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WTC 7 tell me what you think of this video

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Paranormal Adept
Have any of you seen this video before? very interesting indeed I have to say.

Watch it and tell me what you think.

Its strange that the reporter is talking about (well it appears that way) Building 7 having collapsed but it is clearly still standing in the back of the shot.

Fake video?

Just crazy conspiracy stuff?

Lets talk about it... yeah it is old ground but so is Roswell
There is a fair amount of people saying the lat part of the video is fake.... is it?
I have no idea.

Bit of time line for you all... I was in a video edit room when the attacks took place and have seen footage will make you blood run cold..
WTC 7 was on fire I do remember seeing that at the time with the raw video feeds we were getting in but what the truthers do not show you is how bad it was burning on the other side.
This video is worth looking at as it has not got the very clear "supposed detonations" on the right had side of the building that you see in the first video posted.

LOL it was a fake

well the last bit is but the reporter getting the time wrong is still standing... for now.

Guess I am behind the times with all this.
Here's a good writeup on the whole "BBC conspiracy" debacle from a good website (in my opinion) that debunks 911 conspiracy theories. IMO the idea that they would bring reporters from the BBC in on a conspiracy is completely ridiculous.

With the lack of even the smallest amount of hard evidence supporting their stories, conspiracy theorists have become more desperate to find anything which could be twisted to support them. Case in point: The WTC 7 was seen in the background of a BBC report while the reporter said the building had already collapsed. The story is that the reporters were given a "script" to say and these reporters stupidly read the lines before the building fell. Plain old common sense can dispatch this conspiracy story.

Why do they choose to believe the more unlikely conspiracy story which suggests that at least some reporters of some news organizations were given a script? Especially when, much more logically, miscommunication could easily explain the video.

Why in the WORLD would they need to give the reporters a head's up??? Why wouldn't they just blow the building up and let them report the collapse as they would have normally?

What most likely, logically happened: While investigating and updating information on the collapse of the towers, someone at the BBC was given a report/press release that building 7 was going to collapse. [Edit: we now know they were monitoring the news from different outlets and that's where they learned of building 7.] According to the fire department, by 2:00PM they knew the building would soon collapse. Reporters KNEW this well before the collapse because there are videos of reporters talking about it before it happened. So we KNOW reporters were given information on WTC 7's imminent demise. We can conclude from this evidence that the fire department relayed information to reporters that the building was going to collapse. By the time the report reached the reporter at the BBC, it may have simply been miscommunicated from "About to collapse" to "Has collapsed". She even starts out by saying "Details are very, very sketchy". That alone should put this to rest. She didn't say 'Sketchy'. She didn't say 'very sketchy'. She said "very, very sketchy".
It wouldn't be the first time reporters got something so completely wrong. They said it was a small plane at first, remember? They said Kerry choose Gephardt for VP, remember? They told the family members of trapped mine workers that their 13 loved ones were alive, all but one, when it was the other way around. Those are just a few glaring examples. I could go on... Reporters rush to be the first one with the news and often do a poor job of getting the facts straight. History is littered with examples of this. Even your average knuckle dragging, cave dwelling Neanderthal knows this. (My sincerest apologies Geico's Neanderthal man...)
Listen to Aaron Brown from CNN say the building collapsed or is collapsing with the building in the background.
I have had on this site since I started it (just under the 12 things we know for sure on this very page) the link to a video with someone from MSNBC saying “What we’ve been fearing all afternoon has finally happened.” As the building collapses. That makes CNN, BBC and MSNBC who knew the building was going to collapse. I searched for the MSNBC video because I remembered the media saying the building would collapse before it did. Here is that video again...
How many people knew that building was Building 7 before that day? It is unreasonable and unrealistic to expect every reporter to know the names of all the buildings in the World Trade Center. For all they may have known, building 7 could have been one of the smaller buildings which were also on fire.
The downright absurd conspiracy story: The government told many reporters to report something they would have reported anyway after the building collapsed.
A little critical thinking is all that's needed to debunk this nonsense. Why in the world would they make an already unbelievably massive conspiracy into one involving reporters who would LOVE a scoop like that? "Sept. 9, 2001 - EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS! Government about to murder thousands for oil! We have the script!" Can you imagine the job offerings after a scoop like that? Can you say Pulitzer prize? What a hero! Who would pass that up to help a shadowy government commit the mass murder of Americans? This would be MUCH bigger than Watergate! Or maybe this was a planed gaffe to expose this plot? Are we to believe this gaffe is the only way she could have told us? A method which could easily be dismissed as typical poor reporting?
And here is the kicker... Did they really need even MORE people involved? What was the reason they absolutely needed to tell the reporters this? Why haven't any of the other reporters talked? Are most reporters part of a mass murder scheme? How much can conspiracy theorists swallow?
At best, this is an attempt to take your minds off the real issue. Why did the media know the WTC 7 was going to collapse if there were just a few small fires? This is another part of the conspiracy story they don't want you to think about.

Do the conspiracy theorist leaders have one shred of REAL evidence of explosives or anything else which could take down the buildings? Air samples with trace explosive chemicals in it? A memo like the Downing Street memo? A whistleblower who was in on the planning maybe? None of that involves the so called "whisked away steel". They have nothing. They're left to scour the internet for the slightest mistake made by anyone on that horrific, chaotic day. They're left destroying peoples' lives by suggesting innocent people are involved in mass murders.
BBC's response...
I smell a deliberate attempt to quiet the media. It is not lost on me that the BBC recently created a story which casts the conspiracy leaders in a bad light. What media will want to expose the misinformation and deception of these conspiracy leaders if they incur the wrath of a few fringe lunatics? Apparently, Alex Jones, Fetzer and Co. would like their own shadowy, loose knit government based on fear. B@@!
Another update:
It seems I wasn't far off from what the BBC suspects happened. They even reference the CNN video above.
Here is a first responder with Building 7 in the background during an interview. Note the frustration in his voice because he can't do anything for the building.
First responder: "You see where the white smoke is? You see this thing leaning like this? It's definitely coming down. There's no way to stop it. Cause you have to go up in there to put it out and it already - the structural integrity is just not there in the building. It's tough, it's.. it's.. You know we can handle just about anything, this is beyond...
This new video explains how the building caught fire and may have weakened the building well before the initiation of the collapse.

So that pretty much takes care of that one, if you want to look at the site, it has some of the videos referred to in the article, here's the address: Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7, Building 7
It's got a lot of the more recently uncovered pictures and video of Building 7, before and after the collapse, which you'll never find on Truther websites because it makes them look bad.
Have any of you seen this video before? very interesting indeed I have to say.

Watch it and tell me what you think.

Its strange that the reporter is talking about (well it appears that way) Building 7 having collapsed but it is clearly still standing in the back of the shot.

Fake video?

Just crazy conspiracy stuff?

Lets talk about it... yeah it is old ground but so is Roswell
The fact that Building 7 collapsed defies logic. I haven't seen detailed pictures of the damage to the structure, but fire should not have caused it o collapse the way it did. The pancaking explanation doesn't adequately explain how the the twin towers collapsed and were pulverized into dust. Building 7 is suspicious, especially if you look into what was being stored there. There is more to the mystery than we know.
The fact that Building 7 collapsed defies logic. I haven't seen detailed pictures of the damage to the structure, but fire should not have caused it o collapse the way it did. The pancaking explanation doesn't adequately explain how the the twin towers collapsed and were pulverized into dust. Building 7 is suspicious, especially if you look into what was being stored there. There is more to the mystery than we know.

If you're really interested in finding out, give this a read, it's from Structure Magazine, it shows what may have caused the collapse of Building 7, which wasn't built like the towers. It wasn't just fires, the building was hit by the perimeter columns of the other buildings that came down, they were 1300 ft tall and Building 7 was only 400 ft. away. Anyway the article is called: "Single Point of Failure: How the Loss of One Column May Have Led to the Collapse of WTC 7" I'm not saying it's definitely the answer, but to say that the building collapsed only from fires isn't correct.
If you're really interested in finding out, give this a read, it's from Structure Magazine, it shows what may have caused the collapse of Building 7, which wasn't built like the towers. It wasn't just fires, the building was hit by the perimeter columns of the other buildings that came down, they were 1300 ft tall and Building 7 was only 400 ft. away. Anyway the article is called: "Single Point of Failure: How the Loss of One Column May Have Led to the Collapse of WTC 7" I'm not saying it's definitely the answer, but to say that the building collapsed only from fires isn't correct.
Interesting pdf. Still doesn't explain how the twin towers collapsed. Who knows? It would be nice if a person felt they could trust, and believe anything the government tells us, wouldn't it.
Interesting pdf. Still doesn't explain how the twin towers collapsed. Who knows? It would be nice if a person felt they could trust, and believe anything the government tells us, wouldn't it.

I couldn't agree more, there's a lot of unanswered questions about 9/11 and the governments story has plenty of holes, it would indeed be nice if we could trust them. When it comes to stuff like this, I like to get both sides of the story, some of the stuff the conspiracy guys say doesn't add up, just like some of the official stuff doesn't add up. I don't trust either side 100%, that's for sure.
I couldn't agree more, there's a lot of unanswered questions about 9/11 and the governments story has plenty of holes, it would indeed be nice if we could trust them. When it comes to stuff like this, I like to get both sides of the story, some of the stuff the conspiracy guys say doesn't add up, just like some of the official stuff doesn't add up. I don't trust either side 100%, that's for sure.
I couldn't agree more, there's a lot of unanswered questions about 9/11 and the governments story has plenty of holes, it would indeed be nice if we could trust them. When it comes to stuff like this, I like to get both sides of the story, some of the stuff the conspiracy guys say doesn't add up, just like some of the official stuff doesn't add up. I don't trust either side 100%, that's for sure.
That sums it up: On one side you have people earning a living selling fear, and on the other side you have governments and systems that stay in power by instilling fear. I have tried unsuccessfully to wrap my mind around 9/11. I think back to when that happened, and how naive I was. Should have seen what was coming in the aftermath, but didn't.
it is very plain to see a controlled demolition in WTC 1,2 and 7. NIST has even admitted now (after several revisions of their story) that building 7 "free fell" for a short distance. this means all resistance below the top floors was removed for a few seconds... that defies logic and physics unless you factor in the terrorism insurance claim on the whole complex and the cost of dismantling the buildings and removing all the asbestos.
it is very plain to see a controlled demolition in WTC 1,2 and 7. NIST has even admitted now (after several revisions of their story) that building 7 "free fell" for a short distance. this means all resistance below the top floors was removed for a few seconds... that defies logic and physics unless you factor in the terrorism insurance claim on the whole complex and the cost of dismantling the buildings and removing all the asbestos.

This is from NIST's own site, they explain the stage two free fall, if anyone wants to read the report and judge for themselves you can find it here: Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation

In a video, it appears that WTC 7 is descending in free fall, something that would not occur in the structural collapse that you describe. How can you ignore basic laws of physics?

In the draft WTC 7 report (released Aug. 21, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study), NIST stated that the north face of the building descended 18 stories (the portion of the collapse visible in the video) in 5.4 seconds, based on video analysis of the building collapse. This time period is 40 percent longer than the 3.9 seconds this process would have taken if the north face of the building had descended solely under free fall conditions. During the public comment period on the draft report, NIST was asked to confirm this time difference and define the reasons for it in greater detail.
To further clarify the descent of the north face, NIST recorded the downward displacement of a point near the center of the roofline from first movement until the north face was no longer visible in the video. Numerical analyses were conducted to calculate the velocity and acceleration of the roofline point from the time-dependent displacement data. The instant at which vertical motion of the roofline first occurred was determined by tracking the numerical value of the brightness of a pixel (a single element in the video image) at the roofline. This pixel became brighter as the roofline began to descend because the color of the pixel started to change from that of the building façade to the lighter color of the sky.
The approach taken by NIST is summarized in Section 3.6 of the final summary report, NCSTAR 1A (released Nov. 20, 2008; available at WTC Disaster Study) and detailed in Section 12.5.3 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (available at WTC Disaster Study).
The analyses of the video (both the estimation of the instant the roofline began to descend and the calculated velocity and acceleration of a point on the roofline) revealed three distinct stages characterizing the 5.4 seconds of collapse:
  • Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).
  • Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)
  • Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

This analysis showed that the 40 percent longer descent time—compared to the 3.9 second free fall time—was due primarily to Stage 1, which corresponded to the buckling of the exterior columns in the lower stories of the north face. During Stage 2, the north face descended essentially in free fall, indicating negligible support from the structure below. This is consistent with the structural analysis model which showed the exterior columns buckling and losing their capacity to support the loads from the structure above. In Stage 3, the acceleration decreased as the upper portion of the north face encountered increased resistance from the collapsed structure and the debris pile below.
i built a campfire this weekend and was waiting for it to collapse all at once.... it didnt. it collapsed one way a little then the other way a little... bear in mind it wasn't built out of structural steel, thousands of rivets, reinforced concrete, etc etc etc which probably would have helped initiate a global collapse... :rolleyes:
Remember 'The Towering Inferno' ? I thought these modern buildings are designed not to collapse from fire - the steel structure should see to that.

For me, the mystery is why the Towers came down anyway, no conspiracy needed. They were supposed to be designed to withstand such things? Of course, the impact of large aircraft is a singular event.
it is very plain to see a controlled demolition in WTC 1,2 and 7. NIST has even admitted now (after several revisions of their story) that building 7 "free fell" for a short distance. this means all resistance below the top floors was removed for a few seconds... that defies logic and physics unless you factor in the terrorism insurance claim on the whole complex and the cost of dismantling the buildings and removing all the asbestos.
It requires some mental gymnastics to explain how it was possible to synchronize two jets colliding with the buildings and controlled demolition. Is it impossible to carry out with the high technology that exists, no. Regardless of the truth of the matter: They used it as an excuse to pull all the stops; to implement policy changes, and to undermine our civil liberties in a manner which would never had been tolerated by the public had the events of 9/11 had not occurred. There are many things that just don't add up. As Lance stated, "believers," I don't believe anything. Especially what the government tells us.
WTC 7 was severly damaged in the collasp of WTC 1 and 2 most vids don't show the extent of the damage but if WTC 7 had survied that dark day it would have been torn down. And that is a 100% fact.
I haven't really studied the subject. There was extensive damage. I don't think there would be so much controversy surrounding the subject had the government conducted a better investigation. Here you have the worst crime in American history, and they spent more money investigating Clinton's sexual escapades than was spent on the 9/11 investigation. There will always be a question mark in my mind, as to what actually occurred on 9/11.