The Paracast Newsletter
February 9, 2025
Discover the True Secrets of the Holy Grail, King Arthur and Alice in Wonderland; Explore Pop Culture with Graham Phillips and Brian Young on The Paracast!
The Paracast is released every Sunday and available from our site,, your favorite podcast app, and the IRN Internet Radio Network. All episodes from 2022 and later now feature better audio and fewer ads. We are also re-releasing some of our most popular classic episodes.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T SIGNED UP FOR THE PARACAST+ YET? PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PARACAST+ SO YOU CAN SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE ULTIMATE PARACAST EXPERIENCE AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE! We have another radio show and we’d love for you listen to it. So for a low subscription fee, you will receive access to an exclusive bonus podcast, After The Paracast, plus a special version of The Paracast with all the ads removed, when you join The Paracast+. We also offer a special RSS feed for easy updates of the latest episodes on your device. Episodes for subscribers to The Paracast+ are now released 24 hours earlier. Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! For the easiest signup ever, please visit:
This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a double-header featuring, first, Graham Phillips has been one of Britain’s bestselling non-fiction authors for over thirty years. His first books were co-authored with Martin Keatman. From the start the authors adopted a unique and adventurous approach to their research. In the 1990s Graham and Martin searched for the truth behind the timeless legends of King Arthur and Robin Hood. He has never been afraid of controversy. In 1995 he made headlines around the world, and created a storm in the Vatican that even involved the Pope himself, when he discovered a lost artifact that may have been the original Holy Grail. His first solo book, The Search for the Grail, told the fascinating story of this modern-day Grail quest. Graham’s latest book is Strange Fate — An Extraordinary True Story of Paranormal Discovery, along with Jodi Russell. Our second guest is Brian Young, an historian, cigar connoisseur, writer and researcher, with an interest in music, boxing and wrestling history, Victorian crime, with a focus on The Whitechapel Murders (Jack the Ripper), and has had a life long interest in history as well as the weird, and the wild. He is also the host on the Transatlantic History Ramblings podcast along with Lauren Davies. His book is “The Wrestlers’ Wrestlers: The Masters of the Craft of Professional Wrestling.” On this episode, Brian will use exercise his skeptical chops to comment on Graham’s comments and provide a wide-ranging pop culture perspective.
After The Paracast — Available exclusively to Paracast+ subscribers: In this wide-ranging interview, Gene and cohost Tim Swartz feature Brian Young. He is an historian, cigar connoisseur, writer and researcher, with an interest in music, boxing and wrestling history, Victorian crime, with a focus on The Whitechapel Murders (Jack the Ripper), and has had a life long interest in history as well as the weird, and the wild, where he takes a decidedly skeptical approach. He is also the host on the Transatlantic History Ramblings podcast along with Lauren Davies, heard on Spotify and other streaming platforms. His book is “The Wrestlers’ Wrestlers: The Masters of the Craft of Professional Wrestling.” With a pop-culture focus for this episode, Brian talks about the low-end movies he loves, and also discusses comedian Murray Langston, who gained fame on TV’s Gong Show as “The Unknown Comic.” And what about the early films featuring Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy? They include a Grade D sci-fi serial from Republic Pictures, “Zombies of the Stratosphere.” But Brian also talks about films in which Nimoy appeared, such as the 1951 baseball comedy, "Rhubarb," where he didn’t receive any credit for his brief time on the screen.
Reminder: Please don't forget to visit our famous Paracast Community Forums for the latest news/views/debates on all things paranormal: The Paracast Community Forums. And look for @theparacast on Bluesky Social, Facebook, Threads and X.
I Go to See Billy Meier and Erich Von Däniken
By Bob Zanotti
First things first. It's important to point out that I am in Switzerland, and have lived most of my life near the Swiss capital, Bern. Professionally, I was a broadcast journalist with the English Service of Swiss Radio International, Switzerland's shortwave radio station. For those who are too young to know, that's the way we used to broadcast to the world before the internet. The station was closed in 2004 and went to the internet, and I went into early retirement. Anyway, during my 32-year career at SRI, I got to know and interview hundreds if not thousands of people of all backgrounds and walks of life. But among the presidents and politicians, the princes and kings, scientists, Nobel Prize winners and artists, two of the most unusual and interesting people I met were Billy Meier and Erich von Däniken, neither of whom needs an introduction to The Paracast audience. And both of them are Swiss – close to home. By the way, both men were mentioned in the nostalgic Paracast of January 12th.
Let's start with Billy Meier. It was 1982. One of the popular German-language Swiss tabloid newspapers carried a front-page story about a man near Zurich who had reported seeing flying saucers. He even claimed to have regular contacts with them. His name: Billy Meier, and he lived on a rather large farm by Swiss standards, in a community called Turbenthal, north of Zurich. This was sensational news for a country with no UFO tradition, so the story created quite a stir and was picked up outside Switzerland as well. At one of the SRI English Service editorial meetings, we discussed the Meier story and decided to cover it. My boss knew about my interest in UFO's and the paranormal, so guess who was delegated to contact Billy Meier for an interview? Of course, I accepted the assignment with pleasure.
There was no listing for an “Eduard Meier” in Turbenthal in the phone book, so I contacted the newspaper that carried the story, and after quite a bit of coaxing and collegial schmoozing, I got Meier's secret contact information. It was not easy to get to him. As had been reported by the Zurich press, Meier was surrounded by an entourage of protective admirers and followers in residence, male and female. It reminded me of the stories of the Bhagwan, the Indian guru who was well known at that time in the United States. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was another cult figure with his headquarters here in Switzerland (someone else I interviewed). In any case, after being passed from one screener to another, I finally got through the Billy Meier filter, and an appointment was set up for the interview.
The drive from Bern to Turbenthal took about one-and-three-quarter hours. I had received instructions how to get to the isolated Meier farm. I was met at the entrance by one of Meier's entourage, and was escorted to Meier, sitting outside in the summer sunshine.
To be fair and honest, Billy Meier did not seem pretentious, pompous or egocentric. He seemed to be a humble, mild-mannered “regular guy.” I'm not 100% sure anymore, but he may have been drinking a beer.
Before recording the actual interview on tape (that's what we used back then), Meier and I had a long preparatory discussion in his native language, Swiss-German, the German dialect spoken by the German Swiss. That was an ice breaker. He could be himself in his own language. He could be at ease. He sounded and acted “normal” to me. This also gave me an opportunity to review my questions in advance with him, and to coach him in his English, which was very poor. In fact, he initially didn't want to do an interview in English.
After reviewing the questions, the interview began. It was a very tedious procedure; one of the most challenging and stressful interviews I ever did. The recording had to be stopped frequently so he and I could prepare for the next question and answer. I also had to translate and feed him the right English words during the entire interview, which lasted something like 1.5 hours in its raw, unedited form. If I remember correctly, we were alone during the interview, although one of Meier's followers was never far away.
After we finished the recording, we spoke for a while, again in Swiss-German. I asked him if I might witness one of his UFO encounters. He said that would not be a problem for him. But then came the caveat: The UFO visitors turned up at very short notice and didn't stay around very long. Obviously, there was no way I could make it to Turbenthal in time to see them.
The interview, itself, did not yield anything more than what has been stated by Billy Meier publicly. But of course, in this very rare English-language interview, he tells the story in his own words and in English — with a lot of help and coaching, I hasten to add. I would call this English-language interview with Billy Meier a unique sound document in that respect.
What is my personal opinion of Billy Meier's story? Well, as Long John Nebel used to say: I don't buy it. There are a couple of good reasons why not. Firstly, Turbenthal is located near a former Swiss air force base at Dubendorf, which was active at the time of Meier's alleged sightings. It was in the midst of the Cold War, and there was military radar surveillance 24/7. On top of that, Switzerland's biggest commercial airport – Zurich Airport at Kloten – was also scanning the skies 24/7. So how could UFOs have escaped that double radar surveillance? Secondly, the photographic evidence provided by Meier has been proven to be fake. Apparently, Meier's wife even knew it. The Swiss pride themselves on their quality workmanship, and the “saucers” and the photography that shows them are high quality, indeed. Too high quality, as a matter of fact. They are well-made, home-made “props.” It's amazing to me how many loyal followers Meier still has who take his claim and photo evidence at face value.
Finally, we also have to mention that Eduard “Billy” Meier has a police record for theft and forgery, albeit as a younger man. I think we'll leave it at that.
My exclusive 50-minute interview with Billy Meier in its final form is available to subscribers to The Paracast+
To sign up for The Paracast+ please visit:
Now on to Erich von Däniken (English spelling “Daeniken”, pronounced FUN-DAY-NEH-KEN).
After my early retirement from Swiss Radio International, I decided to keep creatively busy by starting my own website to continue classic radio-style reporting about Switzerland and things Swiss. I could definitely not overlook Erich von Däniken, who lives a mere 45 minutes from me, not far from the famous Swiss resort of Interlaken. In fact, it was in Interlaken in the Bernese Alps where von Däniken created his “Mystery Park” in 2003 (now renamed “Jungfrau Park”), depicting some of the greatest enigmas in the offbeat world, and based on his books.
Jungfrau Park - Wikipedia
The Mystery Park was meant to be a virtual visit to the great mysteries and anomalies of the world. But unfortunately, Mystery Park never attracted enough visitors to make it a success, so it closed only three years after opening. It seems that Erich von Däniken is a better writer than businessman. An idealist, to be kind. But back in 2004, when Mystery Park was new, I arranged for an interview with von Däniken on the spot. Once again, we spoke Swiss-German before the English interview. I got a cordial welcome. I have to say again that speaking to someone in their own language is often a much different experience than when they are working hard to express themselves in English – a foreign language in this case. It also builds confidence and acceptance on the part of the interviewee. Having said that, von Däniken is used to lecturing to a big audience, and his English is passable, unlike that of Billy Meier.
After our pre-interview chat in which I explained my paranormal background as an offbeat broadcaster in the New York area and my career at SRI, we began the interview. Von Däniken was polished and was not surprised by my questions. This was routine for him. After all, I was there to get his story and not to challenge or discredit him.
In short, I consider Erich von Däniken to be a serious researcher and documentalist in the field of the unknown. He has never claimed to have been a pioneer, but rather, to have studied the works of those who came before him, and to popularize the field, at which he has been extremely successful. We should be grateful to him for that. He is not a plagiarist; he simply offers the facts and a few speculative theories. Here in Europe he has a very big following and is taken seriously, even by scientists. Frankly, he is more articulate and convincing in German and French than in English, which is his third language. Americans forget that.
Like Billy Meier, von Däniken had trouble with the law as a younger man. But I personally do not see any connection between his early personal history and what he is doing today. He also says he regrets his past and has turned over a new leaf. I believe him. I think he is sincere.
Also like Billy Meier, von Däniken is nearly 90 years of age and still active. Maybe it's the good Swiss air, as von Däniken once told George Noory of Coast To Coast AM, adding: “...and a glass or two of good red wine”. I'll drink to that. I also do both.
My interview with Erich von Däniken is on my website
Erich von Daeniken – Switzerland In Sound
He also appeared with veteran UFO researcher David Halperin on the February 4, 2018 episode of The Paracast.
Here’s the link: February 4, 2018 — Erich von Däniken and David Halperin
Bob Zanotti, our Staff Announcer for The Paracast, got interested in UFO’s back in the 50’s as a pre-teen. What got him started was Max B. Miller’s book “Flying Saucers – Fact or Fiction.”
Bob and Gene Steinberg became friends in the 1960’s when Bob hosted a New York college radio talk show called “Coffee Klatsch”, which was devoted to the offbeat and the paranormal. Gene was a frequent guest on the show, as were Jim Moseley and other great names from the New York UFO group, including Dom Lucchesi, Jack Robinson, August C. Roberts and Tim Beckley.
After broadcast journalism studies in New York and Montreal, Bob’s calling led him to Switzerland, where he became a full-time broadcast journalist and presenter at Swiss Radio International, Switzerland’s international shortwave station. During his 32 years with SRI, Bob also produced a number of features involving the paranormal and the esoteric.
Bob is a firm believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life and that Earth has been and is still visited by ET, and that ET might actually be our creators. But he is open to other ideas, including the Multi-Dimensional Theory and the Time Traveler Theory.
Having said that, Bob also believes that many reports of UFOs are actually test aircraft or otherwise quite normal phenomena, not to mention hoaxes or wishful thinking.
Copyright 1999-2025 The Paracast Company. All Rights Reserved.
Privacy Policy: Your personal information is safe with us. We will positively never give out your name and/or e-mail address to anybody else, and that's a promise!
February 9, 2025
Discover the True Secrets of the Holy Grail, King Arthur and Alice in Wonderland; Explore Pop Culture with Graham Phillips and Brian Young on The Paracast!
The Paracast is released every Sunday and available from our site,, your favorite podcast app, and the IRN Internet Radio Network. All episodes from 2022 and later now feature better audio and fewer ads. We are also re-releasing some of our most popular classic episodes.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T SIGNED UP FOR THE PARACAST+ YET? PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PARACAST+ SO YOU CAN SUPPORT THE SHOW AND ENJOY THE ULTIMATE PARACAST EXPERIENCE AT A SPECIAL LOW PRICE! We have another radio show and we’d love for you listen to it. So for a low subscription fee, you will receive access to an exclusive bonus podcast, After The Paracast, plus a special version of The Paracast with all the ads removed, when you join The Paracast+. We also offer a special RSS feed for easy updates of the latest episodes on your device. Episodes for subscribers to The Paracast+ are now released 24 hours earlier. Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! For the easiest signup ever, please visit:
This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present a double-header featuring, first, Graham Phillips has been one of Britain’s bestselling non-fiction authors for over thirty years. His first books were co-authored with Martin Keatman. From the start the authors adopted a unique and adventurous approach to their research. In the 1990s Graham and Martin searched for the truth behind the timeless legends of King Arthur and Robin Hood. He has never been afraid of controversy. In 1995 he made headlines around the world, and created a storm in the Vatican that even involved the Pope himself, when he discovered a lost artifact that may have been the original Holy Grail. His first solo book, The Search for the Grail, told the fascinating story of this modern-day Grail quest. Graham’s latest book is Strange Fate — An Extraordinary True Story of Paranormal Discovery, along with Jodi Russell. Our second guest is Brian Young, an historian, cigar connoisseur, writer and researcher, with an interest in music, boxing and wrestling history, Victorian crime, with a focus on The Whitechapel Murders (Jack the Ripper), and has had a life long interest in history as well as the weird, and the wild. He is also the host on the Transatlantic History Ramblings podcast along with Lauren Davies. His book is “The Wrestlers’ Wrestlers: The Masters of the Craft of Professional Wrestling.” On this episode, Brian will use exercise his skeptical chops to comment on Graham’s comments and provide a wide-ranging pop culture perspective.
After The Paracast — Available exclusively to Paracast+ subscribers: In this wide-ranging interview, Gene and cohost Tim Swartz feature Brian Young. He is an historian, cigar connoisseur, writer and researcher, with an interest in music, boxing and wrestling history, Victorian crime, with a focus on The Whitechapel Murders (Jack the Ripper), and has had a life long interest in history as well as the weird, and the wild, where he takes a decidedly skeptical approach. He is also the host on the Transatlantic History Ramblings podcast along with Lauren Davies, heard on Spotify and other streaming platforms. His book is “The Wrestlers’ Wrestlers: The Masters of the Craft of Professional Wrestling.” With a pop-culture focus for this episode, Brian talks about the low-end movies he loves, and also discusses comedian Murray Langston, who gained fame on TV’s Gong Show as “The Unknown Comic.” And what about the early films featuring Mr. Spock, Leonard Nimoy? They include a Grade D sci-fi serial from Republic Pictures, “Zombies of the Stratosphere.” But Brian also talks about films in which Nimoy appeared, such as the 1951 baseball comedy, "Rhubarb," where he didn’t receive any credit for his brief time on the screen.
Reminder: Please don't forget to visit our famous Paracast Community Forums for the latest news/views/debates on all things paranormal: The Paracast Community Forums. And look for @theparacast on Bluesky Social, Facebook, Threads and X.
I Go to See Billy Meier and Erich Von Däniken
By Bob Zanotti
First things first. It's important to point out that I am in Switzerland, and have lived most of my life near the Swiss capital, Bern. Professionally, I was a broadcast journalist with the English Service of Swiss Radio International, Switzerland's shortwave radio station. For those who are too young to know, that's the way we used to broadcast to the world before the internet. The station was closed in 2004 and went to the internet, and I went into early retirement. Anyway, during my 32-year career at SRI, I got to know and interview hundreds if not thousands of people of all backgrounds and walks of life. But among the presidents and politicians, the princes and kings, scientists, Nobel Prize winners and artists, two of the most unusual and interesting people I met were Billy Meier and Erich von Däniken, neither of whom needs an introduction to The Paracast audience. And both of them are Swiss – close to home. By the way, both men were mentioned in the nostalgic Paracast of January 12th.
Let's start with Billy Meier. It was 1982. One of the popular German-language Swiss tabloid newspapers carried a front-page story about a man near Zurich who had reported seeing flying saucers. He even claimed to have regular contacts with them. His name: Billy Meier, and he lived on a rather large farm by Swiss standards, in a community called Turbenthal, north of Zurich. This was sensational news for a country with no UFO tradition, so the story created quite a stir and was picked up outside Switzerland as well. At one of the SRI English Service editorial meetings, we discussed the Meier story and decided to cover it. My boss knew about my interest in UFO's and the paranormal, so guess who was delegated to contact Billy Meier for an interview? Of course, I accepted the assignment with pleasure.
There was no listing for an “Eduard Meier” in Turbenthal in the phone book, so I contacted the newspaper that carried the story, and after quite a bit of coaxing and collegial schmoozing, I got Meier's secret contact information. It was not easy to get to him. As had been reported by the Zurich press, Meier was surrounded by an entourage of protective admirers and followers in residence, male and female. It reminded me of the stories of the Bhagwan, the Indian guru who was well known at that time in the United States. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was another cult figure with his headquarters here in Switzerland (someone else I interviewed). In any case, after being passed from one screener to another, I finally got through the Billy Meier filter, and an appointment was set up for the interview.
The drive from Bern to Turbenthal took about one-and-three-quarter hours. I had received instructions how to get to the isolated Meier farm. I was met at the entrance by one of Meier's entourage, and was escorted to Meier, sitting outside in the summer sunshine.
To be fair and honest, Billy Meier did not seem pretentious, pompous or egocentric. He seemed to be a humble, mild-mannered “regular guy.” I'm not 100% sure anymore, but he may have been drinking a beer.
Before recording the actual interview on tape (that's what we used back then), Meier and I had a long preparatory discussion in his native language, Swiss-German, the German dialect spoken by the German Swiss. That was an ice breaker. He could be himself in his own language. He could be at ease. He sounded and acted “normal” to me. This also gave me an opportunity to review my questions in advance with him, and to coach him in his English, which was very poor. In fact, he initially didn't want to do an interview in English.
After reviewing the questions, the interview began. It was a very tedious procedure; one of the most challenging and stressful interviews I ever did. The recording had to be stopped frequently so he and I could prepare for the next question and answer. I also had to translate and feed him the right English words during the entire interview, which lasted something like 1.5 hours in its raw, unedited form. If I remember correctly, we were alone during the interview, although one of Meier's followers was never far away.
After we finished the recording, we spoke for a while, again in Swiss-German. I asked him if I might witness one of his UFO encounters. He said that would not be a problem for him. But then came the caveat: The UFO visitors turned up at very short notice and didn't stay around very long. Obviously, there was no way I could make it to Turbenthal in time to see them.
The interview, itself, did not yield anything more than what has been stated by Billy Meier publicly. But of course, in this very rare English-language interview, he tells the story in his own words and in English — with a lot of help and coaching, I hasten to add. I would call this English-language interview with Billy Meier a unique sound document in that respect.
What is my personal opinion of Billy Meier's story? Well, as Long John Nebel used to say: I don't buy it. There are a couple of good reasons why not. Firstly, Turbenthal is located near a former Swiss air force base at Dubendorf, which was active at the time of Meier's alleged sightings. It was in the midst of the Cold War, and there was military radar surveillance 24/7. On top of that, Switzerland's biggest commercial airport – Zurich Airport at Kloten – was also scanning the skies 24/7. So how could UFOs have escaped that double radar surveillance? Secondly, the photographic evidence provided by Meier has been proven to be fake. Apparently, Meier's wife even knew it. The Swiss pride themselves on their quality workmanship, and the “saucers” and the photography that shows them are high quality, indeed. Too high quality, as a matter of fact. They are well-made, home-made “props.” It's amazing to me how many loyal followers Meier still has who take his claim and photo evidence at face value.
Finally, we also have to mention that Eduard “Billy” Meier has a police record for theft and forgery, albeit as a younger man. I think we'll leave it at that.
My exclusive 50-minute interview with Billy Meier in its final form is available to subscribers to The Paracast+
To sign up for The Paracast+ please visit:
Now on to Erich von Däniken (English spelling “Daeniken”, pronounced FUN-DAY-NEH-KEN).
After my early retirement from Swiss Radio International, I decided to keep creatively busy by starting my own website to continue classic radio-style reporting about Switzerland and things Swiss. I could definitely not overlook Erich von Däniken, who lives a mere 45 minutes from me, not far from the famous Swiss resort of Interlaken. In fact, it was in Interlaken in the Bernese Alps where von Däniken created his “Mystery Park” in 2003 (now renamed “Jungfrau Park”), depicting some of the greatest enigmas in the offbeat world, and based on his books.
Jungfrau Park - Wikipedia
The Mystery Park was meant to be a virtual visit to the great mysteries and anomalies of the world. But unfortunately, Mystery Park never attracted enough visitors to make it a success, so it closed only three years after opening. It seems that Erich von Däniken is a better writer than businessman. An idealist, to be kind. But back in 2004, when Mystery Park was new, I arranged for an interview with von Däniken on the spot. Once again, we spoke Swiss-German before the English interview. I got a cordial welcome. I have to say again that speaking to someone in their own language is often a much different experience than when they are working hard to express themselves in English – a foreign language in this case. It also builds confidence and acceptance on the part of the interviewee. Having said that, von Däniken is used to lecturing to a big audience, and his English is passable, unlike that of Billy Meier.
After our pre-interview chat in which I explained my paranormal background as an offbeat broadcaster in the New York area and my career at SRI, we began the interview. Von Däniken was polished and was not surprised by my questions. This was routine for him. After all, I was there to get his story and not to challenge or discredit him.
In short, I consider Erich von Däniken to be a serious researcher and documentalist in the field of the unknown. He has never claimed to have been a pioneer, but rather, to have studied the works of those who came before him, and to popularize the field, at which he has been extremely successful. We should be grateful to him for that. He is not a plagiarist; he simply offers the facts and a few speculative theories. Here in Europe he has a very big following and is taken seriously, even by scientists. Frankly, he is more articulate and convincing in German and French than in English, which is his third language. Americans forget that.
Like Billy Meier, von Däniken had trouble with the law as a younger man. But I personally do not see any connection between his early personal history and what he is doing today. He also says he regrets his past and has turned over a new leaf. I believe him. I think he is sincere.
Also like Billy Meier, von Däniken is nearly 90 years of age and still active. Maybe it's the good Swiss air, as von Däniken once told George Noory of Coast To Coast AM, adding: “...and a glass or two of good red wine”. I'll drink to that. I also do both.

My interview with Erich von Däniken is on my website
Erich von Daeniken – Switzerland In Sound
He also appeared with veteran UFO researcher David Halperin on the February 4, 2018 episode of The Paracast.
Here’s the link: February 4, 2018 — Erich von Däniken and David Halperin
• • •
Bob Zanotti, our Staff Announcer for The Paracast, got interested in UFO’s back in the 50’s as a pre-teen. What got him started was Max B. Miller’s book “Flying Saucers – Fact or Fiction.”
Bob and Gene Steinberg became friends in the 1960’s when Bob hosted a New York college radio talk show called “Coffee Klatsch”, which was devoted to the offbeat and the paranormal. Gene was a frequent guest on the show, as were Jim Moseley and other great names from the New York UFO group, including Dom Lucchesi, Jack Robinson, August C. Roberts and Tim Beckley.
After broadcast journalism studies in New York and Montreal, Bob’s calling led him to Switzerland, where he became a full-time broadcast journalist and presenter at Swiss Radio International, Switzerland’s international shortwave station. During his 32 years with SRI, Bob also produced a number of features involving the paranormal and the esoteric.
Bob is a firm believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life and that Earth has been and is still visited by ET, and that ET might actually be our creators. But he is open to other ideas, including the Multi-Dimensional Theory and the Time Traveler Theory.
Having said that, Bob also believes that many reports of UFOs are actually test aircraft or otherwise quite normal phenomena, not to mention hoaxes or wishful thinking.
Copyright 1999-2025 The Paracast Company. All Rights Reserved.
Privacy Policy: Your personal information is safe with us. We will positively never give out your name and/or e-mail address to anybody else, and that's a promise!