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WoW Freakout...Demonic Possesion?

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Paranormal Maven
This kid's mom cancelled his World of Warcraft account. To be fair, he had reached level 80, but damn!

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I watched that the other day and got quite a chuckle. It looks like a major old school temper tantrum to me. He's definitely got some serious issues but I doubt that demons are one of them. :p
A lot of interesting little psychological bits of stage business revealed there. (One of these days, he may not be so happy about this video getting out.)

I'd be very concerned about his future prospects for hypertension.

It is fascinating to see, when you really let yourself be overwhelmed by anger, how the more animal recesses of your brain get tapped.
Yes. Yes, he did. That's probably one of the more disturbing things I've seen lately. What is the thought process there? I'll show you, I'll....stick this remote in my ass?
Yes. Yes, he did. That's probably one of the more disturbing things I've seen lately. What is the thought process there? I'll show you, I'll....stick this remote in my ass?

Maybe he is just trying to find new ways to entertain himself in a dreary World of Warcraft free world? :p
Okay, having your account deleted after reaching level 80 is unacceptable. I think he was rather calm if you ask me. I mean, I once thought I accidently deleted one of my level 80s, and I about hard a heart attack. He seems quite calm to me. I mean, c'mon, it IS WoW we are talking about here, not like SIMs or something. Sheesh!
Okay, having your account deleted after reaching level 80 is unacceptable. I think he was rather calm if you ask me. I mean, I once thought I accidently deleted one of my level 80s, and I about hard a heart attack. He seems quite calm to me. I mean, c'mon, it IS WoW we are talking about here, not like SIMs or something. Sheesh!

not deleted, deactivated, meaning she wasn't going to pay for him to play anymore.
not deleted, deactivated, meaning she wasn't going to pay for him to play anymore.
He should be able to earn lots of money with that act and a good manager.
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I dont see how its staged. Whatever the truth is, the dude thinks his account is cancelled.

edit, Ok i watched it again - I agree, it could be staged. I wouldnt be surprised either way.
Okay, having your account deleted after reaching level 80 is unacceptable. I think he was rather calm if you ask me. I mean, I once thought I accidently deleted one of my level 80s, and I about hard a heart attack. He seems quite calm to me. I mean, c'mon, it IS WoW we are talking about here, not like SIMs or something. Sheesh!

There's other MMORPGs out there...that are FREE...I play one Perfect World International. LOL

Funny tantrum though.
I've never played WoW for many, many reason's. The closest I've come to WoW was in the studio when some of my workmates started a clan and asked if I wanted to join. I warned them to step away from me quickly or I'd stab them in the eyes.

I guess this kid needs a little fresh air, a girlfriend not made up of pixels and a real life.
If that's staged, the kid deserves an Oscar.
Really? For just acting like an idiot? I mean, really, sticking the remote in his ass? Highly unlikely. And why, if he were freaking out, would he keep his underwear on when he took the rest of his clothes off?

Also, to me, the "shut up" sounded like his brother using a deeper voice.
And he even actually shut up, which he wouldn't do were he really freaking out.

Totally staged for a "funny" youtube video, in my opinion.