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Worlds largest UFO conference coming to Scottsdale

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Wrong part of the world for me, and I'm not really sure I'm a UFO convention type of person.

Having said that, there does seems to be a buzz about this year's IUFOC as their keynote event is Jacques Vallee being interviewed onstage by Lee Speigel.

Less promisingly Dr David Jacobs is also going to be giving a presentation. Strangely I haven't noticed much fuss being made about his attendance...
Actually it's closer to Fountain Hills, but that's just a technicality. I'll mention this in another thread in more detail, but we have scheduled Alejandro Rojas, from Open Minds, sponsor of the event, to talk about it and other stuff on The Paracast for our January 31 episode. Obviously the appearance of Vallee, who doesn't go to UFO conferences, is a great coup.
I went last year and it was an awesome time. If the great lecture guest aren't intriguing enough, they have a vendor room with great authors too. I met Chris O'Brein, Stanton Friedman, Kathleen Marden, Travis Walton, Richard Dolan, John from rendelshem forest (forgot his name at the moment ). Also got to meet Martin Willis from podcastufo.com. After the lectures you can have drinks with those attending. I wish I could go this year but my wife said we are taking the kids to Disney World instead. #ninegranddownthetoilet

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I went last year and it was an awesome time. If the great lecture guest aren't intriguing enough, they have a vendor room with great authors too. I met Chris O'Brein, Stanton Friedman, Kathleen Marden, Travis Walton, Richard Dolan, John from rendelshem forest (forgot his name at the moment ). Also got to meet Martin Willis from podcastufo.com. After the lectures you can have drinks with those attending. I wish I could go this year but my wife said we are taking the kids to Disney World instead. #ninegranddownthetoilet

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I just went to Disney World. For two adults and two children, my credit card got swiped for $453 just to get in the park. Each adult ticket is $111 including tax and each child ticket is $105 including tax (and some odd cents). Parking is $20.00.

Before I went I looked up the prices from Disney World from 1977-79 and an adult ticket was $6.50 and a child ticket was $3.50. I'm sure it was relative. I bet my grandfather (who was a NJ police captain) looked up at the rate chart where you pay and said something like "Je-sus Christ" while pulling out his wallet and shaking his head in disgust, lol.
Nope, $6.50 is not relative to hundreds of dollars. No way. Taking a liberal interpretation of price increases, you should not have paid more than $100 for the Disney World visit. I went there in the 1990s with the family, and it was expensive then. Even if I had the money burning a hole in my pocket, it wouldn't go there. Disney earned enough from the two tickets my son bought to take me to see the new Star Wars flick.
I just went to Disney World. For two adults and two children, my credit card got swiped for $453 just to get in the park. Each adult ticket is $111 including tax and each child ticket is $105 including tax (and some odd cents). Parking is $20.00.

Before I went I looked up the prices from Disney World from 1977-79 and an adult ticket was $6.50 and a child ticket was $3.50. I'm sure it was relative. I bet my grandfather (who was a NJ police captain) looked up at the rate chart where you pay and said something like "Je-sus Christ" while pulling out his wallet and shaking his head in disgust, lol.
This is a once in lifetime trip for our family, 10 days in Florida. We are taking in all the parks and doing a hot air balloon ride around (outside) Disney's park. My wife keeps reminding me that life is about the memories we make not the stuff we accumulate. (I'd rather buy a ATV......)

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I’m planning on being there this year at the UFO Congress to see Vallee and Lee Speigel. Also looking forward to another talk earlier the same day by one of the 1994 student witnesses of the Zimbabwe Ariel School event. I understand it’s just the second time she has given a public talk on her experience.

Last year I was there to catch Chris O’Brien’s presentation and a talk by the Allagash witnesses. The year before, among others, I caught Dr. John Alexander’s lecture. Enjoyed them all, even (as far as entertainment) a presentation by Jaime Maussan.

Looking forward to being there again this year. All of the conference presentations are available on DVD.

International UFO Congress
This is a once in lifetime trip for our family, 10 days in Florida. We are taking in all the parks and doing a hot air balloon ride around (outside) Disney's park. My wife keeps reminding me that life is about the memories we make not the stuff we accumulate. (I'd rather buy a ATV......)

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Right on. Every year when we go I take my kids on a helicopter ride. Same company, same pilots. You guys will have a blast there. What month are you going?
An ATS poster who is likely @Sentry (same avatar) posts the following concerning coming presentations concerning the Puerto Rico video at two conferences this year:

I'm sure some here must be asking isn't this case old news?
Yes, but it keeps getting revived, and it's going to be featured in at least two major UFO conferences this year. The SCU's Robert Powell is presenting the Aguadilla case at the International UFO Congress in Feb., and Rich Hoffman is scheduled to lecture on it at the annual MUFON symposium in Sept.

@Sentry, are you involved with either of these conferences and if so will you be able to update us here if either or both of these presentations will be videotaped and, if so, how we can access them? Thanks.
No, I'm not involved or planing on attending either, just following the Aguadilla Puerto Rico video case and it's coverage. Both the International UFO Congress and MUFON symposiums will be filmed and offered for sale. MUFON has put some of their lectures from their last event on YouTube, so maybe it will show up there. Until then, I'm reasonably sure we'll be able to get a summary of the highlights from those attending.
I'll be at the UFO Congress. We got tickets before the speakers were announced. I am glad to see that Vallee and few others will be there. I'll be bringing Sheaffer's new book to try to get it signed if I see him around the area. I'm hoping the Marilyn Monroe person is entertaining, but I've heard the basic story.

A lot of those scheduled are on my "do not attend" list - at least four or five come to mind without checking the schedule. Too bad they are not all on the same day. So it will probably be the last time I purchase tickets so far in advance. But it will give me time to take a few hikes in search of petroglyphs.

On the other side of things, a few family members are talking about Disney. I'm pushing for SE Utah to see some glyphs I missed last time. There is a pattern here.
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