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Worlds End Delayed Until Oct 21 Due To Technical Difficulties

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I have no idea what a Collider does, the science behind its design nor what purpose (if any) exists for this 'experiment' as a whole, but for some reason this just sounds like a very bad idea to me.

Quote from http://www.wireservice.ca/index.php?...rticle&sid=334:

"When two particles collide, the result, be it radiation, a particle, or a set of particles, can't be of higher energy than the overall initial energy," said Brad Gillies, one of the experts of the Collider Study Group (CSG). "Therefore, the black holes in the collider will be more like "theoretical" black holes. Their mass will be thousands times smaller than mass of a match head, so they can't pose any hazard to public health and safety or to the environment."

OOC, isn't a "theoretical" black hole just as deadly as a "real" black hole, in theory?
WE'RE SAVED!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Well for another month atleast.
I think that all of us on the paracast forums should gather in Geneva, form an angry mob and tear the whole thing down. :p
Fair Dinkum, this is the most sophisticated tool ever built by man.
this is the pinacle of our scientific knowledge to date...........
and its about to make scientific history.

this device is going to tell us things about the universe and the way it works that will revolutionalise our scientific database.

the leg work is all done theory wise we just need "results" to prove them and this beastie is set to take mans knowledge of our universe to a breathtaking new level

just an educated guess mind you, im no prophet
I have some knowledge about Cern through reading about it.I just hope they no what they are doing, scientists can go a little crazy? through there own self importance or egos. lets hope they have studied and researched all the known health and safety risks associated with such a experiment.
Fair Dinkum, this is the most sophisticated tool ever built by man.

I'm going to go with the space shuttle... two million moving parts. CERN is basically just a really big supercollider. Not much to do but accelerate microscopic particles to near light speed and watch.

Not that it isn't really cool tech--it's just a bigger version of tech we've had for half a century.

For what it's worth. I am as interested as a non geek can be, but damn most of these nerds can only tweet incomprehensible crap. Aspergers Syndrome anyone? LOL.

I do not mean to disparage the genius though. Its like wanting to hear from a band about their musical ideas and all you get is sheet music and gear talk.

Nevertheless, a fascinating time to be alive.