purposeful attack by a satellite streamed radiation light sound signal due to my reporting of the data and occult evidence.

Occultism is science, and always has been science done and performed by evil minded self possessed human beings who never consider the cause and effect or changes to the natural life.......only because they want to be known as a great inventor and admired personally in public.

Occultism has been practiced several times historically on Earth, and is involved in archaelogical evidence of stone melt, changes to the Nature of life and also nuclear attacks as past life evidence. Occultism is evil, because science is evil and science changes the natural evolved state that supports natural organic life and its existence on Earth. It is personally owned by our occult brother, gained as self advice by his own consciousness and then used against his natural family involving his own purposes and choices.

Dude I'd love a toke of whatever you're having.