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Professional Breather
That banner pop up alert needs to go. I have blogged about the Paracast forums before. I have also directly linked to threads on here on various sites like Reddit. So how does me doing that somehow stop me from receiving that pop up every godamn page refresh.

Most annoying, mickey mouse thing ever...
It's recent and is only there to give people a notice about using ad blockers. Otherwise it doesn't show. Is that what you're referring to? Otherwise, I don't know. Regardless, it's easily dismissed.
But do I really need to dismiss it on every page load?

A large majority of malware comes through internet advertising. I would be a little hesitant to be telling people to disable their ad blockers. Sure, you mean just for your site but my mom would likely wind up with a subscription to the Pirate Bay and locked up in some corporate prison by the time she got those pop ups off.
It should not appear on every page load. Let me have a look. My problem with some of these ad block people is that they will allow ads of which they approve, but for me to get involved it seems I have to pay them.
Also, the language in the pop up seems to suggest that you need only disable your ad blocker, make a donation or blog about the Paracast to get it turned off. I think you either need to change the language in that or make it happen, which would be impossible to track. Heh. ;)

OK. That makes sense that something is up. I am using the latest version of Firefox on Windows 8.1.
You should be able to. If you cannot find it in any sort of CMS, then just search a line of the copy within the code and the database.
It lists several alternatives. One is to disable the ad blocker, another to make a donation. It doesn't state that sending a donation would somehow disable the message.