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Your Paracast Newsletter — August 11, 2024

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Gene Steinberg

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The Paracast Newsletter
August 11, 2024


Discover Amazing Paranormal Encounters and Learn of Possible Demonic Forces with Paul Dale Roberts on The Paracast!

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This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz take a fascinating journey through the amazing world of the paranormal with Paul Dale Roberts. He is a Fortean Investigator who investigates all sorts of phenomena from ghosts to demons to cryptids to UFOs. Roberts has investigated paranormal hot spots like Area 51, Skinwalker Ranch, Stonehenge, Bridge over River Kwai in Thailand, Tower of London, the headless Knights Templar in Prague, Czech Republic, Paris catacombs, UFO activity in Belize, Cecil Hotel and victim locations of well-known serial killers. During this interview, he'll cover ghost sightings, attempts at Roman Catholic house blessings to banish demonic forces, and the mysteries of time and time slips. Roberts is also a contributing author (along with Gene) for the new book: "Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space" available on Amazon.com. In addition, he is the co-owner of Halo Paranormal Investigations, HPI International, and is married to psychic medium Deanna Jaxine Stinson. His website: Home | Jazma Online Forum

After The Paracast — Available exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers on August 11: Explore more amazing paranormal encounters with Fortean researcher Paul Dale Roberts. In this episode with Gene and cohost Tim Swartz, Roberts covers the possible mysteries of Nevada's Area 51 and Mount Shasta. Also on the agenda: his Bigfoot hunts and a number of fascinating reports he's received via his 24-hour paranormal hotline. Now retired from his day job, Roberts investigates all sorts of phenomena from ghosts to demons to cryptids to UFOs. He has investigated paranormal hot spots like Area 51, Skinwalker Ranch, Stonehenge, Bridge over River Kwai in Thailand, Tower of London, the headless Knights Templar in Prague, Czech Republic, Paris catacombs, UFO activity in Belize, Cecil Hotel and victim locations of well-known serial killers. He is also a contributing author (along with Gene) for the new book: "Weird Time: Exploring the Mysteries of Time and Space" available on Amazon.com. In addition, Roberts is the co-owner of Halo Paranormal Investigations, HPI International, and is married to psychic medium Deanna Jaxine Stinson. His website: Home | Jazma Online Forum

Reminder: Please don't forget to visit our famous Paracast Community Forums for the latest news/views/debates on all things paranormal: The Paracast Community Forums.

About Reality Jumping
By Gene Steinberg

I like to think I have a pretty decent memory at my age. For the most part, important events over the years seem pretty clear to me.

Well, at least until they’re not!

So in my teens, my interest in flying saucers growing, I was walking one day through our Brooklyn, NY neighborhood with my friend, Larry. Overcast skies, huge clouds. All of a sudden, he announces success. He’s seen one of those strange objects in the sky.

I merely nodded absent-mindedly, and you’ll see why in a moment.

Over the next few months, Larry would continue to boast about his sighting, apparently assuming that I was a fellow eyewitness. I remained silent.

But one day I had enough and slowly and carefully explained to him that, from my point of view, we never saw a saucer. It was just an unusual cloud formation and nothing more. I tried to be gentle about and maybe I misjudged Larry’s feelings about the matter.

Oh well, it wasn’t the first time my meager social senses failed me.

Regardless, Larry was angered by my unexpected pronouncement and, in fact, I never saw him again. I suppose I overstepped the line, but after all, I had no memories of seeing a UFO on the day in question. None whatever. Maybe I should have stayed silent, but I never took it seriously.

But that’s not the point. In all this, perhaps Larry was right after all. He did see an unusual flying object, and attempted to describe it as accurately as he could. Maybe something strange was really going on, but I failed — or was unable — to see it.

In Ufology, there are reports of sightings where some people could see the phenomenon while others couldn’t. Yet it seems that if a physical object is being seen, just about anyone with decent eyesight ought to see something weird. Maybe descriptions will differ — and they do because human memory isn’t perfect — but seeing nothing?

One of the possible explanations of UFOs is that they are being observed on a subconscious level, and our sensitivities to such intrusions varies. Maybe it’s my lack of psychic ability that’s at fault.

On the other hand, the non-UFO encounter with Larry wasn’t the first time my experience varied considerably.

I remember the time in the 1970s when my first wife, Geneva, and I were sleeping on a mattress in the living room of our rented home in Pennsylvania. Why we chose not to use the bedroom that night is anyone’s guess.

It was that mystical hour of 3:00 AM when she awakened me to claim that she could see a “water elemental” in a far corner of the room, to my left I recall. Maybe something was there, but I wasn’t wearing glasses or contacts, so I didn’t see it.

There it went until I reminded her of the episode a few decades later. To me, the memory of that possible encounter, or her claim of such an encounter, was distinct; to her it wasn’t. She had no memory of it ever happening.

So could it be that I was just dreaming? I suppose.

But it wouldn’t be the first time our perceptions varied, or the last. Over the years, she has described events in which I was supposedly involved that I have no memory to call on. Without going into detail since it’s highly personal, it just didn’t compute.

Another example:

For several years, I attempted to help a family member in severe financial distress. It’s something I later suffered myself, but over a period of two or three years, I paid their rent and car payments.

I kept the receipts.

Yet some years later, one of those family members, who was in regular communication with me, had a decidedly different take on the matter. Someone else paid those bills, except for maybe one or two occasions.

I do not think the person in question was just lying. Very likely, they believed what they were saying. Their memory and mine were different.

I’d like to think I was right in all these episodes throughout my life. I remember them fairly well. Perhaps a few details might differ, but my recollections seem consistent in most respects.

So I can cite other examples, but you get the picture. I’m sure you readers will find incidents in your own lives where your perception, or memory, differed from others.

Is one person right, and the other person wrong, when recollections vary? If memories are so uncertain, so flawed, how can we ever rely on them?

Sometimes I look to the multiverse as a possible solution; perhaps a silly one. It’s a common theory in the UFO field that the phenomenon represents objects that blink into our reality and blink out. One explanation for ghosts has it that we aren’t seeing something from an afterlife, but a version of the individual or individuals in question who actually reside in other dimensions. Only the wall of energy or whatever separates them is sometimes porous.

Perhaps or own lives involve transitions from one reality to another, only we don’t sense the transition. Or if we do, it’s promptly forgotten. Even friends and family members may exist in separate places, moving in and out of realities over the years so that the version with whom you are in contact changes.

When human relationships fail, could it be that it sometimes involves different people from different realities occasionally interacting with one another?

Until they don’t?

One fascinating theory of paranormal encounters is that we collectively create our realities. Perhaps it’s a matter of a shared reality, perhaps the reality isn’t always shared, or we are sharing someone else’s reality.

Or maybe it’s all an illusion, or a set of illusions. My reality is different from your reality, and never the twain shall meet. Occasionally such realities intersect, but they might just as often separate. Each universe is separate.

Perhaps realities are simulated, and we are all subjugated by an unknown force that’s in control. At will, they can change the rules, the settings, and thus our perceptions of reality. It can happen on a whim, or, as some suggest, that the ultraterrestrials in charge of the universe are insane, temperamental and things are done with neither rhyme nor reason.

I’d like to think I’m in control of my own life, at least to some extent. But maybe none of us are in control, or maybe that realization will allow us some way to help direct events.

In short, my reality is not your reality except when it is.

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