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Wither [UFO] Iconoclast(s)? 2006-2014 RIP

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Wither Iconoclast(s)? 2006-2014 RIP - Who Forted? Magazine

Rich Reynolds' UFO Iconoclast blog disappeared this past weekend. I've yet to find an explanation or a reasonable theory as to it's demise. As many of you remember they were recently the source of much controversy regarding the Roswell "Dream Team" alleged alien photos. There was a week or two of internet thuggery on the part of Reynolds, Kimball and others directed at Kevin Randall, Don Schmitt and Anthony Bragalia...

The Roswell Dream Team Nightmare..."The Roswell Dream Team Nightmare" | The Paracast Community Forums

UFO Chronicles old interview with Rich Reynolds...Rich Reynolds; UFOlogy´s Biggest Pain! | INTERVIEW (Redux)
I don't know Reynolds, though he has said some nasty things about The Paracast as I recall. So, frankly, I just don't care. We have enough controversies in this field already.
I agree Gene, just thought it was interesting. His treatment of not only The Paracast, but also (along with PKimball) of K Randall and others was disgusting...
You know, when you said that, it turned my stomach, because I think that's an element of Stephen Greer's master plan.

I was going to say, "outlive the sleaze balls, scammers, misfits, doze brains, war mongers, idiots, and slime buckets." but then I realized that might be seen as politically incorrect by someone, and I just want to emphasize that this response is not alluding to anyone in particular, especially the person named in your quote, who has been rumored to travel with armed body guards and lock entire audiences inside lecture halls. So uh ya, that Stephen Greer, uh ... great guy ... really ( please don't lock me in a room with any armed Greerists ) :eek: .
Rich is back. Looks like it was all a cry for help...
Or what they call "social experiment" of some sort to see if anyone missed them, symptoms of an inflated belief in one's self importance. I expect that if I disappeared tomorrow, the people who missed me would mostly consist of my wife and son, and maybe I shouldn't be too optimistic.
Or what they call "social experiment" of some sort to see if anyone missed them, symptoms of an inflated belief in one's self importance. I expect that if I disappeared tomorrow, the people who missed me would mostly consist of my wife and son, and maybe I shouldn't be too optimistic.

Rubbish. We would all miss you Gene, BUT it would take away some of the pain if you could train the doggie to write the weekend paracast newsletter ....just in case....
I guess, it would be interesting to see ahead into your own funeral, just to see what folks would say. You might be able to eliminate some phony friends, and also find out who you should be sharing some more love with.

But getting back to the original topic:
I think it's unsporting to just purge a blog or forum just because the owner wants to quit. The people who have contributed to the discussions shouldn't have them wiped away as collateral damage. If you had a fanzine and decided to quit, you just stop, not go out and burn all the copies in people's homes. I guess it's part of growing pains of the Internet.

Just what happens to pages, or even forums like this one over the long run?
This is probably way too premature but whoforted is temporarily not available. But I may be just a little too skittish after two of my favorite sites (ufomystic and cabinet of wonders) kept popping in and out and ultimately disappeared.