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You Gotta have evidence either way..

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Skilled Investigator
I just finished listening to the most recent podcast where the MUFON director spent a lot of time presenting his theories on how many UFO cases might be intelligence operations.

It's a good theory. One I have held myself on more than one occasion. However, I would like to point out that without any positive evidence you really can't push the theory too far, especially when it comes to individual cases.

My problem with theories about the US gummint being involved in UFOs goes something like this..

UFO reports of large silent hovering craft which then depart at high speed violate the known laws of physics.

While you can talk all you want about people keeping top secret projects all hush hush, what you don't find is any example of people keeping science itself hush hush.

The scientific community lives and breathes to publish data. If there existed a physics which could account for the reported behavior of these craft, a physics which had produced real practical engineering results, then we would have heard about it by now. Especially if it supposedly was producing real engineered aircraft as far back as the 1940's!

Sure, we kept the Manhattan project secret, for example, but what was not secret was the physics behind it! The physics behind the atom bomb was known ever since Einstein published his famous equation E=MC2. Building a bomb was an engineering problem, not a 'scientific secret'.

So, while I admit we have the capability of building any number of aircraft in secret, what we cannot keep secret are fundamental scientific principles.

Changes in scientific understanding are discovered via the publication, discussion, and dissemination of knowledge amongst the scientific community.

Since people have been seeing inexplicable strange craft flying around in the sky, for as best we can tell centuries, all of the time violating our conception of time, space, and the basic laws of reality as we understand them, I find it hard to believe that our government, or any other, has discovered some earth shattering new physics which would stand Newton and Einstein both on their heads.

Where is the evidence? I see absolutely none. Don't tell me how Boeing can keep an airplane secret. I know they can do that. Tell me how Boeing is engineering real technology which violates the known laws of physics without a single scientific publication or mathematical equation in existence that could account for such behavior? That is beyond comprehension. If you believe that is true then you must back it up with real established scientific principles, published in peer reviewed journals, and backed up by repeatable scientific experiment, that can account for it.

Don't say 'we' have mile wide silent heavier than air hovering triangular aircraft that can zip away at light speed without backing that up with something more than 'we can keep an airplane secret'.

Engineering always comes after the science, not before.

Gotta be brief,

Really impressed by James, found this episode very compelling want to hear more must listen again but my ipod just died :mad:.


I'd say you're right about it being next to impossible to keep secret aircraft that can do these things. But I didn't get the impression the guest was saying that this was the case for everything. In fact, I thought he theorized that the government would often take a real unexplained case and spin it to its advantage.

Also, when you say they violate the laws of physics do you mean the "winking out" phenomenon? I'd say that might violate the laws as we know them. But I don't think the act of hovering or extreme acceleration violate any laws, they just defy an explanation from the pov of 21st century science.
I was really making two points. The first, is that while having a theory that various UFO events are actually intelligence operations is fine it still takes positive evidence to prove it. It seems to me that the evidence most conspiracy theorists need amounts to little more than 'they could do it'. Just because someone 'could do it' doesn't mean they 'did do it'.

You need real positive evidence to prove that statement.

The second point I was making is that a lot of times I hear people saying that 'lots of these craft are probably ours'. Even in cases of massive triangular shaped craft I have heard this statement made.

My point is that while it is 'possible' for industry to build aircraft in secret it is not possible, or far less likely, for them to suppress basic science.

Building an airplane is an engineering problem. Figuring out why an airplane flies is a scientific problem.

A large hovering triangular craft, heavier than air, that flies silently. What technology does one propose can perform this feat? The only heavier than air hovering aircraft we have use standard Newtonian physics of F=MA. Harrier jets use enormous energy in terms of the downward thrust from jet engines and make so much noise it hurts your ears to be near them. Obviously lighter than air craft can and do hover silently. And, someone could certainly design a lighter than air craft that 'looks heavy'. However, if this craft then takes off with rapid acceleration this is not something lighter than air craft can do.

More to the point, if you believe the craft is using 'anti-gravity' then it is important to note that 'anti-gravity' violates all known laws of physics.


What *known* technology are you aware of, published in peer reviewed scientific journals, that accounts for this behavior?

It's certainly not 'electro-gravitics' if that is what you are thinking. Yes, back in the 1950s research was done on the Biefield-Brown effect, but it all turned out to be nonsense.

From Wikipeida: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrogravitics

Some, such as Byron Preiss, considered electrogravitics development to be "much ado about nothing, started by a bunch of engineers who didn't know enough physics". Preiss stated that electrogravitics, like exobiology, is "a science without a single specimen for study".

Personally, I come from the 'I don't know' school of UFO study. I'm a big fan of the word 'unknown'.

I don't know how flying saucers behave the way they do. I don't know who is flying them, where they come from, or even if they are physical or 'real' in the way we normally consider other objects we perceive in those terms.

What I do know is that if you say they are secret gummint aircraft you better have a shit load of evidence and raw science to back that statement up. To date I have seen very little to nothing to support this idea.


<sup id="cite_ref-Priess_2-0" class="reference"></sup>
What *known* technology are you aware of, published in peer reviewed scientific journals, that accounts for this behavior?

I can't speak to their technology. We don't know what technology is used (assuming these things are actually real), or that they are even "heavier than air" just because they appear that way. I'm just saying they may or may not be violating the known laws of physics. We have no way of knowing, only conjecture.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to hijack your post to argue some minor detail. I agree with what you're saying.:)
I agree to certain points with the statements made here. But i think we have to look at the bigger picture here and focus. Hold your hands up and decide for yourself" do you believe Roswell was a crashing of an Alien spacecraft or something else entirely.We need a solid debate here to this issue.There is also two issues to look at before you can even begin to look at the topic of back engineered craft
1 did crashes of UFOs occur? have we solid evidence to support that theory, and 2' could have there been contact behind the scenes that the world is not aware of.

Two is highly questionable and we have no reliable sources to verify number 2. One has more credibility and we have some reliable witnesses Jesse Marcel J comes to mind.

Is the idea of back engineered craft credible in the long run/ no if the the two reasons i outlined are not credible.

I still have to keep an open mind. To me" If you have a craft that is from another world in your hands. One, you have the advantage over everyone else. Like think about it? The science behind the craft and the engineering behind the craft, would be seen and viewed/ it not theory any more" it right there in front of your eyes. The problem for back engineered craft for me having an reality is, had we the human capabilities to repeat such technology, and that is the real question behind the whole topic of back engineered craft.

I read a statement from Ben rich and not sure if is credible, but he seems to have hinted at something more exotic and never been shown to the world.
During the interview Carrion talked about a certain case. Bare with me, i could be wrong to some details. Women and kid where traveling along the road. They spotted an unidentified craft, burns on their skin and helicopters a number of them where following the craft. This is an important case and it ties into what' we are discussing here. One what did the craft look like? and does it have a look similar to any craft we have in flight today? two did the helicopters follow the craft to escort it somewhere or did they arrive later to frighten away the craft. Two important issues here.
During the interview Carrion talked about a certain case. Bare with me, i could be wrong to some details. Women and kid where traveling along the road. They spotted an unidentified craft, burns on their skin and helicopters a number of them where following the craft. This is an important case and it ties into what' we are discussing here. One what did the craft look like? and does it have a look similar to any craft we have in flight today? two did the helicopters follow the craft to escort it somewhere or did they arrive later to frighten away the craft. Two important issues here.
