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Wow Gary Bekkum-Richard Dotty great show last night

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Paranormal Adept
First off all thank for getting skype working again Don its great you include you listeners in your show to ask questions.

I was amazed at all the info and behind the scene info going on with Dotty both ufo and non ufo related nature. Gary Bekkum revealed some info I've never heard before in public, so that was very interesting. Thanks again for a great show Don,

There was a new Bekkum show last night?

I really need to keep track of the DMR blog or something. Whenever I see old names I always assume its a replay of an old interview.
I thought it was pretty good. My call sounded strange because I was pretty tired. Ward if you go to Gary's website he has all his articles posted there.
The Bekkum show is up in archives, however the link is broken, I get "page cannot be displayed"

it is broken link.

The linkage for the Wk31 Thursday (Gary Bekkum) show is still broken. With all the good comments this show is receiving, I am interested in listening. Any chance on getting the link restored???
Was Doty's name misspelled on purpose? Cuz in the UK, dotty means something un---complimentary?

Hehe I thought that too when I read it. Yeah, saucerwench, "dotty" does mean what you think it means. It kind of means "bordering on senility" but usually in an amiable sort of way. So Doty probably really isn't "dotty" just more devious or demented. So I think it may have been a typo ???

Hope you be well,

saucerwench & paraschtick you were the only ones to understand my hidden meta message of the enigma wrapped in the conundrum that was the "Dotty" reference

10 point to each of you

actually it was just me , I'm the king of typooooooooo-toes!

sorry for the confusion
Link for the show is still broken. I'm anxious to listen even though I struggle to believe Mr. Bekkum--though when I first heard about Operation Tango-Sierra I felt like I was on pretty good drugs.
Link for the show is still broken. I'm anxious to listen even though I struggle to believe Mr. Bekkum--though when I first heard about Operation Tango-Sierra I felt like I was on pretty good drugs.

Just checked the link and it is good. FYI.

Does anyone actually believe that Richard Dotty was operating on his own without the blessing and direction of someone within the AFOSI? I mean ...really now.
Has anybody here read Bekkum's book? A lot of his articles are intriguing, but I've refrained from buying it because I have this nagging feeling that he's full of it (as much as I'd like for the wild tales to be true).

(And I just finished listening to this show--quite the cliffhanger regarding the Bigelow situation)