Walter Bosley interview was interesting, to say the least. Ok, What the hell was going on with the signal? It sounded like someone was tapping your signal Don lol
It odd, because it not something i have heard before, the whistling sound, it was very loud at times when he spoke. Maybe there is a rational answer for what happened here... a bad line, a bad connection or something else, still weird though lol
My first exposure to Walter was on the Paracast. I really want to find more about what his Father told him. It Interest's me.
The Celts, handed down to future generations many weird tales and stories of beings living underground. I know, i beat this drum too much, but i don't no what it is, but i see a truth here for some reason. Maybe i am delusional or going mad lol (YE DECIDE) I was born into a culture of people telling wild tales and stories and most Americans have heard about the Leprechaun here? This creature was one of the Tuatha de dannann, were according to the real legend, not the Disney version went below ground long ago after fighting some war. Some of them, the Leprechaun went or decided to live in mountains, lakes and in rivers. Ringing a Bell here, Kind of odd, we have reports today, of odd things appearing around mountains.
I believe there might be something to this, the more research, i have done. I recently have discovered there might be Celtic ruins (dolmens) in Oregon and Philadelphia (maybe) That can not be confirmed by me, obviously( (living here) and that is stuff i found online, with photos. Yes i am aware the internet has it's problems. I'm checked still to see if i can confirm before posting more. I'm also convinced the Stones Structures in the (Hudson valley) were either build by the Celts or explored by the Celts and marked as window areas. I'm also of the believe the Celts, the Viking Norse and Middle eastern cultures travelled long ago to the Americas and met Indian local tribes and they shared ideas. These foreign and Indigenous tribes over the centuries provided markers to future peoples, marking locations to were Paranormal activity occurred fequently. It obvious, especially, if you explore the areas of high paranormal Activity. I bet you there is probably some ancient writing, a painting to be found or some legend or tales of paranormal stuff, that is associated with an area or state (in America) going back in time, before the white man came.
I'm also interested in "Ley lines" and "Crop circles" and the "Spiral symbol" Walter has found some interesting information, when it comes to the SPIRAL. Don, can ask him next time he is on? Crop circles, the debate.. Yes most Crop circles are Man made. However there is a number of Crop circles that depict spirals, those ones interest me especially. Maybe it's a culture thing? The spiral is a Well-known Celt symbol, but it does not exclusively belong to the Celt's.
The spiral has been found in the outback of Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Egypt, Canaries, Libya, Denmark, Germany, Russia, China, Northern America, Southern America. This just a small list without going into any great depth here. There is photographs that prove this, (i can find)
Ancient human cultures used the spiral to mark and decorate walls stones and even ornaments. So it had a great significance for many ancient cultures of the distant past. I have speculated in the past, i believe, the spiral is part of this UFO mystery and i still trying to figure out why it is? Doing more research in my free time, before speculating on that further.
Crop circle spiral is significant especially if it is appearing in England. Due to the history of the Uk for one... the first known organised tribe to have settled in England or brought it's cullture to that Island, was the Celts. The Normans (french) and William of orange of(holland) later invaders came after the Celt's had long influenced that country. A LITTLE HISTORY.. William of orange is the ( queens long dead relative and the Queen is actually of German and Dutch Blood. All British people are of European stock, THOSE ARE THE FACTS, the British term comes from Breton, a term used to describe the Celts living there at the time. So a CELT symbol is part of the crop circle phenomenon today and in the past, those it mean something? I see plenty of connections here, that lot of people seem to overlook.
Like why do like of people that are abducted or have contact with the Paranormal seem to have either Irish or German ancestry(especially American cases) well the majority seem to be.
"Either we are fucked up in the head as tribes or there is something else going on here?
Walter's Father said these being's were Human.The Celts the Tuatha de dannann, shining ones, the nordics, could this be these guys Walter is on about? Of course i am speculating again here., Anyway i going to finish up now, some of ye are probably sick of reading this stuff and somewhat weary of what i claim lol, sorry again.