I hope your dad has a very happy birthday, and no it definatly doesnt ruin anything, it makes the point that even as a part of the superset that is "us" we each have our unique social markers.
The world is changing, and we with it.
Whats coming will be difficult for a species that has for many thousands of years lived as individuals behind the eyes that see the world.
Its changed "size" for want of a better description, it was a size X large, but then along came steam engines. the world dropped from an X large to a size large.
Trains that could take you from A to B, more more importantly do so to a timetable you could plan to.
Likewise with ocean steamers, now you could go from port A to port B, and be there at a time you could predict in advance (give or take a small margin), no longer at the whim of the doldrums, which could delay you for weeks or even months.
Then air travel was here and we went from a size large to a size medium
Then the internet took us from a size medium to a size small, hand written letters that took days par avon (by air) could now be sent in real time from any part of the world.
Data files that would have filled tea chests with A4 paper sent desktop to desktop in minutes
Then audio and video in real time......
X small is coming, when the functionality of the net comes via brain computer interface chips, when each of us becomes a node in the greater network.
But as the demo showed, being a node doesnt erase your individuality, it enhances, it shares it, just as dyinsun was able to share his fathers birthday with people the world over.
As nodes we will share information from other nodes, but also share the sunsets we see, and the songs we compose on the ukulele etc.
I know many of you are repulsed by the idea, but no one will be forced into the collective, it will be a matter of personal choice.
Just as iirc Jim moseley wont use a computer, while we all do.
The generations to come will embrace this change without a second thought