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Your Paracast Newsletter — July 14, 2024

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
The Paracast Newsletter
July 14, 2024


Join Paranormal Blogger Red Pill Junkie as He Explores UFO Abductions, Disclosure and Lots More on The Paracast!

The Paracast is released every Sunday and available from our site, https://www.theparacast.com, your favorite podcast app, and the IRN Internet Radio Network.
All episodes from 2022, 2023 and 2024 now feature better audio and fewer ads.

We have another radio show and we’d love for you listen to it. So for a low subscription fee, you will receive access to an exclusive bonus podcast, After The Paracast, plus a special version of The Paracast with all the ads removed, when you join The Paracast+. We also offer a special RSS feed for easy updates of the latest episodes on your device, and those episodes are now released 12-24 hours earlier. Flash! Take advantage of our lowest rates ever! Act now! It's easier than ever to susbcribe! For the easiest signup ever, please visit: https://www.theparacast.plus

This Week's Episode: Gene and cohost Tim Swartz present the return of paranormal blogger Red Pill Junkie. The mysterious RPJ (Miguel Romero) is an artist, writer and frequent guest on podcasts like "Where Did the Road Go?," "Radio Misterioso." and of course "The Paracast." He also collaborates on pages like "The Daily Grail." On the agenda is a close look at UFO abductions and folklore, and the possibilities for disclosure. Agnostic Gnostic, walking conundrum & metaphysical oxymoron (with emphasis in the "moron" part), RPJ says that he lives a double life: By day he serves as Grand Master of the International Sacred Order of Lucha Libre, but at night he impatiently awaits for the return of the mothership in Mexico City as well as pursuing his life-long study of everything considered mysterious and/or "paranormal," a term he personally detests. RPJ is also a gifted artist, and his work has been used in a variety of ways, such as book covers, and, of course, some of our cartoon caricatures for The Paracast. His website is: absurdbydesign.com.

After The Paracast — Available exclusively for Paracast+ subscribers by July 14: A close encounter with paranormal blogger Red Pill Junkie, as he talks to Gene and cohost Tim Swartzabout a variety of topics, including strange people across the ages with mysterious powers, religious mysteries, Earth-based UFOs from cryptoterrestrials, whether controversial experiencer Richard S. Shaver has received the respect he deserves, and artists and UFOs. The mysterious RPJ (Miguel Romero) also collaborates on pages like "The Daily Grail." RPJ describes himself as an Agnostic Gnostic, walking conundrum & metaphysical oxymoron (with emphasis in the "moron" part) and lives a double life. By day he serves as Grand Master of the International Sacred Order of Lucha Libre, but at night he impatiently awaits for the return of the mothership in Mexico City as well as pursuing his life-long study of everything considered mysterious and/or "paranormal," a term he personally detests. RPJ is also a gifted artist, and his work has been used in a variety of ways, such as book covers, and, of course, some of our cartoon caricatures for The Paracast. His website is: absurdbydesign.com.

Reminder: Please don't forget to visit our famous Paracast Community Forums for the latest news/views/debates on all things paranormal: The Paracast Community Forums.

About Those Classic Episodes
By Gene Steinberg

The other day, a friend in the business a fellow broadcaster, asked me what we were doing about all those older — legacy — episodes of The Paracast?

I hadn’t actively considered the fact that we’ve been doing this for over 18 years. More than 950 episodes have been produced of the main show, plus another 502 episodes of the After The Paracast bonus podcast. That’s the one available exclusively to subscribers to The Paracast+.

Now it’s not as if the older episodes aren’t available. They are, every single one. You can hear them from our site, and most likely from most podcast apps and player services, such as Amazon Music, Apple, iHeart Radio, Pandora, Spotify — even Samsung.

All right, some of them won’t display the oldest ones, perhaps due to limits in the number of episodes they choose to display. But you can always Search Episode on our Home page at https://www.theparacast.com

I don’t always want to blow my horn — but if I don’t who will? So I’ve worked with a number of great cohosts over the years with different approaches and often different viewpoints, and they gave The Paracast that extra sparkle that makes it unique in a crowded field.

Over the years, there have been notable moments that sometimes were worth a laugh even if they were serious.

So take the episode from December 28, 2008, featuring paranormal pretender Bill Knell, and Ufologist Frank Warren.

Let me give the spoiler: Before the episode, David Biedny and I planned our strategy to expose this faker. He fell into our trap, and before the end of the first hour, he took the hint and left. We then had Frank Warren on to provide some details of his investigation into that character’s shenanigans. He revealed how Knell allegedly sold pedigree dogs online for high prices and failed to deliver.

In yet another classic episode, May 23, 2006, we encountered one Sean David Morton. This self-proclaimed psychic and remote viewer made all sorts of outrageous claims, including an alleged friendship with the late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. To nobody’s surprise, we quickly found out that the claim — and others — were utterly false. Worse, Morton and his wife have since served prison terms for purported investment schemes and tax fraud.

In passing, someone wrote me recently recommending him as a possible guest. I simply recited the history, something the PR person evidently didn’t know, and never heard back.

These are among the classic episode I will re-release in the next few weeks. Again, you can search for them now by using the Search Episodes feature on our home page.

I suggest you wait. When I repost an episode, I go back and do some audio enhancements. If it’s noisy, I will apply some filtering to clean it up. Connection problems were legion with the earliest episodes even when I ran the show through a hardware processing system. In addition, the old ads are removed since most are way out of date. You do not, for example, want to listen to former UFO Magazine publisher William Birnes hawking subscriptions since it’s long out of business. And don’t get me started about that.

So older ads are all replaced by ads from the Spreaker ad system reflecting current products and services. But not a lot of them.

Having gone through all these episodes through the years, from scheduling, research, recording and editing, I was once again reminded of the wide range of people we interviewed and topics we covered.

Yet another example was our episode from April 10, 2011 that featured former pro wrestler and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura. In addition to his foray into politics, Ventura is an avid conspiracy theorist. So Chris O’Brien and your humble host talked to him about his book, “63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read.”

I didn’t expect much from the interview. His PR people said he could stick with us for just an hour, or less than half an episode. But as things progressed, Ventura got so involved in the back and forth that he hung out for the full episode. Definitely a classic whether you believe his conspiracy claims or not.

Another of my favorite episodes from the old days was the one from July 7, 2013 featuring Richard Toronto and Geneva Hagen. It was about the book entitled, “War Over Lemuria: Richard Shaver, Ray Palmer and the Strangest Chapter of 1940s Science Fiction.”

Palmer had a checkered history, first as a sci-fi fan and author, and then an editor. He also got caught up in the strange and unknown when he published and promoted strange stories from Richard Shaver that generated decades of controversy (he later co-founded FATE magazine). Shaver claimed that an advanced civilization existed in caverns beneath the Earth, where the deros, the bad guys, and the teros, the good guys, existed. The former, he claimed, engaged in all sorts of mischief impacting surface people such as you and I.

Now it’s easy to dismiss Shaver as a crank. His claims were by and large outrageous, at least on the surface, although heavily based on age-old legends and myths. I knew Shaver back in the 60s and 70s and found him likable, opinionated, but impressively clear in his letters and articles. When I co-edited a counter-culture paranormal magazine, Caveat Emptor, in the old days, Shaver was a fairly regular writer. Compared to many of the manuscripts I received, the ones from Shaver were well-written and required very little editing to prepare them for publication.

I only wish I still had that tape cassette containing my Shaver interview.

So loads and loads of memories, made more interesting by the fact that Geneva was also a co-editor of Caveat Emptor. And my ex-wife, but at least we broke up on friendly terms.

As to Ray Palmer, I knew him slightly and met him once. Again, there’s another lost recoding of my interview, this time reel-to-reel.

Now on the January 13, 2013 episode, we featured Ray’s son, Raymond B. Palmer, where the late Tim Beckley and I talked to him about his dad and his own memories of the old days.

Truly fascinating.

In passing, I also recorded interviews with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Major Donald E. Keyhoe and many others over the years. Again, years of moves later, the originals are sadly forever lost. I think. But if I find any when I do some packing for a pending move in the near future, I will prepare them for broadcast. With several cassette recorders on hand, they will be easy to edit for a future episode of The Paracast.

If you have any classic episodes that you’d like us to re-release after giving them a shave and a haircut, please let me know.

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